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Everything posted by therealting

  1. [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1474822951' post='3140806'] Might be worth checking one out at some point, that would be more useable size, although the fanning on the combustion never really caused me any issues, in fact I would say it was its best bit and certainly not why it had to move on. [/quote] I traded my Combustion for the Super J. It was a great bass, these two just fit me and my smaller hands better.
  2. [quote name='ikay' timestamp='1474815672' post='3140713'] I know this is heresy to the vintage purist, but I use nickel rounds on my '57 P single coil which make it purr like a contented pussycat. A warm piano like quality with a little more definition than flats. Very much a personal thing strings! [/quote] That's what they had on before and they did sound pretty good! Lively with the single coil pickup with lots of definition and actually a bit of grind. As I haven't owned a pre 57 before I thought I'd see what they sound like with flats since I really like flats on my Ps, but I may well return to rounds at some point.
  3. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1474815155' post='3140707'] Pre 57 Precision? You need La Bella 0760M Deep Talking Bass "Original 1954" flat wound strings.. [/quote] I've heard those are quite tough on the fingers, and I have issues with my hands as it is. Do they come in a lower tension / smaller gauges?
  4. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1474815604' post='3140711'] I had the same problem with a duff E before, all I did was ring up the shop I purchased them from and they sent me a whole new set. Sorry, can't remember which shop it was, but I'd try that route over making a video and going direct to Pyramid, try dealing with the middle man! [/quote] I bought them off someone in this forum and he's already helped me out by getting a replacement D string when that one snapped while I was tuning up, so I thought I'd go direct this time to save him the hassle! Thanks though.
  5. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1474814260' post='3140702'] I don't think there is a general recommendation, everyone seems to have a different favourite! If you want a mellower sound than Chromes, I can recommend Pyramid Golds. [/quote] I actually just put a set of Golds on but the low E is dead so I've sent them a video to ask about getting a replacement. They are much mellower and certainly on their own sound nice (apart from the E), just wonder if they will have enough definition in a band mix. How have you found them?
  6. Hello, Wondering if there is a way to show the location of the thread starter when viewing an item in Mobile mode. At the moment, if the poster hasn't put the location in their post (something I think everyone should do really), you have to scroll down to visit the desktop site (which is unwieldy on a phone screen) to view the poster's location (which they might not even have put in their profile), then scroll down again to return to mobile mode. Thanks!
  7. [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1474813052' post='3140690'] The fanning on the 805 / 806 is quite mild and really not noticeable, once you have got over looking at it. they are a lot less of a difference from a straight neck than the Dingwalls have and even those are not so noticeable after a while (although the 5th string on a dingwall is really long, and that is quite noticeable if you have smaller hands like me!). [/quote] The Super P and J - which I have - are the more comfortable (for me) "medium scale", 32-35" fan on the 5-strings vs the others which are 34-37" on the 5-strings. As a comparison, my Ibanez SRFF806 is 33.6-35.5" for a six string, so less fanned indeed.
  8. Am open to trying Chromes or pretty much anything, just wanted to see if there was a conventional wisdom of which flats bring the best out of this particular style of bass. If that's what people generally recommend then I'll go with them (:
  9. It's a Mark II TRB-6P though. The earlier ones had a 33 7/8" scale I think.
  10. I have D'Addario Chromes on my Dingwall Super P, but have recently acquired a single-coil Precision and am wondering what people would recommend for this particular style. I know we have a few experts here, Rick etc so look forward to some opinions (:
  11. The last number is often a clue as to the number of strings. I really like the bass - just trying to decide whether an electronics upgrade is worthwhile. The pickups and preamp are pretty decent (and no less an authority than Dave Swift really likes it), but I can't help but wonder what Nordstrands would sound like...
  12. Definitely pop down to Sadowsky. I went with a mate when I visited last October, and walked out with a phenomenal NYC Strat type guitar. A month later, back in the UK, I'd bought a Metro bass as well as I was so blown away with the thing. Roger and co were fantastic and very hospitable.
  13. I feel like it would be a shame for Fender USA to stop making their core line, especially when apparently they'd just started to really get it right. Personally I've always thought brand new Fenders were pretty pricey for what you got in comparison with the competition, although I always liked secondhand Japanese Fenders and have owned three (still own two). I feel like my Sadowskys are streets ahead of all the USA Fenders I have tried (and at worst comparable with the CS), and having been bought secondhand are much, much better value.
  14. I should clarify - what I meant was, was there one like this 60 years ago?
  15. If you're not wanting to spend too much money, I put some GFS pickups into a PRS SE that I used to have, and they sounded very good. Cheaper than a rewind for sure!
  16. You could try PRS, they do wide/fat and wide/thin neck carves.
  17. I don't think you are allowed to advertise stuff for sale in this forum.
  18. Did they actually make one with the 54 body style and the split pickup?
  19. I had a V1 Combustion, which I used in part exchange with the late Colgraff of this very forum (may he rest in peace) to obtain my Super J, and later bought a Super P. The Combustion is very high quality - the Supers are exceptional. The main reason I traded up was that I wanted the medium scale rather than the long scale. Sheldon Dingwall is very open about the fact that the Combustion is made overseas, and also open about that fact that its introduction was necessary to keep the company going when the economy was making high end basses a difficult sell. All Dingwalls from both Canada and China begin with CNC, and then the rest is done by hand. The basics of Combustions are done in China to high standards due to the lower labour costs, and the critical setup and QC is done in Canada. It's a bit like what I do when I get a new bass, of sending it to my tech to be taken apart, checked, optimised and set up to perfection except Dingwall do that themselves in Canada. Sheldon calls it an international bass which I think is apt.
  20. I have an Ibanez SRFF806 and it doesn't compare too badly with my two Dingwalls especially when you consider what it costs. I'd love to try the Prestige version, I've only seen the five string version of that.
  21. Will take P-Retro if by any chance it's still available
  22. I have the exact same model and use it more than any of my other gigbags... and I have seven Monos!
  23. Mine doesn't fit in the boot of my convertible, so I have to lay it down behind the front seats. Worth a go? Superb bags.
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