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Everything posted by Chris2112

  1. Is it a Dimarzio that goes in the Yamaha Attitude basses? Thats the best one, I reckon.
  2. On one hand, its a good year to buy, as things are cheap. However, it's a vicious circle - you make nowt on the stuff you sell, and things are selling slowly. I think I rotate gear, as my collection space is finite at the minute. So if I can't sell, I can't buy - this recently stopped me buying an awesome Warwick Streamer a few days ago! There are a lot of people selling Warwick basses atm!
  3. As for cheaper basses, I've had a few and they've been alright. A Squier Classic Vibe jazz that I sold after a week (it was lovely but I'd never have used it) punched well above its weight, and had a fretted jazz been what I was really after, would have lasted quite well in the collection. However, I prefer to have something a little better these days and that costs!
  4. I'll admit, I do get a kick out of using exotic basses like Kubickis, Alembics and Status. I'd never settle for a jazz or a jazz copy as for me, bass design has went so much furher than that! Everything has its place though.
  5. There might be more to it than just feel. I think it's a shame though that these guys couldn't be up front and honest - that is always how I try and do business. Don't let it get you down though, up and at 'em with a new gig!
  6. These threads are typically a "recommend you favourite bass" affair, so I'll throw my hat in and say a nice Thumb BO. I had a 1999 BO thumb with a beautiful wenge neck, bagged here for £600. Used, they are very reasonable basses! As has been said, the Thumb for me is [i]the[/i] Warwick sound; growling and burpy mids with a great small bodied shape, making it excellent for use in cramped studios as well as on stage!
  7. I've had a fretless Alembic Epic 5 string for a few months now, and it is absolutely incredible. It does have a hi-fi sound but it's not brittle or thin. The "grand piano" term is fairly accurate, to put it lightly the response is thunderous. It's a heavier bass but certainly not unmanagebly so and it balances very well. Certainly, the weight of it has never been an issue for me, though I prefer being sat with it in a studio listening to it through big monitors, just because it sounds so outstanding. And of course, I couldn't speak more highly of he build quality. The fit and finish are on par with the best basses I've ever played, including Alembics tagged at £5000! it has to be said that Alembic won't do anything by half and the quality of my Epic illustrates this perfectly. Although it is an "entry level" Alembic, the price is on par with many other expensive basses and it quite easily fends them off. It was beautifully set up when I received it, and is easily the best playing fretless I've ever held. The action is so low, you can play with such a light touch and yet still get wonderful ringing tones, and when playing with a harder touch and pumping along the strings never clatter or buzz; the sustain seems endless and every note is rich and vibrant. It plays so well it has effectively cut the field of fretless basses. I'd only ever consider a few select fretless basses in future with any real thought. Perhaps a Pedulla buzz, a Zon and maybe a Jaco jazz bass for old skool kicks. I got the Alembic for £600 in unblemished, almost apparently unused condition - it is a bargain of the highest order, not seen since I bagged a Kubicki for £600! I knew it would be a good one as people were PM'ing me before it had even arrived in the post asking for first dibs if I ever sold it. I know, sadly, that this is one bass I just can't let go because I'd be mugging myself at the price. It is insanely good, far too good a bass for a cackhander like me! On that note, having been blown away like I was here, I'd advise you to hunt the used market for Alembics. There were a couple of gorgeous fretted Epics for sale here a couple of months ago...
  8. [quote name='Alec' post='903332' date='Jul 23 2010, 04:07 PM'][/quote] Phwoar! One of the nicest Status basses I've ever seen! I'm going to have to get another Status someday...listening to Level 42 is doing my GAS now good! It'll be headless next time though, either an S2, Empathy or Kingbass Mk1!
  9. Billy kicked ass, which is more than can be said for some of the plodders on stage that night!
  10. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='926279' date='Aug 16 2010, 11:17 AM']I had a feeling this thread would degenerate into yet another "Let's all show how jealous of the virtuoso players we are and give anything we don't understand a good ignorant kicking!" Perhaps those knocking Tal Wilkenfeld, Mark King, et al, should look a little closer to home for the bad bassist first...[/quote] Mark King is the boy, I couldn't and wouldn't argue otherwise. I'm the first to defend virtuoso players, the reason why Tal pops up here is because she is [i]not[/i] a virtuoso and yet inexplicably gets gigs that are top level. I expect to see a incredible bassists alongside Chick Corea, for instance - imagine going to see Chick and expecting Garrison, Wooten, Feraud etc etc and getting Tal plodding along instead. Her playing is IMO far below par for the people she plays with and it is to the detriment of the music as a whole! It'd be like going to see the John Mclaughlin trio in the late 80's and finding Adam Clayton standing in for Kai Eckhardt!
  11. Chris2112


    Terribly sad news.
  12. Yeah, for a while there he was really, really skinny!
  13. Stan'y my favourite upright player, but I still find the instrument horrendously dull and even when Stan's playing it, I can rarely listen for long.
  14. During the nu metal age the standard of the average bassist in the genre was so shockingly poor it would be hard to name one in favour of the other! There were a few with great tone and great groove skills though (Tobin's playing on Pap Roach's "Infest" record, for starters) but usually they were pap root noters.
