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Everything posted by purpleblob

  1. I have to say, whilst I think John Myung is very talented musician he's put into the shade by the guys on the adverts to the right of the picture (just in case it doesn't show for everyone, it's Warwick advert with Jonas Hellborg and Jack Bruce on it). Umm, now the one at #3, I've heard Slipknot and can't say I'm a fan, but seriously is he any good certainly not better than Steve Harris or Jaco Pastorius Oh well, it's not my list so who am I to argue EDIT: Actually to give them credit (as others have mentioned) I suppose it's not a dreadful mix of players considering.
  2. [quote name='Doddy' post='967174' date='Sep 24 2010, 09:36 PM']Not really,because the things that you liked about it are still good whether they are standards or originals. Anyway..... Here is some classic Jeff Berlin [/quote] Ah I knew Joe Frazier would raise it's head. Amazing playing. I used to have Jeff's Pump it album (long gone as it was on vinyl and I have no vinyl anymore) which if I recall had a version of this track on it.
  3. [quote name='risingson' post='966842' date='Sep 24 2010, 03:59 PM']Hopefully based on the inconsistencies of their pricing it might fall to £500 soon and then I'll buy it! Wanted an F-Bass for ages [/quote] I as thinking the same thing - now watching the site
  4. My favourite looking Wood & Tronics, that looks fabulous !
  5. [quote name='Johngh' post='966436' date='Sep 24 2010, 09:58 AM']Chris, the last thread was pulled because of unofficial advertising. I was asked to pull it. [/quote] Totally makes sense now, fair enough I wouldn't be surprised if the OP might be glad if this one gets pulled although eagerly awaiting silddx's review of the album.
  6. There's no doubting JB is one hell of a bass player and musician. Technically there's possibly none better. And yes, you guessed it, there's a but... I personally find his playing lacks emotion and technical perfection is always secondary to music played with feeling - ofcourse it's just my opinion
  7. [quote name='blamelouis' post='964918' date='Sep 22 2010, 08:43 PM']Same here ,obviously we werent in a rush to part with our hard earned in a recession for mediocre muzak so it was pulled [/quote] Phew, thanks for confirming my sanity and memory are still (just about) working
  8. How strange, I could have sworn I left a comment on this one previously. Maybe I'm getting old or have I been censored ?
  9. Yes that place is very strange, does make me wonder if people actually pay those prices or they're there to allow them to appear to negotiate down to the real price Last year I was looking at a nice blue Pedulla Buzz 4 string which they were selling for about £1200 (I think), I liked it but didn't have the money at the time but I kept going back and looking at it until one day it disappeared. It came back a week later priced at £1999, suffice to say I didn't bother looking again. EDIT: I need a spellchecker
  10. I want that bass, it's quite obvious it's a babe magnet
  11. I've been waiting until I had some time to reply to your original post as this project is similar to something I had wondered about doing myself a few years back, although I was primarily aiming at allowing the sale of people's/bands music on a single site thus allowing unsigned artists a way to earn an income (if they so desired) or an audience for their music. Unfortunately illness and a lack of money mean't I never took this further and now I simply don't have the time (or inclination) to do something this big. Anyway... I think you have some good ideas but there are certainly a few similar types of sites out there. You would have some big competition with the likes of MySpace, but then MySpace is a little too general in some ways. I mean I have real trouble finding anything in MySpace (then again I don't use MySpace much so maybe I'm doing something wrong ). On top of this you have sites like www.unsigned.com, I seem to recall there was a really good site called garageband or the likes (which seems to have been eaten up by MySpace) and ofcourse there are other sites out there. Some I've heard of others such as lemonrock I'd never heard of. Then there sites like www.artonearth.com which are entirely sales based. So if you have an interest in doing something like this, and can cover the development costs initially then why not give it a go, whilst being first to market is often best, it's not always going to guarantee success. The fact that so many similar sites exist suggests that nobody as 100% cornered the market yet. If you were to offer this service to bands who approach you for web site development then maybe you could refine your ideas or find that word of mouth takes over but you would really need to build momentum asap and get the numbers joining to make the site viable. My biggest concern for you is if you want to earn money from this then what's your business model ? If you want to earn from people building a presence via your site/system you will have a lot of trouble when people can easily do something free on others sites (such as MySpace, and MySpace have the numbers already). Obviously if you're offering a simple free service with costs for enhanced functionality then that may be worth it to those bands who require the enhanced service but can you guarantee that you'll get anyone taking up the enhanced options and developing such a site is not cheap if you take into account what you'd normally charge for such work - but again, if you can cover this then why not give it a shot. Personally I think you'd make a massive mistake if your target this only at "pub bands", I would aim it at all artists. I mean if I were a 17 year old budding dance music producer I'd still like a way to get an audience and the features you mention for a site would be just as useful to me as a "pub" band or any other type of band. Look, you have competition, you know it, everyone knows it. But if you think back not too long ago google didn't exist and it seemed that yahoo, alta vista and the likes pretty much had the search world sown up but look at who's the top search engine now so there's always room for thinks to be shaken up ! EDIT: Apologies for the long post.
