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Everything posted by EBS_freak

  1. Does anybody else think those wood pickup covers look rank? Or had nobody even noticed the bass?
  2. [quote name='Chris2112' post='1202559' date='Apr 17 2011, 12:56 PM']Very cool indeed, you're in a club with Jimmy Haslip![/quote] What? Sheps got a Mayones deal too?
  3. Wow... that's in a really tasty condition. Yum!
  4. Just as everybody is going small and lightweight...
  5. An original Tubescreamer. It was a budget pedal back then... just moved it on.
  6. [quote name='pantherairsoft' post='1200771' date='Apr 15 2011, 02:47 PM']Necks are wide. About as wide as they come, but also VERY slim in my experience. I'm yet to find a 6 string neck slimmer than a Roscoe.[/quote] Ibanez Jem...?
  7. Congratulations - but you better stock up on some replacement jack sockets!
  8. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='1141564' date='Feb 25 2011, 07:32 PM'][url="http://www.tymguitars.com.au/Lemon%20120.html"]These make the right claims.[/url][/quote] The thought of "buying a lemon" amuses me.
  9. [quote name='skankdelvar' post='1197449' date='Apr 12 2011, 10:15 PM']Honest mistake. Many a slip. Smoke without fire. More in sorrow than in anger. Disproportionate response. Dead men tell no tales. At the end of the day. Let sleeping dogs lie. If you get my meaning.[/quote] I'll have whatever he's smoking.
  10. [quote name='munkonthehill' post='1197407' date='Apr 12 2011, 09:59 PM']If I go into a shop I expect the seller to know what they have and what they are selling.[/quote] Ever been to PC World? -- light-hearted interlude -- [quote name='skankdelvar' post='1197411' date='Apr 12 2011, 10:00 PM']While this thread is still getting a huge audience, can I mention my mint vintage sunburst '62 P is up for sale. A beauty or what? [/quote] Nice Gibson!
  11. I've read about a few people on here breaking strings. I have come up with a one string bass. It means that there are less strings to break, therefore less of a problem. I've seen Sandbergs 2 string bass... this is better!
  12. [quote name='KevB' post='1197041' date='Apr 12 2011, 05:09 PM']I've never tried one of their rack tuners but I've had a Behringer foot pedal tuner for a while and never had any problen tracking, though I'm only a 4 stringer so never tried it on a low B for instance. I tend to tune my E string playing A on the 5th fret anyway just out of habit but it will track an open string E as well as any other pedal I've tried.[/quote] Again, this is where there is a difference in requirements from a tuner. I have numerous people come around with their basses to get me to intonate their basses/guitars on my strobe tuner. I'm in agreement with most tuners being able to do the job - particularly live - but there are some things, such as setting intonation, where it's great to have an uber accurate tuner. You'll struggle to get your intonation spot on if you are fretting along the neck to get your tuner to register. Usint the A on th 5th fret to tune your E string is great... but only if you E string is properly intonated in the first place - otherwise you'll find that your A is in tune but no other note along that string is! When in the studio, everything goes through the tuner - with the sweeteners on - it makes a difference. I hate hearing out of tune instruments prominent in the mix. Some like it though - maybe for a touch of soul - or whatever you wish to call it. Different strokes for different strokes. Means the devil Antares doesn't get a look in either! Weigh up what you really need and buy that. The amount of people who buy a rack tuner because it looks pimp and has lights is staggering. I was probably in that camp... but as soon as I find the ideal lightweight head, I'll ditch the rack tuner for the equivalent pedal. I'm all for the ease of carrying and loading stuff nowadays. I haven't got anybody to do it for me anymore! The lighter you make your rack, the better. If you can make it just your head in a rack case, even better. Also, I've got a Furman conditioner in my rack. Does it do anything? Nah. Just adds dead weight and size to the rack that I could with out to be honest! Thought it would look pimp and would improve something. In reality, it doesn't improve anything, gives you a faint glow to your rack... and is an unnecessary weight. Oh, and you'll get a sh1t hot, portable pedal tuner for €150 or an "ok" rack tuner for the same money.