  15. [quote name='Bassassin' post='924549' date='Aug 14 2010, 12:10 AM']a guitarist mate forced a copy of Images & Words on me because "if you like Rush - you'll [i]love [/i]these guys!". Wrong. [/quote] Oh so wrong! RUSH to me are the definition of a rock band with soul, skill and class. They're incredible. DT leave me cold. I used to listen to a lot of DT but then I realised it just didn't click with me. They occasionally get it right (the crushing riff at the start of A Change Of Seasons) but usually get it terribly wrong. They are incredible players, particularly Petrucci. However, they so often sound dire. Myung has IMO some of the worst tone of any bassist recording today. It should be amazing, it is infact wooly, dead and dull. He can play some ridiculously accurate lines and has incredible stamina, but musically he is just characterless. It feels to me like his playing could be a synth! I think back to some of the inspiring stuff which is DT related ("Universal Mind" by Petrucci for one), but then I think of the hours and hours of toss they've recorded. Maybe one day I'll give it another go! However, Ruddess and LaBrie could ruin any record they go near.
  16. [quote name='Sonic_Groove' post='924876' date='Aug 14 2010, 01:53 PM']Oooh I see Tom Cruise sty-lye -- Same as Stanley's mate Chick Corea!? Now where's me spaceship [/quote] The old RTF stuff is laced with Scientology referencs - "Where have I known you before", "Hymn of the Sevent Galaxy". Even the name of the band! I still love the band though, even though Chick has arguably lost his touch (IMO) these days. I have the RTF reunion dvd and it's generally pretty good, but Chick needs reigning back throughout and uses some truely dire sound patches and solo excessively and seemingly without listening to anyone else. One key moment that highlights where it goes wrong for me, at the start of "Vulcan Princess" or something. Al gets this awesome little groove going with his guitar and locks in with Lenny. Stan echoes the line but quickly starts slapping out "Lopsy Lu", which blows it a bit. Chick then begins to noodle aimlessly over the line and before long all the power and momentum Al had built were crushed as four incredibly talented players inexplicably fail to gel and meander, doing their own thing! I'm also deeply saddened by the fact that Stan seems to be keen to hang up the electric bass for a while. "The Toys Of Men" is IMO the best solo record he has made and he seems to have hit his stride again after a long period of slightly lacklustre stuff. Shame he's loving the upright so much these days.
  17. [quote name='Shonks' post='925097' date='Aug 14 2010, 07:10 PM']yeah - that was a near thing - you might have ended up with a £1500 bass for half the price. How lucky was that!! [/quote] Given that the relicing is...aftermarket...I'm not sure it would have been quite worth that, to me anyway. For someone else, perhaps...
  18. I think in the interests of fairness and in order to prevent any further misrepresentation, the sale thread for this bass should at least be preserved in whole. Even if someone does buy the bass, at least they can review what is written here about the bass, ensuring they are fully informed of the "story" behind the bass! And I say this as someone who was interested in buying the bass until I discovered the relicing wasn't original, and on closer inspection of the pictures, not to my...tastes, shall we say.
  19. It's such a shame. I've emailed Phil Kubicki and Rob at Status in the past with queries about instruments I had bought used, and they were always spot on and prompt to reply to my emails. I asked Phil for advice on changing the strings when I first had a Kubicki Ex Factor and he emailed me a step by step guide and gave me his phone number incase I needed step by step advice on the phone! Incredible customer service! Whereas I fear if you went onto the EBMM forum and said "I want to tongue BP's rim" you'd still get flamed and knocked back because there are people with 5 or 6 MM basses there who haven't yet got to do that!
  20. Such a lovely looking bass in it's unmolested form...truely a shame that someone has done a rough job of relicing it!
  21. I thought the asking price was less first time around?
  22. [quote name='skej21' post='924450' date='Aug 13 2010, 10:25 PM']I also think it's disgraceful to play a Stanley Clarke gig and show NO respect.[/quote] I love it how you just seem to have arrived at the decision that this is Billy's mindset. I think you're actually quite far wrong. Billy is certainly a very supportive musician with a great deal of respect for the song. He is certainly not an egotist, he just knows how to have fun. I've seen him live with Vai enough times to know that he is incredibly talented, and can groove with great finesse if the situation calls for it. This is merely an opportunity for bassists to get on stage and sling a few chops about over a well known tune, Stan's tune no less. Given that the majority of people in the audience were bassists and likely fusion fans at that they've pitched it well I think. There are a few duff bits, like Alex Al, but it's all just good fun. I particularly enjoyed Stu Hamm's bit. Marcus Miller lost me a bit. However, the overall show is very good, apart from Stevie Wonder's awful redition of "Giant Steps". Seeing Stewart Copeland with Stan on stage was great, just like Animal Logic from back in the day!
  23. The way people revere Sterling, you'd think he designed the original Ray! That forum is full of terrible sycophants, there is no way to have a reasoned discussion there. Brand loyalty taken to the extreme!
  24. [quote name='Doddy' post='923932' date='Aug 13 2010, 02:34 PM']Although I'd never place her as an awful player,this is pretty much my opinion of her. She can play but there are many players who can blow her away,but aren't getting slipped a custard by Vinnie Colaiuta.[/quote] I think it's funny, because at the same time as Tal was new to scene, Hadrien Feraud was just getting about. However, he was making a name for himself as the most bombastic and outrageously talented player since Wooten arrived in the mainstream, whereas Tal just seemed to be a rising star based on the connections she got from piping off Vinnie Colaiuta!
  25. I remember reading an interview that Scott did a few years ago and man, was he saying some controversial stuff! I think most of it related to falling out with band mates on Zappa tours and waging war across the stage every night!
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