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Everything posted by AttitudeCastle

  1. [quote name='dirtystatic' post='908307' date='Jul 28 2010, 03:45 PM']Budget is about £600. I've seen two that came close, one was the Fender Jazz Aerodyne... fits the bill but I'm not a fan of how it looks. The other is the Fender Deluxe P-bass Special... but that's active.[/quote] The Aerodyne is A beauty... As is the Duff Mckagen Couldn't you just Get a P-bass standard or what ever you get for you money however much you have/ can find stuff and add a Single coil? I was thinking about doing that, as i've never played teh Aerodyne and doubt i ever will, (due to highland livin'!) and i can't get along with Jazz bass necks "/
  2. Free bump on me, great cabs, good to use one on a trip in the states Where'd you get it from? Just curious
  3. N:B Must sell together, my back-up head just blew up on me (old Beringer i was given) includes a 1/4" speaker cable
  4. Good to see more scots residents on here though there are good amount, best forum on the web here i think Regards, Adam
  5. [quote name='BassKS' post='907263' date='Jul 27 2010, 04:19 PM']Hey man, it would help your sale if you fixed the typo on the title Ashdown instead of Ahdown. Just so that when people search for the brand your stuff comes up as well. Best of luck with the sale.[/quote] HA! Didn't notcie that, thanks mate, i need all teh luck i can get i need this shifted for as solid a price as soon as possible :/
  6. [quote name='3V17C' post='907253' date='Jul 27 2010, 04:08 PM']to be honest, neither of my Yamaha Attitudes get much use these days... so there is a [i]vague[/i] possibility they might come up for sale in the not too distant future.... peace c[/quote] i am begging you keep it for one more year, that one 1) you can see if you really want to sell one of them and 2) i could afford one (how much were you thinking?) this is more PM talk but still haha sorry! just a quick question, how are you/have you recorded stuff? I've been thinking about doing some solo stuff for a while too..
  7. [quote name='Kongo' post='906535' date='Jul 27 2010, 12:10 AM']Very nice man...coulda warned me of the bass u are playing in it...GAS ATTACK!!![/quote] I know! I'd love one of those! (sorry to thread hijack!) I have one of the latest ones the sea foam green ones from the new line though i'd love an orginal! my heart sinks every time i miss out on a sale of these lovely solo btw to you both and nice blog
  8. Hey Guys, Putting this up quick before i forget and i will update and add pictures Orignal MAG (non Evo) head good-(ish?) condition, same condition as when i got it used a bit ago a note is a small burn mark on the top, where i'm guessing a cigeratte was laid on the amp? Though i have no idea, and it doesn't stink The cab is in a bit better shape, blue speakers (they sound better, honest), one of the plastic corner protectors was off when i bought it and the guy had lost it Reason for selling? I need some money, and hopefully a bit to start a new amp fund PICTURES ASAP I'm being hopeful in £220 together i [b]will not[/b] go below £200 as then it would be worth me selling it Tbh No trades please, straight sale ideally based in New east scotland (Aberdeen) will/can meet up with in 20 miles, and if you are else where and can organise your own courier i will go splits on that cost (70/30 i was thinking? Myself the 30) I was being silly before, this a good amp and the 410 really does push air, PHAT sound, which is also why i'm selling, thats not really the sound i like, though the hart of the sound still is an Ashdown P.M would be fasted way to get an answer if you have questions. Sorry this is so long Regards Adam
  9. oh btw I looked you guys up on youtube love "Breathe in" If i shift my Ashdown gear soon for an ok price (i don't see it happening soon :'( ) i might be able to make an offer, though it wouldn't be a good one Free band liking bump though!
  10. just to add, 500W i know there is head room etc which is always great but still that 500W is a bit more than i need, the Mag300 into one cab is about 180 so the ABM would be about 300 is? if they still made the ABM300 i'd probably have one by now as all my basses have to out puts, if i had two ABM rigs that would be 1000W! (though when i could afford that i'd probably need the 1000W haha )
  11. [quote name='phatbass787' post='903384' date='Jul 23 2010, 04:57 PM']I think some of these comments at the end of the day are a bit harsh on Ashdown, at the end of the day you have a budget rig, Ashdown themselves admit the MAG range is an affordable option for beginners/semi pro's on a budget etc, if you want a better tone and more flexibilty as youve outgrown the MAG stuff then get your money out and look at the top end UK made Ashdown gear like the ABM range, the new valve gear and the 550 Spyder etc which are by all accounts killer amps, its like buying a BMW 1 series and expecting an M5 and then moaning its not what you hoped, you get what you pay for at the end of the day, different products for different uses and budgets, and from the amount of Ashdown used by huge bands every night of the week its a bit crazy to say Ashdown doesnt make pro worthy gear...[/quote] It is slighly true, and i hold my hands up to that I played through The classic/ Klystron Stuff bloody hell that was awe inspiring i guess i worded my self poorly, i don't think the Ashdown sound is for me is what i was trying to and should have made more clear in what i said. and are very right, The Ashdown Pro stuff is a good price too, like teh Klystron i love. Problem is thats past my whole rig budget i'd say haha, i'll definate still keep ashdown in mind when i move up in the world, in age and get a (decent paying) job all together Like my local has alot of ABM stuff i'm trying out tomorrow but everything there has a hefty price tag
  12. Free Bump, and thanks for the note on my stuff Thom I'll have my eye on this till i figure out whats going on with my gear
  13. [quote name='ThomBassmonkey' post='902248' date='Jul 22 2010, 07:32 PM'][url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=92597"]COUGH[/url] You won't find better than a GK artist right for that kind of sound imo.[/quote] Great thread there haha, that was exactly what i was thinking, GK (10/10 for sneekyness btw!) shame its a little more than i have to spend, well that all depends on the sale of my last rig mmmm, And yes i am quite a Duff Mckagen fan