  13. [quote name='BigRedX' post='1196746' date='Apr 12 2011, 01:10 PM']Plus if you have an instrument with the Buzz Feiten tuning system like the MTD Basses you need a tuner that is compensated for it.[/quote] Truth.
  14. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='1196742' date='Apr 12 2011, 01:07 PM']I'm not doubting but can you explain, if a string is tuned and the intonation is set properly surely it'd sound right in a chord?[/quote] You can never get your bass in tune across all strings for all keys. Thats where these guys say they can help - [url="http://www.truetemperament.com/site/index.php"]http://www.truetemperament.com/site/index.php[/url]
  15. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='1196734' date='Apr 12 2011, 12:59 PM']I don't understand all the jizzing over Peterson stuff, surely if something tracks quick and tunes like the Korg then that's all you need? I'm sure the Peterson is more accurate but to an inaudible level.[/quote] Playing single notes agreed. Playing chords, the Peterson has it. It certainly makes a big difference on guitars - especially with the sweetened tunings (waits for doubters to wade in...)
  16. Peterson Stroborack here. It's the business but expensive. It's also the best. I wouldn't actually recommend getting a rack tuner though - just get a really, really decent floor tuner. Peterson and TC spring to mind - and they'll work out cheaper than a rack unit that isn't as good. The amount of places I've gone without my rig wishing I had a really good tuner to hand...
  17. I had similar - turned out to be a spot of tennis elbow. See if you can get your arm strapped and see what difference that makes.
  18. [quote name='pantherairsoft' post='1194923' date='Apr 10 2011, 07:03 PM']Lovely! Not a 'massive' fan of the LG shape... It's a little odd, but yours is possibly the nicest I've seen. The SKB is killer! Love the Diamond boards too... Amazing.[/quote] Indeed - when seeing it out of context on a stand, it may seems a little off. Once strapped on, it looks great... and feels great to the player too.
  19. Andy Tolman on his GB Spitfire. Love his playing... top bloke too!
  20. [quote name='silddx' post='1188337' date='Apr 4 2011, 09:09 PM']Well, well, bloody well. I am missing my Warwick Corvette $$. I'm thinking of selling this to get a recent SH one with the very shallow Jazz style neck. This 'un now has a J-Retro 01, it sounds gorgeous, it looks gorgeous, but I miss 24 frets and the Warwick ergonomics. I'm such a flake. After all the things I said about it, how amazing it is, how it speaks to me, how utterly wonderful the neck is (all true aswell) I'm missing the Warwick vibe. Never thought I would. How sad am I? f***ing sad.[/quote]
  21. [quote name='Annoying Twit' post='1184344' date='Apr 1 2011, 10:20 AM']This was just reported in a legal form I frequent..... A new European act on product description has created a formal Europe-wide definition of a "bass guitar" for marketing purposes. The new definition states that to be a "bass guitar", the instrument must have four strings tuned EADG, be fretted, be typically worn supported by a strap, and several other defined characteristics. Instruments not meeting the specification may be sold, but may not be described as "bass guitars". After a previous, similar, act where the naming of "Soya Milk" and other vegetable "milks" as "milk" was banned, soya milk manufacturers renamed their product as "soya alternative to milk". Several bass guitar manufacturers, including Yamaha, have announced that they will be similarly marketing their non-conforming instruments as "5 string alternative to a bass guitar" or "fretless alternative to a bass guitar". Lawyers have given opinion that the restriction on naming extends to CD liner notes and other descriptive material. And hence track listings must not reference a "bass guitar" unless the bass in question is a four string fretted bass in standard EADG tuning. The consequences of the actions are far reaching, and it is not yet known whether instrumentalists such as Pino Palladino who specialise in playing fretless basses will still be able to describe themselves as a "bass guitarist". Lawyers have given their opinion that this is not clear, and the legality of such instrumentalists continuing to call themselves bass guitarists will not be settled until someone is sued for describing himself as a bass guitarist, and a legal precedent is created.[/quote] Lame effort.
  22. Been looking on YouTube for some time for this one. Got it... This is a Rumour featuring with Angie Stone. If you look carefully, you spot Bernie hiding in the curtains off to the side of the stage...
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