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Everything posted by AttitudeCastle

  1. [quote name='allihts' post='799300' date='Apr 7 2010, 10:26 PM']Damn! Why does no-one in scotland put their ashdown cabs on here! Looks like an awesome rig though.[/quote] Tell me about it! Bump on us eh!
  2. The EVO II are meant to have upgraded components, and i'm pretty sure slightly more output? and overall a slightly "sharper" sound
  3. something i wish to know too! +1 on a reply
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  5. I've been playing about 4 and a bit years! just bought (literally just now) an Ashdown ABM 300 (non EVO an orginal!) and orginal MAG410T both made in the UK =) Combined with my Yamaha Attitude LTD II bass, quite accomplished i feel! I'm actually saving for a MAG810.......or two... haha pictures next week when my camera gets back from the repair placey down the road oh one last thing.. NOTE: i spend 3 years saving money and i spend a tiny portion of my university savings to get all that! Linked by a Bullet 44 coiled cable bought as a gift by my guitarist brother they are all right Chaps if you get to them them, sometimes and a prize to anyone who guesses my age, and yes i am a teenager haha
  6. [quote name='bartelby' post='796216' date='Apr 5 2010, 03:52 AM']Already done See post #20 [/quote] Ah! Thanks mate! New glasses you see haha well when i actually have enough money to support daily eating (tad of a hyper-bole there) i shall begin my saving! A Yamaha Attitude LTD II and a Fender Steve Harris! what a combo, people will think i'm some sort of copycat signature-bass-whore =/ haha
  7. [quote name='dood' post='796015' date='Apr 4 2010, 09:08 PM']Ah yes!!! I used to use the BS66 strings way back when they came in the pink packet with Billy on the front mid 'hair spray hell' with that sweet BB3000 Yamaha in hand. The heavier E string was great for drop tuning too. I think if I played 4 strings, I'd still go for those gauges. Infact, on my 6er I prefer a lighter C and heavier B string - sooo.. kinda the same![/quote] nice one dood! Still loving the old school ones seen the pictures, and that rose blue BB3000BS was sweet, yeah, once you start using slightly more even tensions it really grows on you, and becomes something i find hard to live without
  8. [quote name='bartelby' post='795967' date='Apr 4 2010, 08:15 PM']It's a new one. Royal Blue Metallic with an SPB-1.[/quote] excellent then! Where can i get one for less than £900? I was only aware that they were around for like £1200!! GAS building... haha
  9. its meant to be a bit heavier with a thick chunky neck and heavier body than standard precisions, major GAS here excuse the stupid question, is this the older one, lake placid blue or the new one, which is Royal Blue? Older one has an SPB-3 the newer ones an SPB-1 just asking! thanks, AC
  10. Hey All, My First review and shall build on it as i have several of these as a friend gave me a set as a gift, the set that came with my Attitude and the set i first bought as back up strings and thought why not! (i bought them for £25 or there abouts i think but i will double check really depends though) Straight out the packet: First thoughts, Good looking strings, red ends, dark metal (darker than i expected after using nickel for a while). gauges 43- (for lighter tension and easier bends, and it really helps, this plus scallops good technique and the strength means you can get ridiculous bends!) 65- 80 and 110 (to keep better tension when dropping to D via the hipshot Xtender, and allows a bit of a tighter E than the normal 100 or 105 gauges) The more even tension over all the strings really feels quite cool, not a massive difference, if you play closer to the bridge than I, makes no difference. put these straight onto my bass, though i image most basses would need a tad of filling on the Nut to get the 110 in nicely, at first before the strings break in the treble is ungodly, i had to turn the treble to as low as i could and max the bass and roll of the tone before the sound was bare-able! After some all neck playing and wanna be Sheehan shred (which made my brother shout at me for making stupid unmusical noises for most of it) the E and G were pretty much settled but it took a while for the stubborn A and D to settle! After they did the sound was round and full but with a shine of upper(treble-ish/upper mid) Zing very present which is to my taste! These strings (at least to me) don't have an over powering growl but with the right set up that would be easy as these strings have a slight rumbley snarl to them which i try to maximise! The strings are very hard wearing on fingers and frets so be careful! The brightness sinks a little with time and if you want that really bright sounds which i love you'll be changing strings every gig to be honest but when these strings "sink" they really mellow out, in my eyes widening their range just add a touch of treble and you re-brighten your sound, its not the same there is something special about this zing i love but thats just me! Also, they have a slight "jangle" to them and despite the fact they are hard wearing they smooth and make you want to do ridiculous slides and bends which is fine by me! and these strings really compliment the chordal stuff if you care (my guitarist to be honest is fairly useless so i do the ocassional underlining chord) use these strings on any bass from My Attitude to a jazz bass and you will see why Billy uses them not sure how to word it (shows how good a reviewer i am using non real words half this time so i apologise!) And thats about it really, happy to answer questions! i would happily recommend these if you think you have a similar taste to me (the wierdo who likes neck dive ) thanks! Adam,
  11. Just to Clarify? EVO II or EVO III? Your info says III thread Title II
  12. [quote name='dougal' post='791361' date='Mar 30 2010, 11:50 PM']Am I the only one that thinks they look better in a 5 or 6 than a 4? I sold my 5. I can't remember why: all this has made me rather nostalgic. They're great basses, with the afore-mentioned caveat that they'll get a chip on the headstock. I'm still waiting for the ad in the for sale section that says "for sale, bongo, unique, no chip on headstock". Gone the way of the warrior...: [/quote] Agreed! Can't remember where i read it, but they were designed as 5 strings i believe Really love the Bongo! 100% real shame its no longer available in all the slick and funky colours! I wish i could get a 5/6 HH in Orange (orange swirl p/g) and a 6 H/H or H/S or H (haha preferably all three) in Electric blue with blue swirl P/G. Played a Purple 4 string in Edinburgh, didn't like the neck but the 5/6 are really pretty amazing
  13. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  14. How is this not gone??? HOW? Don't be foolish people what a deal! Bump on me!
