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Everything posted by Gust0o

  1. Gust0o


    You going to play them at the same time?! Nice work though, some very nice basses. They'd be wasted on me for sure. This thread is giving me some mighty GAS. Someone buy my T-bird and give me some rack room!
  2. Gust0o


    Was that one we had the pics of on bcrichplayers? I thought someone had dug out a BO replica? $4500 is step if it's knackered, mind.
  3. Gust0o


    I quite fancy the ST that the chappy from Warrant (was it?) had - the one from the ice hockey ad; either that or the yellow Ironbird the lad from Wasp had. Guaranteed to turn some heads!
  4. Gust0o


    The Lynott one is lovely; but the Bich's are the cream of Lorne's collection, to my mind. Stunning. Something like that would be wasted on a mug like me.
  5. Gust0o


    That is a novelty! Both of my Eagles have been through his hands! The only one I've looked at recently, other than my £30 Plat, was Greco's Gunslinger. That bass looked lovely! If I sign a new contract, I think I'll be due a treat. Think he was looking for $600 - bit easier to sneak past the wife. Lorne - I'll look for pics on Sunday. NGD and a hangover? Hope this is the Sei.
  6. Gust0o


    I like the Beast guitar... Never quite managed to convince myself about the bass, sadly.
  7. Gust0o


    The small matter of $3,000 is holding me back, Lorne. Sadly, we're not all paid like City bankers - though Aviva could live up to their brand promise of recognition, and recognise that I'd like to be! What's the incoming?
  8. Gust0o


    This is on the list. I wee'ed a little when I saw it:
  9. Gust0o


    sh*t, is your Snakeskin going? I thought you were flogging the Warlock or something! I've Lorne's old Custom Shop Eagle, which is absolutely stunning - thread below, if you'd like to see more: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=54804&hl=eagle"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=54804&hl=eagle[/url] I've got a few others kicking about, mind - Gold Series Ironbird; 1987 ST; 1984 Eagle... and my new project, out of shot, a Platinum ST which has Wizards installed. Quite the little thrasher that one Nothing wrong with wanted a BC Rich. The USA and Vintage models are superb, and you'll see some lovely examples on these forums (and a lot more on the likes of BCRichplayers.com). Consequently I've got a shopping list as long as a very long thing, I'm simply missing Lorne's knack for tracking them all down.
  10. Gust0o


    Wow, this is fantastic!
  11. Aren't Axlmusic the Chinese lot? Trivia only! Sounds like a hoon. Tell him you'll offer £400 to secure it immediately, but will need £5 in charges to cover the transfer/whatever by Western Union (the only way you'll do business of course; much like he'll only post). The hoaxer might as well buy you a pint, at the very least.
  12. Gust0o


    Well, I was considering selling my old vanilla T-Bird - but this looks like I might do better investing in some white paint. Very nice looker.
  13. www.idontneedanotherbasschat.co.uk.
  14. The tax threshold sucks. I'd be content to remain amateur, to be honest - unless it's a substantial additional income, so as to off-set the liability.
  15. Three months isn't a long period of time, in the grand scheme of things. Though it could well [i]feel[/i] a very long period of time if you're stuck doing little. However, I'm bored of the light side of the force getting all the product. I say rage. Turn to the dark side. If nothing else, it will produce drama.
  16. I love the blue Lakland. Did you get yours with the alternative scratchplates? They do an awesome blue/grey tort, which looks stunning on the blue basses.
  17. Very nice! What's the shielding?
  18. There's a good few members down your way - hopefully, if everyone keeps an eye out, this one might resurface. I'm sure your scum are the same as ours, and the likes of Cash Convertor, etc, will be a likely place to start. Here's hoping you get it back chief.
  19. Very nice. See, these threads always work so much better with pictures Good to hear that the gigs went well.
  20. Awesome, my first BC threeway!
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