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Ghosts Over Japan

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Everything posted by Ghosts Over Japan

  1. Thats a good point and I will look into those scotchbrite pads thanks guys! [quote name='Al Heeley' post='425644' date='Mar 4 2009, 11:44 PM']If it bugs you that much you have to ask yourself: "Why do I want to hang onto a bass I don't get on with? Either I sell it, or rub the gloss down on the neck and make it something I want to hang on to" Get some fine scotchbrite pads from Homebase or B&Q and gently rub the gloss off the neck, its not as drastic as wire wool or sandpaper and it makes the neck silky smooth.[/quote]
  2. Ive been thinking of taking the painted finish off my self but I feel that doing anything to it in the visual side will make it lose a fair bit of value As for selling and just buying a musicman stingray, I'm currently unemployed so getting the money to make us the rest would require selling my amp. Thats why this is just an idea at the moment because when I get a job if its possible I might look into getting a musicman neck.
  3. if I got one with a rosewood finger board it would look quite similar to a G&L with the maple headstock Its mainly because im getting abit sick of the painted neck but so far this is only an idea
  4. No experience I'm affraid but one of the guitarists in my band really wants the geetar version of the blackouts. I think im gonna look for those bass ones! if their not too expensive I may get my self one for the front of my musicman!
  5. Argh I'm growing loving feelings for the SUB! So incase a nice status 5 comes up I'm affraid this is off the market fellas! Cheers for the interest.
  6. Hi guys just wondering would a 5 string musicman stingray or sterling neck fit on a 5 string musicman SUB? just wondering because I really cant stand a painted neck! Cheers guys
  7. WOW! thats like a perfect bass in a perfect colour! wanted one of those for a while but I think the Clover has to come first when I find a job!
  8. [quote name='Kev' post='420562' date='Feb 27 2009, 01:20 AM']Since you seem to be after basses worth more than your SUB, it might help to say how much money you have to put towards the deal great basses the SUB's, miss my old 4, learned to play on it [/quote] I also forgot to mention I've recently become one of the many unemployed so getting enough money to live on is hard enough There for I'm looking for a straight trade at the moment unless I manage to get a job soon! Thanks Cai
  9. [quote name='mcc' post='420262' date='Feb 26 2009, 06:03 PM']In my despair of not being able to find a Status S1 I went down to a shop today and tried one exactly like yours (but with the tacky metal grill -btw if it were less tacky I think I would even like it). I was blown away!!! I remembered seeing this add while looking for statuses. Any chance you want to sell it as it seems trading it hasn't worked??? A price?[/quote] Ahh it is still up for trade at the moment but I will let you know if i decide to sell. Cheers Cai [quote name='Kev' post='420562' date='Feb 27 2009, 01:20 AM']Since you seem to be after basses worth more than your SUB, it might help to say how much money you have to put towards the deal great basses the SUB's, miss my old 4, learned to play on it [/quote] Cheers for the kind words Kev they are fantastic basses which is why I'm waiting for the right trade to come along, or I might regret it! As for more expensive basses, I put lakland in the post title due to seeing a few round here on sale at around £400 a while back and as most Musicman SUB basses are going between £300-400 I was just seeing if anyone had an older or slightly damaged to make the value around about the same price. Sorry to cause any inconvinence. Thanks Cai [quote name='karlbbb' post='421206' date='Feb 27 2009, 06:27 PM']Cheers mate! Certainly interested here. How would a 2 month old, excellent condition Spector Legend 5 in Dark Cherry sound as a trade item? Excuse the bad picture as it's the only one I have to hand. [/quote] PM'd Thanks Cai
  10. Musicman Sub for sure! great sounding basses and I'm sure alot of people on here will agree with me when I say their really not that far off a real stingray tone! You can usually find them on here going between £3-400 second hand. Cai
  11. I've owned two of the four strings ones. one of them is currently owned by someone on here i think and the other one is a custom project and I have to say, for the price you cant get much better, very playable, the tone isnt as punchy as I'd like but still very good and I own a musicman SUB5 to compare it too and have to say, for the rediculously cheap price (£40 at cash converters) its a very good take on a musicman! Shame to hear the companies gone bust, I wasn't aware of that! I was considering getting one of the double MM pickup versions soon! Cai
  12. Ouch, shame its gotta go. Its beautiful. Good luck with the sale. Cai
  13. Active and Five string? I have a musicman Sub5 if your interested in making your musicman collection abit bigger Cai
  14. Come on people! More offers would keep me happy! Bump
  15. Had a bit of a widdle on this bass a few weeks ago and its lovely! the LED shuker logo is something beautiful in its self!
  16. Trace Elliot T-Bass, Status, Lakland, G&L, Anything? Come on lads! BUMP
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