  15. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=81743&st=0&p=782475&#entry782475"]The item for sale! (turns out its not a bump!)[/url]
  16. daaaamn If i had the cash! Looks great, i hope you get the sale soon Marcus. Bump on me!
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  18. Where are the Ashdown Blueline speakers made? East aswell? Also are all Ashdown cabs/combos fitted with the blueline speakers? On their website some have blue speakers other not? The Ashdown website isn't great for specs huh
  19. i've asked Yamaha before the only difference is the electronics everything else is the same i think maybe the 414 would have been better? I like some actives like the RBX 714 (sadly no longer in production!) which i found plenty loud only a tad less than a P-bass but i'm pretty much a passive guy just my words though
  20. The one in my local is new, never touched, currently connected to an Ashdown ABM 48 (4x8) mini cab, pretty neat little set actually! can't wait to try it out for the tone! still hesitating though, MAG300 or ABM300? decision people? Help? haha, The guys at the place a cool, maybe i can get the price down?
  21. [quote name='AttitudeCastle' post='782175' date='Mar 21 2010, 10:08 PM']May be interested in the near future but i'm needing me a Head first! haha, i would go for he ABM500 but thats more then i need the discontinued ABM300 looks ideal but had trouble finding one I think i'll have to go with MAG EVO II 300, though not saying anything against it![/quote] Fancy that! I walked into my local music and there it was! An ABM300 head! Only issue was about £600 but pricey? What were these like new a bit off topic but still, anyone know why the ABM300 was discontinued? I would really like one of these, but is the extra £300 or so that worth it?
  22. [quote name='Clarky72' post='782123' date='Mar 21 2010, 09:24 PM']I use Ampeg & Ashdown, both are great gear. My old Ashdown stuff is all UK made. My spare Ashdown 1510HX cab is actually up for sale if you're interested...? [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=81448"]Click here[/url] Cheers! [/quote] Looks like quite a bit of kit! May be interested in the near future but i'm needing me a Head first! haha, i would go for he ABM500 but thats more then i need the discontinued ABM300 looks ideal but had trouble finding one I think i'll have to go with MAG EVO II 300, though not saying anything against it!
  23. [quote name='Merton' post='782031' date='Mar 21 2010, 08:11 PM']Re. your 2nd point, no, but I sensed it coming Re. your fitst point - absolutely. But if the amp I want happens to be "Designed in the US" and "Made in China" then what choice do I have? [/quote] oh, and 100% +1
  24. [quote name='AndyMartin' post='782022' date='Mar 21 2010, 08:02 PM']It matters a very great deal where it is made. The only way we will stop the slide towards having a third world economy is if consumers take an interest in where stuff is made. I don't know what the OP's reasons are for asking but he hasn't suggested that anything made in Chine/Korea etc. is crap.[/quote] I was just simply curious! Quality wise its the same, just quality control is lesser, usually due to language barriers or lack of training but "made in [insert country name]" makes no difference to me its just i knew they used to be all UK, and now they do a line made in Kentucky USA, and that line still made here, but the factory location of the others aren't specified, I have actually been to a Korean Ampeg Factory/production site, i have a cousin there who moved over from Brunei, (oil types will know the place) Not trying to say i know more by this not at all but my roots and my mothers side of the family are dotted around Asia, so "Made in [---]" or things of a similar nature have never really meant anything to me as i said i was simply curious i have a tendency to like knowing -or to try knowing- everything haha
  25. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='781081' date='Mar 20 2010, 07:29 PM']Traditionally, everything apart from ABM is made in the Far East. ABM has always been UK-made, but some might be made over there nowadays.[/quote] Thanks! thats as much as i thought...
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