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No FX for me ?


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Iā€™ve experimented with many common effects pedals such as drive, compression, chorus etc and I seem to always come back to a simple straight into a good amp approach!!


I love the clean tone of a PBass and find it just works without really needing much else and Iā€™ve gone round in circles trying out pedals and finding they donā€™t improve what really doesnā€™t need improving !


The only pedals I have on my board now are my Shure GLXD16+ receiver / tuner and my Genzler drive channel footswitch for the Magellan 800


Im thinking I should downsize my board too as itā€™s a Metro 20 and the two items look a little lost on a 20ā€ board !

Edited by BassAdder60
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Update Iā€™m also selling my new Metro 20 board !!Ā 

Everything is off the board.


Shure GLXD16+ has rubber feet fitted so can sit on top of amp or floor. Genzler footswitch also has rubber feet so it can sit on the floor in front of speakerĀ 


Liberating !!Ā 

Edited by BassAdder60
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12 minutes ago, chris_b said:

I only play music where the bass has to sound like a bass, so I've never found a use for pedals. I've tried a couple at home, but never taken them to a gig.


Good basses, amps and cabs does everything I need.

Exactly my discovery..Ā 


There is something pure about a nice bass tone for any genreĀ 


Amp drive / valve amps etc I think have a place for sure too šŸ‘

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Iā€™m all valve Ampeg with a jazz or precision and donā€™t need anything else, in the studio sometimes Iā€™m RM500 with an Ampeg preamp pedal which is easy to carry, but thatā€™s it , Ā I did go through a phase of trying various pedals but they were wasted on me, I donā€™t like drive or distortion ,i like a clean and deep sound which I get nowĀ 

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If all I needed was filling out the traditional role as a bass player, and I didn't need to sound like anything but a "clean" (or slightly overdriven) bass, I could not only live with, but also be fully satisfied, with my bass going into my EHX Black Finger (tube driven optical compressor, though used predominantly as a tube preamp stage, with its two tubes operating at proper high 300V plate voltage) with a very subtle compression dialed in, and driven to just the edge of the breakup of its tubes, and then into an old SS Trace Elliot amp with a 1x 15" Trace Elliot cab.


I could even live without the Black Finger pedal, but I'd rather not, its been my trusty companion for just about any bass or guitar playing/recording I did for the past 20 years or so, and it just makes anything send through it sound better, in this case that would be taking the already really great sounding Trace amp + cab and make it sound absolutely amazing (mind a fairly subtle difference, but non the less a difference that makes all the difference, at very least to me at least).


However as it is I prefer the consistency that my "amp-less" setup provides, and need to be able to make several different sounds/tones, so I have a huge, fairly complicated pedal setup.


But honestly it doesn't sound neither any better or any worse, just different, and capable of more different sounds and noises.Ā 


Edited by Baloney Balderdash
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I also ditched my pedal board last year and have been OK with just the amp so far. That said, my amp has a compressor and a distortion channel and I still need the footswitch for that.


I keep looking at getting a HX Stomp, but the last few gigs we have had have had loads of near misses with drunk people's drinks and the guitarists pedal boards, and that has been putting me off slightly as I wouldn't want a pint spilled over a Ā£600 unit!Ā 

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