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Everything posted by Gust0o

  1. I think I need to play catch-up - I've never owned 10 basses! My top 5 would be equally erroneous, I suspect. I will say that my Lakland DJ4 has been simply stunning, from having played a few jazzes, and I'm hoping I'll look back on it as one of better bass purchases
  2. The Classic Vibe Squier is awesome, from playing it. Does it have to be a Fender or such? I'd go for a Lakland DJ again, given the choice - absolutely f***ing awesome.
  3. The moment in the Creed vid where he gurns out "just one moment" took me back to Vic and Bob! Loved Kings, these are coming to work with me!
  4. Loads of bits and pieces, some tabbed and some informational, on 12 bar blues - always worth having a poke; having a try; and then making your own value judgements on what works. It's part of the learning process. [url="http://www.bassmasta.net/m/misc/133624.html"]http://www.bassmasta.net/m/misc/133624.html[/url] [url="http://www.bassmasta.net/m/misc/113521.html"]http://www.bassmasta.net/m/misc/113521.html[/url] [url="http://www.ultimate-guitar.com/tabs/m/misc/12_bar_blues_btab.htm"]http://www.ultimate-guitar.com/tabs/m/misc..._blues_btab.htm[/url] [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twelve-bar_blues"]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twelve-bar_blues[/url] Kudos to OTPJ for putting something together. To be honest, if I'd known how awful the football was going to be today, that would have been a better use of my own time!
  5. You're in the right place with Guitar Pro, but the best leap in nailing a cover is to - once you're comfortable - moving from the backing to playing alongside the original. I would definitely get a metronome, they're readily available and are an invaluable tool. If you have an iPhone there are plenty of apps to do the same. One of those will really help with timings.
  6. What a fantastic intervention! Good on Rob for making the effort.
  7. All PMs replied to, bar one for the trade - my bad! Will look and get back to you.
  8. £400 and must be new? We're well into Squire Classic Vibe territory, and I don't think you could go far wrong there.
  9. [quote name='faceman' post='849443' date='May 27 2010, 02:42 PM']it's deep and I love it.[/quote] I'm with Bay Splayer in seeing the filth in this thread
  10. Ah, that's my BC Rich 1984 NJ Eagle - an absolute smasher! I bought it from Shockwave a couple of years back as something to play live. It's very light weight, quick-necked, and offering a P-sound - I think Shaggy called his Eagle a "super precision", and I think that about sums it up. I love it, and would recommend an Eagle to anyone - if you can land a good NJ or neck-through model then you're laughing.
  11. Let's have a little bumpy. I suspect the points will remain a personal choice, but it's a nice little player - and I'm hoping I've priced it to satisfy even the curious.
  12. Very cool. You do have some awesome kit, Shockwave Is this the one shown on Vesterfansite? The bass there also has the 'kill switch' - they might also have an explanation of it's purpose! Love the panty shot.
  13. I think we're always returning to this debate - about quite why such expensive investments would be sold, or arrive, in so poor a state. Disappointed to hear this has happened to you. Hope you manage to raise the feedback appropriately with Andertons; it's their business, so you'd hope they'd listen and learn.
  14. Anyone want to trade me something for my Ironbird? Trades don't appear to be working for me, in the world of bass as in any other - I think I need some of this magic to rub off on me! I did manage to invest five hours of my time this week in support a colleague, to receive not one, but [i]two[i/] responses - I got [b]f***[/b] and [b]all[/b]
  15. I thought Guy Pratt had done enough to convince the world we're all mad, anyway? My only real grumble about the Beeb is that Marching on Together isn't getting the airtime a top 10 single deserves
  16. I grabbed some quick shots with the iPhone, to be going on with - I'll capture some in the next couple of days to show the points, and a little more detail throughout.
  17. I thought we were the intelligent counter to the missing link on drums?
  18. Lucky for me you didn't! It's been a great player, lighter than light with some heavy tones. Good luck with the knackers. Remind her that you married for love
  19. Very sad to hear this. I waited to post, as I was still of a mind that there might - possibly must - have been a mix up, given how it was reported. Alas not, and another one leaves us - and well before his time, too. RIP.
  20. I'll bump this. The Eagle is a fantastic bass; and this really is a superb example of the model. I still couldn't sneak this past the wife (not as we've been planning a custom shop build for my 30th, anyway) but surely someone can! I have Shockwave's old pink NJ Eagle, and - bargain as it was - I wouldn't trade
  21. I'm teaching mine to play, on the basis that a joint hobby should be doubly encouraged! It's never the money, always the permission which is the issue, I find. There's still some talk of me having a custom build for my 30th, so I might need to curtail the buying prior.
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