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Everything posted by bassbora

  1. Go on you know you want to noise up the neighbours. £20 will get you there in no time.
  2. Chorus or octaver spring to mind. But I personally prefer no effects. What do you feel is missing?
  3. Cheers guys for all the suggestions. I went with a Weller simple cheep stuff just to see how I get on with it. I might turn out to be rubbish and never touch it so I did not want to spend too much. BC comes through again
  4. Thanks I will have a look for these. I am hoping to do a bit so would like a decent one. I would like to start to experiment with pickups and preamps.
  5. Could someone recommend a good soldering iron? I am going to start and put in pickups so need a small one but I would like it to be a decent one. I am not sure what to look for. Thanks
  6. I came across another item I have and was thinking of maybe selling. But I have no idea how much its worth. So I don't want to put a crazy price on it but I am not sure if its against the rules to pose the question. What do the mods say about that?
  7. Funny how my funny little question has sparked a debate. Seems to generate more interest than when I go on about Warwicks, just shows you. Cal year is just from Jan to Dec as stated. That was just my question.
  8. Both pedals now sold. I am going through my unused gear and came across these two pedals. First Boss OC2 I bought new in 1994. I saw this in Bass Player mentioned on the pedal board of Sting and Marcus Miller, possibly Pino as well. I never used it so it has basically sat in the box since 1994. Price is £80 shipped. I guess you know what it does if you are reading this ad. Either one octave below or 2 (both 1 and 2 if you really want to go for it). [b](SOLD)[/b] Second pedal is Boss DS 1 the infamous orange pedal. I started playing guitar at home and since I played metal I needed distortion. Having already 1 Boss pedal I thought that is the way to go and bought the most basic Boss pedal that read distortion. It did help having it orange so it didn't get lost amongst the kids' toys. But as having said kids guitar and pedal came less and less out of the box. This pedal isn't used much at all. Price is [s][b]£ 25 [/b][/s][b]£20[/b] shipped. I am struggling to put up pictures but send me a PM if interested and I will try and email them. I am based in Perth area but work in Edinburgh so I can drop off in city centre. If anyone is wanting both we can look at a deal for both. Thanks
  9. When you pay the £20 for selling on here is that for 365 days or just the calendar year?
  10. walbassist, I just wanted to say thanks for spotting the strings at the Gallery. They arrived in the post this morning. All looking good. Cheers
  11. I asked a similar question few weeks ago. After lurking on this forum for number of years I knew there would be only one man who could explain the differences in older Streamer stage 1s. Scroll down and you will find John's reply to me about old Stage 1. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/294404-warwick-battery-cover/"]http://basschat.co.u...-battery-cover/[/url] I have been playing Warwick Streamer Stage 2 for over a year now and that is a neck through model with J pickups. Quite different from Stage 1 as you can read. I think the LX models are bolt-on and then you have the Rockbass line. Warwick have been changing where they manufacture their different basses (German, Korea etc) so the naming is starting to blur hence the reason for asking what is your budget and what you intend to use it for. I think the experienced streamer players could then start to chip in and offer advice. I personally love my Stage 2 and I think it really complements my playing. But it might not be the bass/tone/style you are after. Hope that helps
  12. Cheers guys I will get the guy who usually handles the booking this info. As for Perth then Twa Tams is great and Green Room is quite lively these days. I have played a bit less in Fife but we played Duchess of Kirkcaldy the other day and I thought that was a good venue. Dundee has few places but I have played there less. I think its McDaniels which is ok. Pay is usually around £250 it can be from £200 to £350.
  13. I am in a classic and modern rock covers band and we have been playing all over Scotland but mostly central/Fife/Perthshire areas. We have been playing for 5 or 6 years but have not played much in Glasgow or Edinburgh. Could you guys recommend any pubs/venues in these cities? We have played Whistle Binkies few times. Thanks
  14. Thanks for this guys. I will check out the strings at the Gallery. The strings from stringdirect Vapor Shield Nickel Plated set. Has anyone had any experience with these? When playing fretless I have a very soft touch and strings last me forever. I hate to say that is not the case when I play fretted in a gig situation. I guess most of us start to dig in play harder then.
  15. I found a message from the guy and he said it was labella slappers light gauge. So that solves that mystery for me. I still though wondering about the price. Why are they so expensive??? I did find a set on bassstringsonline.com, its not the same set I saw on stringsdirect but its $21. Is this just UK prices vs USA that we have been seeing or what?