  14. [quote name='JMT3781' post='901294' date='Jul 21 2010, 09:00 PM']if you want "sparkle" you need something with better tweeters in... if thats the kinda sparkle you mean... i dunno. i'm used to glassy markbass cabs If you want growl, try something mid heavy, and maybe with some 12" speakers in[/quote] Just what i meant like a nice top end which isn't over pronounced but the tweeters in my cab do sound just thin air and no tone... if you get what i mean? though i'm no expert [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='901380' date='Jul 21 2010, 10:15 PM']I had an early made in england ABM Ashdown rig and they are just the same(cost me alot in 2001 from new too!),I describe them as sounding as if the cab is still in the cardboard box! I knew no better at the time and some people love em. Go and see Mark at bass direct, He hooked me up with the Genz-Benz with a Neo 2x12T and it sounds just up your street too.I like a 15 and cant get on with tens even 8 of them! But 2x12's are spot on because you get the genuine trouser flap of the 15 with some of the tightness and hi-fi of 10's. And what the 12's miss the adjustable crossover and tweeter gets anyway.Choice of heads to suit but the 600w is plenty loud enough for everywhere I have played so far and rarely gets over halfway.The 900w must be an animal! Bass direct have all sorts of stuff to try out and I would be surprised if you had any love for the Ashdown after a morning spent playing there! [/quote] haha i know 100% what you mean about the ashdown, i'm probably going to sell it to some young teen who is about to start gigging just how i got it (mind you that was in the not so long ago past!) Thanks for the help!
  15. Also just to say Hark rock and metal is what i play on bass and i like cutting thumpy punch but also quite sharp very Hi-fi is what i like, which i was thinking maybe sell the 410 Mag and swap it for a new 810 mag cab? Oh and i've been asked this a few times, I put line spaces in as i find it makes long things like this (sorry!) easier to type and read
  16. Hey guys! My current Rig is An Ashdown MAG 300 (orginal line) and later edition MAG 410 cab, After a day of running different things through it and messing with afew other amps I don't know how to describe it, it gives a nice trouser flapping low end i like but no sparkle no real feeling of over whelming awesomeness I don't know if its the fact its solid state or the fact its Ashdown (i would HIGHLY doubt that) i'm just not sure but i know i can't quite get the sound i want/need out of this set up I played the head through a Marshall VBA 810 and it was thrice as good as i've known it but still not there I like Rumble, Sizzle, Sparkle and GROWL most of all! i ten to play with some overdrive and the like two any reccomendations on what to try? I think all i need is to swap the head maybe for an ABM or try a Gallien Kruger rig for a while Money is an Issue, though i'd likely sell this if i was going to replace it Food for thought? Thanks Adam
  17. Thanks for the information guys! Maybe when i have a bit more money eh? and i think i know what i want i guess i'll start from a standard P-bass and do a bit to it and in the end get a brand new and improved Pro done one
  18. been after one of these for yonks, but i'm still undecided if i would like one or not or if i even like 6 strings anymore =/ eitehr way free double bump haha
  19. Hey James! Looking for an Amp head or cab? or both? I have a nice fat warm sounding Ashdown Mag 300 (5th ever made ) and 410 cab too, with cash your way? Just thinking about that as then i'd be ampless and penniless :'( reply via PM please? mmy computer is acting up
  20. Hey All! Not been on since late May! I've been in New orleans on a jazz tour with my trombone and then did four shows with a mates rock band on bass here in Scotland when i got back on the week end so its all good! My question is who has had custom builds, is it "worth it" and what was involved? As in how much do you need to know and information to give to a luthier, and is it "worth it" i mean costs (how much was yours?) compared to say having a P or J like bass but it costs you £3000 whn a near enough what you wanted could be a third that If its for completely custom shapes and things then its obviously worth it! I ask as after reveiwing all my stuff and alot more playing now its summer i've decided The Yammie Attitude is very close yes indeedy but not quite perfect so i will be posting several threads around here gathering information to my portfolio if you will of my potential custom job or alternatively i could just Start from a P-bass but i'll make calls along the way as i would almost certainly get a custom neck Thanks for listening! Hope your having a great Summer Adam
  21. [quote name='lowdown' post='846791' date='May 24 2010, 07:36 PM']Every one in an Orchestra is musically literate, apart from................ Viola players. Garry[/quote] Haha, and wheres that one come from then?
  22. I can read all the bass clef music and all bass clefs fine, 100% i can sight read it and all but treble and alto and even some tenor stuff confuses me, but i can handle it alright, but for bass i don't think its 100% necessary only learn it if you want to, or feel you should, I am musically literate as i play trombone/bass trombone in an orchestra though!
  23. [quote name='Bassnut62' post='844059' date='May 21 2010, 12:51 PM']i got rid of my Boss SYB3 ASAP too - horrible piece of junk; although the wah wasn't bad and could mix with dry signal. EHX MBS can be picked up for £100 second hand; but make sure it's an old steel 24v one. I've heard the new small 9v ones are not nearly as good. It might mean a bit of saving for the MBS; but it'll be really worth the wait and you'll be synth-sorted for as long as you need to be.[/quote] I love my SYB-5 and my SYB-3, But its not the same as other synths its basically a "make my bass into a glitchy keyboard" pedal, which i really dig:)
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