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Everything posted by throwoff

  1. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Laney-Bass-Amp-Stack-RBH800-RBC210L8-RBC215L8_W0QQitemZ280485507748QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV?hash=item414e3d32a4"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Laney-Bass-Amp-Stack...=item414e3d32a4[/url] Even at BIN this is a stupid bargin
  2. [quote name='throwoff' post='787191' date='Mar 26 2010, 05:54 PM']Im actually at the show had my hands on one today interesting bass will post a more thorough write up when I get back[/quote] Ok! Sorry it took so long a lot of stuff to do after the show, I didnt really get a good chance to play it at the show (would of been upside down anyway) but the general vide was very positive, my only experience with Tanglewood basses was the Rebel 4K and these instruments keep to the tradition set by the 4k of incredibly well spec'd good looking instruments for very reasonable prices. Looks - This is the one thing I can really promise, they look amazing. They have a lot of presence and really catch your eye. Obviously the ones on the stand I assume were prototypes or advance issues for the show but if they look even half this good at production then I will be impressed. The finishing is flawless, hardware etc looks perfect. Fret edges were A1 and the fingerboard was just right (I dont know if that makes sense but it just felt fine to me) I want to see a production model to pass judgement and am unsure about them making a lefty but when these hit stores im going to find one!
  3. [quote name='EdwardHimself' post='785657' date='Mar 25 2010, 11:44 AM']I bet throwoff will LOVE these [/quote] ??? what?
  4. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Official-WEST-HAM-UNITED-FC-Football-Crest-7pc-STICKER_W0QQitemZ160388373547QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_SportsMemorabilia_Football_Memorabilia_ET?hash=item2557e45c2b"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Official-WEST-HAM-UN...=item2557e45c2b[/url] Just need that
  5. the superfly is a good choice, you could easily pick up a 210 new with the money left over Sounds live do a gallien kreuger 210 for like 169ish not sure on wattage though
  6. [quote name='deej' post='790911' date='Mar 30 2010, 06:33 PM']A DHA is more likely to get you a QOTSA sound. The valves will give you more of a warm, grittier sound. The Blowtorch is more like a synthy, electric fuzz. Its still a good pedal and retains a good powerful low end, but it doesnt sound like what you're after to me.[/quote] Thats pretty much as on the money as I could put it. Blowtorch is definatly the less natural of the two but its an incredible noise. I use a EH Bass Blogger as I simply adore the EH sound and vibe, they may well be the only company that I like every single product from. If I may throw a cuveball?! EH Bass Big Muff?
  7. [quote name='joegarcia' post='791889' date='Mar 31 2010, 01:50 PM'][attachment=46099:P1010342.JPG] [attachment=46100:P1010345.JPG] [attachment=46103:P1010346.JPG] [attachment=46104:P1010347.JPG] Preamps valves are a mix of RCA, Mullard and Sylvania.[/quote] My God man, I have a semi. You are a lucky lucky man
  8. These things never seemed that popular when they came out and I still dont understand why! Its a brilliant piece of amplifier. Not in the Market myself by free bump!
  9. [quote name='hellothere' post='791706' date='Mar 31 2010, 11:37 AM']What you need is an amp that goes up to 11.[/quote] Line 6 amps all go to 11 (true fact!) Im glad im not endorsed and touring in a way hmmm 3x10's?
  10. You are kidding me [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1960-1961-1962-Gibson-Les-Paul-SG-Knurled-Switch-Nut_W0QQitemZ140394038105QQcmdZViewItemQQptZGuitar_Accessories?hash=item20b0230359"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1960-1961-1962-Gibso...=item20b0230359[/url]
  11. holy crap [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Laney-Bass-Amp-Stack-RBH800-RBC210L8-RBC215L8_W0QQitemZ280485507748QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV?hash=item414e3d32a4"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Laney-Bass-Amp-Stack...=item414e3d32a4[/url] this!
  12. A dirty great old trace elliot would more than likely survive nuclear winter. Thats where I would put my money, I personally love the sound but can understand why others dont . A very rough rule of thumb given to me when I started playing in bands is take your most powerful guitarists amp and times it by 3 So if your guitarist has 100W combo aim for 300W and so on. This is a very general rule but tends to work out [url="http://www.gak.co.uk/en/laney-rb7/3804"]http://www.gak.co.uk/en/laney-rb7/3804[/url] Laney RB7 is a good choice plus the option to add a 4x10 eventually Personally I would hunt around for used Ashdown or Trace head and 410, will be a tad difficult but they are tough
  13. GAS'ing hard Bank balance wouldnt allow it and neither would Mrs Throwoff controller of the creditcard
  14. Having not held one and looked down on it I do wonder how easy it is to see what switches are where when holding it. Although I'm sure you would probably learn the sounds over time and know exactly what was where.
  15. As always Waynes modding skills impress me, Can you PM me the place you get your decals from, I am going to have to get a Squire VM soon and would like to decal it up
  16. Im dangerously close to ordering a Fender CS bass. As a lefty im limited in mainstream choices and my dream bass has always been a Fender Mark Hoppus, I love the looks, the tone and the simplicity of the thing. I can get one left handed through Fender CS (maybe the first and only lefty) but somethings holding me back, as much as it is my dream bass I am wondering whether to get something with more options and sounds that will be far more usefull down the years. Does anyone have a very simple bass they had custom made? do you regret not having more tonal options?
  17. You know after looking at so many hear Im not feeling it looks more like a testicle than a scrotum. Can someone with 2 bongos please put then next to each other with the necks just touching and post a photo to make me giggle
  18. You posted this at Warwickforum I think, The same guy sells some of the basses with fake MEC's
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  20. thats hideous! Although with good p/ups it could be a recording tool to die for!
  21. Can I suggest Good cab combination! I actually know someone who had a 4x15 Marshall years ago, I'm certain everytime they mention it I see a twinge of back pain!
  22. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' post='791506' date='Mar 31 2010, 07:14 AM']AND?? small list of examples follows: [b]INSTRUMENTS WHAT LOOK LIKE A BIT LIKE A JAZZ / PRECISION BASS: [size=3]ESP FERNANDEZ LAKLAND PEAVEY YAMAHA IBANEZ PENSA SUHR JACKSON CHARVEL SQUIER (LICENSED COPY) AND LOADS MORE[/size]....[/b][/quote] Constructive post +1 I think the majority of people on here would of realised the rich vein of comedic observance in my post. Writing a long list is a poor way to mine this vein.
  23. [quote name='chris_b' post='790974' date='Mar 30 2010, 07:35 PM']Go for it. And stack them vertically![/quote] I also want to see this
  24. Ok im going to say it if nobody else will. It looks a bit like a les paul
  25. The assumption its heavy is wrong, its actually a pretty good weight for what it is, when you see one in a store pick it up you will be shocked
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