  16. I am looking for some thoughts on some strings. I have used D'Addarios for over 20 years on my 4 and 5 strings fretted. I had tried a lot of brands and I was never really happy until I found D'Addario. 5 or 6 years ago I bought a 6 string fretless which I have used a lot and the guy said it had La Bella strings on it (I can't remember which ones) but I really liked them. It felt the match with the fretless was perfect and they have lasted all these years, multiple practices and gigs. So I thought I would treat myself to a new set and went on stringsdirect and for a 6 string set they are £60 or £70 depending on light or medium set. Its almost double what I am used to paying so my question is to you are they worth it? And if so what are people's thoughts on light set vs medium?
  17. Why not see if you can buy a similar Corvette but just fretless? I did a swap on here with someone who took my FNA Jazzman (Corvette body) and had that defretted so he would have both fretless and fretted version of the same bass. I play a Thumb fretted and fretless and I find it very helpful to have the two. The muscle memory is so easy and I like to think because my hands are so used to the same body and neck shape.
  18. How many guitars? We do some of the tracks mentioned, but Pink and Blondie as well. The girl we have is a bit of a power house so we can have a range of stuff. Led Zepplin (Whole lot of love) always goes down a storm and any Bon Jovi.
  19. [quote name='warwickhunt' timestamp='1478195571' post='3167489'] Stage I v Stage II or Thumb - The low mid focus of the SSII and Thumb is the main tonal difference to the SSI. I've found that the maple SSI basses (anything post 89/90) tend to be more open in comparison to the SSII/Thumb and the early (cherry body predominantly wenge neck) SSI is very mellow in comparison to all. The Thumb is (IMHO) the most focused (almost nasal) and the other end of the spectrum is the early Cherry SSI. Old v New SSI - See above re. the evolution of body wood+neck wood (not fingerboard as they are all wenge) cherry+wenge (early) / maple+wenge (transition late 80's) / maple+maple (89/90 onwards) they have differences but then there are further (maybe) lesser variations with pup make; EMG / MEC quite similar and a blindfold test would be hard pushed to differentiate, Bartolini/Alembic/SD all give variation BUT the essential SSI 'ness' comes from the body/neck combo + PJ pups. Final consideration is that from about 1990 onwards SSI's have been all maple body/neck (other than thin stringers/laminates) BUT the body thickness, neck thickness and quality/density of wood has varied and this throws up some anomalies where tone can vary a bit. I had a 94 Streamer (wax/natural) that seemed to be made of balsa wood and you could indent the body wood with your finger nail and it gave a very soft SSI sound, whereas a 91 bass I had was rock maple (if there is such a thing) and it was very solid/dense yet the body dimensions were quite slim but that bass sang like a piano! Hmmm have I covered it all? [/quote] Thank you so much. I knew you would clear it up for me. what a brilliant answer. Now I am in two minds about looking for one. I like the fact that I can go mellow to aggressive with the Thumb and I find the stage 2 very much in that area but has something different to offer. I worry that Stage 1 would be too mellow and could not get aggressive and in your face if needed. But thanks again this has given me a lot to think about.
  20. Thanks guys I will give this a go. I trust it wont be a massive hassle to install it? I know what you mean about them all being broken. I have been trying to be so careful over the years and I have managed to do just that for 20 and I cried all night when the cover broke. I am also looking for tross rod cover from the same period and I know the chances of finding one is zero. It was just on the off chance of someone having a broken Thumb and would not mind selling me the cover. Stranger things have happened. Warwickhunt, I started a thread over on the warwick forum about stage 1s. You are the man everything Warwick related. I am thinking of trying to find and old Stage 1 and I am dying to know how it compares to Stage 2 and Thumb. You must be able to shed some light on that after owning every model under the sun. How do old Stage 1s compare to new?
  21. Hi guys, I have an 89 Thumb and the battery cover is broken. Does anyone know where it is possible to buy a new one? I tried Warwick but I think that is newer versions that wont fit, I might be wrong. Any help appreciated. Thanks
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  23. To address the B string question, I use it a lot. I use the low D often and even open B. I play both in covers band and a chilled singer/songwriter band and to use the B string to fill out sound is great. I also use it for more vertical playing instead of horizontal you might have to do on a 4 string. I do have a 6 string fretless which I use but I don't tend to use the C string much. I got it originally cause I was playing a lot of jazz but then kids came along and playing bass took the back seat for few years. I have used quite a bit chords when playing 5 so thought about getting a 6 to get even more out of it. But the more I think of it I am not sure I would use the extra string that much so was very curious about others experience. Perhaps it was me just coming up with an excuse to get another bass.
  24. Did Jeff not have a Dean signature bass few years back? I know its not really what you are asking but if he said the Cort was the best bass since 70s jazz what was the Dean like???
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