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Everything posted by yybass

  1. [quote name='GazWills' post='1092886' date='Jan 17 2011, 06:35 PM']Hey folks, just a quickie, not bought from uncle Sam in a while... How long does it take for the tracking codes from the USPS to show up on their system?? Pedals were dispatched friday, i'm told, but nothing on USPS yet, it this normal? I guess it's only the next working day as it's been the weekend? Being impatient, i want my pedals!!! [/quote] Hi Just double check the number with the sender, enter the details in Parceforce Worldwide. The Tracking Number should begin with CC..... :0)
  2. [quote name='wombatboter' post='1092161' date='Jan 17 2011, 09:18 AM']Beautiful bass... Are there only dots or also lines along the side ? Some basses have the dots on the spot where you have to intonate and other ones feature dots "between" those spaces..(if you know what I mean)..[/quote] Yes this has got dots as well as lines @ the side which makes very easy for 1st timers.
  3. Thanks a lot people, but I have to give George F all the praise for such a great build I will respond to all PM's
  4. Yes welcome I rigged up my Ampeg Classic & 4x10HLF today for 1st time, well I think you already said it :0)
  5. Hi Dave I apologise in advance for my bias I have bought & sold approximately a dozen Music Man Stingray basses over the years, after rueing the day I sold my 1st one of 25 years! The reason they were not kept is that they did not have the same tone as the Pre-CBS models. I bought another '79 Pre-CBS and I can tell that I smile like a "cheshire cat" when I play it. IMHO - you should check one out before you decide and yes they will find them @ Vintage Prices. There was one up for sale on ebay earlier for £1795.00 or Best Offer, which has been there for a while. [attachment=69040:IMG_0981.JPG] Happy bass hunting Perry
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  7. Maybe Jaco, Marcus Miller, Alphonso Johnson, Victor Wooten, Percy Jones got it wrong?
  8. I had one, fantastic array of tones and of course well made; alas a multistring player these days
  9. The advice you seek is very dependant on your budget. Here's a few..... F bass AC5/6 Ken Smith BSR Fodera Beez Elite or Monarch Music Man Stingray Piezo Modulus Quantaum Fender 'Jaco' Fretless Wal Fretless Happy hunting
  10. Hi Kev I got started with 'Building Walking Bass Lines' which is accompanied by a CD, then endlessly practicing walking the Blues Scales & Pentatonic notes of Major & Minor sacles. You will develop your movement around the neck and hear the next chord change, but be patient
  11. [quote name='Clarky' post='979067' date='Oct 6 2010, 07:39 AM']Looks like I might be selling my Fender Jazz to a Finnish BC'er. By complete coincidence I will be flying to Helsinki on business next week so there is the option that I bring the bass with me and meet the BC'er concerned to hand over. Question is: if I pack the bass the same way I would for a normal Interparcel/ParcelFiorce delivery is this safe? It comes in an old-style (CS tolex, orange lining) Fender hard case and I can pack in a bass-sized cardboard box. Does something going in the hold from a passenger get treated the same as if it was part of a (say) UPS delivery? I am just concerned that if I carry it with me, the bass will emerge in Helsinki airport in pieces as the box has taken a beating[/quote] Hi Clarky I have dealt with different bass players around the world buying & trading, I would not be too concerned as long as you package the bass adequately.
  12. yybass

    F# tuning

    Hello If you want your F sharp to be audible you will need to make sure you have a good pre-amp on your bass and strings are available @ www.sitstrings.com Cheers
  13. [quote name='bassadder' post='974624' date='Oct 1 2010, 09:25 PM']I would sell it £ 500ish if that sounds fair. Cheers Laurence[/quote] PM sent
  14. My only experience is Fodera Beez Elite, F Bass AC6, Ken Smith BSR6EF, Modulus Quantum 6, Wal, Ken Smith BSR 6TNE, all are have indidvidual tones; the F Bass AC5/6 has more to dial into. A lot rests on your own taste
  15. If you know some-one that owns either a Aguilar DB750 or DB751, check it out. DB750 noisey fan until you turn up the volume and the DB751 nice & quiet. Delivery of tone & headroom outstanding. Good luck
  16. Very nice, looking out for NYC Jazz 5 myself
  17. [quote name='FretSpot' post='938247' date='Aug 27 2010, 04:36 PM']Wow - those are gorgeous! I have a mint AC5 coming to me any day now - I can't wait to spend some time with it! Donovan [email protected][/quote] Thanks, you have got quite a good collection yourself. Best regards Perry
  18. These have a lot of tones to dial in to.
  19. [quote name='yybass' post='833356' date='May 10 2010, 06:10 PM']Hi F Bass AC5 on the way from F Bass pictures to be published [attachment=57367:IMG_0977.JPG] As promised....[/quote]
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