  12. That's beautiiful ! I love my old Wal and have one on order with Paul, but would dearly love to have a MIDI. Unfortunatley I've no money at the moment , so all I can do is offer you a good luck with the sale.
  13. [quote name='wombatboter' post='957408' date='Sep 15 2010, 05:03 PM']We are rehearsing with a new band and I only play fretless bass...Great but there's one big disadvantage. The band features three really good looking girls and because I have to play spot on I don't have the opportunity to look at those girls who perform a really sexy show..[/quote] Congrats. I think you've definitely found a place where fretless is not so good. EDIT: Or maybe it'll help get your intonation even better so you can look
  14. Congrats. sounds like it went really well. [quote name='stewblack' post='956837' date='Sep 15 2010, 07:18 AM']With me it's small crowds, intimate venues that are more nerve wracking. Bigger the gig the more remote the audience so they seem less of a threat.[/quote] I was the same. When I used to gig (a long time back I admit) I found that the smaller crowds got me the most nervous by far.
  15. [quote name='Colledge' post='956284' date='Sep 14 2010, 05:43 PM']my question is do you think there are any situations where a fretless bass should never be used?[/quote] No, not really where it should "never be used". But it all comes down to what sound/tone you want, obviously playing slap on a fretless produces a quite distinctive sound and lacks the attack of a fretted and it depends on whether this is the sound you'd want, two handed tapping takes some precision on a fretless, if you're into this. If you've good intonation then all things are possible
  16. purpleblob


    Hi there and welcome to BC.
  17. I'm just wiping the drool away from my mouth - that's a mighty fine looking instrument. I'm afraid I've nothing that matched your requirements to trade and I'm too low on funds at the moment to make a credible offer to you, so instead have a bump
  18. I'm sitting here open mouthed (almost is a stunned state), not only is the technique fantastic but the energy that's conveyed is amazing. A great sounding piece of playing on so many levels and very listenable which so often isn't the case on a slap bass solo piece.
  19. That is seriously good. Obviously needs vocals to complete it (I just hope they're not cookie monster style - but that's my personal dislike of that style ). Edit: EH, did you do all instruments ? Ignore that question, I see from the bandcamp site that you did. Really great job !
  20. Well those prices have certainly put a stop on me ordering a Fodera new and maybe that's the intention (well not me specifically I hope ). At the end of the day it's up to Fodera what they charge for their instruments and if they've got a full order book then who's to say they're wrong to charge those sort of prices. They're charging what they think the market will stand. If nobody was buying these instruments then they'd have to rethink their prices or go under.
  21. Hmm, I can partially agree but I think it'd depends on the song, I mean I wouldn't want to hear the Good Times bass line by Bernard Edwards messed about with during the main part of the song, but then I equally think that improv. fills or flourishes or ofcourse solos can be enjoyable.
  22. [quote name='throwoff' post='947950' date='Sep 7 2010, 09:02 AM']I think I read in Bass guitar mag that he got the bog oak from the bottom of the river in Frankfurt when it was being dredged! The dredger pulled up a 9,500 year old piece of oak and he decided to make basses from it.[/quote] It's a fantastic talking point for a someone - "so you have a badass bridge well I have 9500 year old bog oak" Absolute works of art all of Ritter's instruments (just looking at his site). Really love this thread's fretless and it's not too OTT (apart from the bolt on neck ). Shame I have no money, but I'll just keep drooling if I may
  23. [quote name='E sharp' post='947875' date='Sep 7 2010, 06:22 AM']I know , I was joking , and was commenting on the fact of the 14 fixings - OTT if you ask me[/quote] Don't worry E sharp, I got it That's an absolutely beautiful Ritter. They're like works of art. The back of that neck looks seriously good and 9500 year old bog oak for the bridge, where does he get this stuff
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