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Everything posted by greentext

  1. dammmmmm that is a lot more functionality! thanks for the info, im off to Youtube and then Reverb to get my own haha
  2. I've never seen a poly blue octave before, how does it differ from the standard MXR Octave Deluxe?
  3. Come over to the darkside, active bass into a compressor mwahahahha
  4. I remember when I first swapped out to flats on my p-bass from rounds and the tech said to me 'oh you know you will overshot every note when you first play these as its less friction?' I was panicking like crazy beforehand and wanted to default to my backup rounds but I didnt. I had my first gig that night after never playing flats and was fine tbh, I just didn't think about it and got into the groove and I was off. For me it was all in my head and once I was out there it was just something I managed and was aware of but not obsessing over.
  5. I have pretty much used active basses exclusively for the last 10 years and never had one go down on me. I am very aware of there being a battery in there and keep a surplus in my gig bag and swap out more frequently then i probably need to. My Sandberg P has an active/passive pull pot so I can quickly jump between the 2 just cos I can haha
  6. good plan, imma do that at band practice next time!
  7. Agreed, the amount of music that is on and off of Spotify is insane. I assume its the same for Youtube but don't know first hand.
  8. yh the Roni Music website recommends using Soundloaders as you can pump in a Spotify URL and it will download it as an MP3, check it out i've used it an it works great so good little work around as long as these service are available https://www.soundloaders.com/
  9. Awesome thanks for sharing, I assumed it was something like that but wanted to be sure before I ordered!
  10. Very good point, better get it before someone changes there minds! haha thanks for the input my dude
  11. Great to hear, yh from what i've reviewed online, Transcribe seems to be the go to as its very feature rich. The foot pedal thing is also awesome, have you used that your self? if so what pedal do you use? I always find having to take my hands off the guitar to replay bits ruins the flow of learning. For anyone that is interested and reviewing this thread, Levi Clay did an awesome video that includes a lot of the features mentioned above.
  12. I have not come across RiffStation so will take a look, im streaming most of the time, but I can just rip the tracks i want to learn anyway straight from Spotify, thanks
  13. Wondering if any Basschatters have any experience with software that allows you to slowdown (but not pitch) audio to make it easier to learn by ear? I've been going back and forth over which one I would like to commit to, Transcribe! seems more feature rich with the ability to do audio and video but thought i'd get the scoop from the brain trust before committing. Also if there are any I am missing please let me know as I'm open to anything. It also seems like Spotify stopped SDK support so you are unable to use it in conjunction with third party apps such as Amazing Slow Downer which is a real bummer, if it still had that I would consider it more. Also I haven't committed to any free trails as I will forget to cancel it and get charged, been stung before ahaha Sidenote, there is a petition on change.org for compatibility for Amazing Slow Downer and Spotify you can sign here if anyone is interested; https://www.change.org/p/keep-spotify-and-amazing-slow-downer-compatible?recruiter=77579368&recruited_by_id=d12ebe10-86de-11e3-b99e-ed0201252b73&utm_source=share_petition&utm_campaign=share_for_starters_page&utm_medium=copylink Cheers everyone 🤘
  14. it is man, hence the name powerful sense of dread as he says in the show
  15. For all my Peep Show bros out there, I bought this INSANE octave synth with distortion and ability to add even more distortion! It is a truly insane sound, the adding More Dread, increases the output by about 20db its LOUD. But i mean how could I not buy it after seeing how it looks..
  16. defo feels different to me, but thanks for the input my duder
  17. Does anyone else turn there cabs with casters on there sides so you can feel the bass a bit more? As much as I love the convenience of casters on my cab, I feel like i lose a lot of the 'feel' of the bass, pushing air, when its only connection to the stage/floor is the 4 wheels.
  18. It took me long enough to just get used to ear protection but I have mastered that now with some good quality ones. I just don't know if it would be for me for the money i'd have to invest and all that, like i said maybe one day but im not all the way there yet. I know a lot of drummers that use and love them but yh we will see.
  19. these look great but gotta say the headstock just doesn't work with this body shape for me....
  20. Welcome Steve, I had a Ibanez SR600 and served me yearssss, enjoy!
  21. glad to hear you had a good experience, ive always been totally against it for me as i don’t know how id feel about being in such a bubble and unconnected to the crowd, I play a lot of punk and hardcore shows so being in the room is a much of the experience as the music, people screaming and throwing themselves off stage is what its all about. BUT there is another part of me that id really enjoy to be able to analyse my bass playing using in ears. Im not there yet but i think ill get there one day i will get into it Also if you feel like you arent getting anything back audience noise wise, can always put a mic on stage facing out and blend some of the crowd noise into the IEM mix so your not in the bubble so much, something I saw Adam Nealy doing and thought it was genius (might already be doing it), thanks for sharing 🤘
  22. Oiiiii behave! That sounds spot on!! Can you make me one?! Thanks for taking the time to demo and great playing sounds PHAT! Considering that is with flats on a P to, you know that is going to be 100% bumping with some wounds on a jazzzz \m/ -.- \m/
  23. Yarrrr I can agree, the Bassman isnt a very hi-fi or transparent experience. The markbass is a much more honest pedal platform, and for something like Muse and the big muff you need that to translate.
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