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Mikey D

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Everything posted by Mikey D

  1. [quote name='urb' post='202902' date='May 20 2008, 02:55 PM']Matthew Garrison band - with Tribal Tech keys man Scott Kinsey and drum monster Horatio 'El Negro' Hernandez - play Charlie Wright's International bar in near Old Street tube, Saturday 7 June - will be an amazing gig. Mike[/quote] Arrrgh I think I'm in Ireland!! What a crock of ****! Three of my favourite players, together!
  2. I can't wait to try one of these bad boys... Although, I'm not a fan of the actual look of the amp, including those handles on the front, but you just know it is going to sound mean! 600w at 4ohms and 9" wide * 8" deep * 3" high. Nice.
  3. Hey, [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=11325&hl=spector"]What about something like this?[/url] I've finally decided to take the plunge and get a GWB1 and get it fretted, but its no doubt going to take some serious funds. So prob gonna have to let this go. PM me if your interested.
  4. [b]Today: WORLD MUSIC[/b] 62 varied titles from around the world listed. Lots of of the Rough Guide series which is a great way to check out music from different countries. Also, lots of Colombian Salsa and other great music for bassists to check out. Check it out here:[url="http://search.ebay.co.uk/_W0QQfgtpZ1QQfrppZ25QQsassZpumpandschnitzel"]My eBay Listings[/url] and/or add me as a [url="http://my.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?AcceptSavedSeller&mode=0&preference=0&sellerid=pumpandschnitzel&ru=http%3A%2F%2Fcgi.ebay.co.uk%2Fws%2FeBayISAPI.dll%3FViewItem%26item%3D230253861047&ssPageName=STRK:MEFS:ADDVI"]favourite seller[/url] as I will be listing every week as long as I can get to a computer. [b]Next Sunday & the following Sunday: THE MUSIC KNOWN AS JAZZ[/b] Yes, the j,a, double z. I have quite a lot so I doubt I will be able to list it all for one week, it might even be a month of jazz!! I have some pretty special box sets that will be going up and a very large part of the Atlantic Masters/Warners collection to go up. A lot of styles of jazz will be represented-who knows, maybe TBBC might find something he likes!? Bilbo...I know you have been waiting for this one!
  5. [quote name='kevbass' post='200863' date='May 17 2008, 06:35 AM']very tasty, I have considered getting one of these and having it fretted, has anybody on this forum done so before? Did it turn out any good?[/quote] That is my main aim, to have a fretless and fretted one. I have talked with a couple of luthiers and they don't think they will be able to fret the ebonal as they feel the fret wire won't grip properly. The only option would be to remove the fingerboard and replace with a new one. Or keep an eye out for a fretted gwb2 which I have been doing for a very long time now. Or buy a gwb1 with an ebony board and get that fretted.
  6. I absolutely loved my GWB35, as it is (was) the best playing and sounding fretless I had tried. Also the ramp and upper neck access etc made is ideal for my style of playing, but recently I decided to sell it to cover rent etc. It was this or my Spector Rebop5, but I need a fretted bass more for some projects and the fretless was more for my own thing....however(!) when I saw another GWB35 come up on talkbass I had to have it as I decided I couldn't live without my GWB...it only took one week! [attachment=8736:gwb_bass.jpg] [attachment=8737:bass_pre.jpg] I was going to upgrade my GWB before it went, but this was the easy option. Custom nordstrand pickup and bee basses beepre...nice! I should get the bass within the week, so will try and get some sound files or something up to compare a normal gwb35 against it. My landlord is more than likely wondering where my rent for this month is though!
  7. [quote name='Musky' post='200728' date='May 16 2008, 09:16 PM']It's a Bronco with lots of extra bits by the look of it...[/quote] Yeah. Looks like a Squier Bronco, thats been resprayed with a badass ii bass bridge and other electronics/pickups.
  8. [quote name='Oscar South' post='200839' date='May 17 2008, 12:50 AM']Thats amazing regardless, but his bass looks like its set up for amplified playing only with a very nice action, I doubt you could pull that off on an upright set up for playing acoustically. Its the same with Renaud Garcia-Fons and Edgar Meyer, all 3 are completely mindblowing musicians but they probably have easier setups on their bass then most electric fretlesses heh.[/quote] I don't agree. I saw dave play four other students basses a few weeks ago one with low, one with a stupidly high action, two with medium to higher action. He sounded great on all of them. Also, when he played his solo at the end of the concert, it was unamplified and he still had a very nice, large, full tone that filled the fairly big recital hall.
  9. That's a great video. Dave is now artist in residence at my conservatoire and has been in for 2 workshop weeks this year-he is an absolute MONSTER!!! A really nice and obviously a very knowledgeable guy. He makes you feel great when you play in his presence as he is such a down to earth guy. He really does have total command of the instrument and his technique is pretty flawless! Each time he comes over he works with students who play his music at the end of the week and it has become tradition for him to play a short solo piece at the end...its worth going to for that alone. I can't wait until he comes over later in the year with his band! And of course to see more of his solo bass!
  10. I really like Incognito, but haven't checked out their past couple of albums. But I used to play along the 100 degrees and rising album all the time many years ago. Julian is great, as is Randy. Also, i really like the sunburst band, so cheers for letting me know about the new album.
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  12. NEVER being able to solo/improvise as well as I can when in the practice room or with my tutor. Drummer's who take a decade to setup and break down their gear (I play kit as well and if i can do both in under 8 minutes why can't you!) Using other peoples basses at jams/deps etc without having spent some quality time with it...I flat out refuse to play any instrument but mine as I am super picky with my setup. Idiots who shout things like "'ere...I bet you can't play (insert something they deem to be cool/Hard!)"
  13. [b]Here's the deal:[/b] Every Sunday I am going to list a large part (By Genre) of my CD collection that is far too big for one man to consume....a lot of them are in brand spanking new condition, or as new (Some are even sealed! ) I also start ALL my auctions at 99p!!! So you can potentially grab yourself some mega-bargains. All profits after eBay take their share will go to feeding a poor music student! [b]Today: CLASSICAL/OPERA[/b] There has to be some fans on here for this sort of music. They are the remaining classical/opera CDs that I bought as an investment a few years ago, a lot of them are still sealed. I sold most of my classical collection last year to fund some more jazz purchases, but there were 20 or so left so on the bay they go. Check it out here: [url="http://search.ebay.co.uk/_W0QQfgtpZ1QQfrppZ25QQsassZpumpandschnitzel"]My eBay Listings[/url] and/or add me as a favourite seller as I will be listing every week as long as I can get to a computer. [b]Next Sunday: World Music[/b] Incase you want to check out some Okinawan Rap or something!? Get saving those Pesos!
  14. I use the suitcase with (4b if required) for everything I do. I love the sound, size and look of it. One of the best sounding amps I have used, but for the bigger gigs i play, i could do with a little more power, but it does the job.
  15. Mikey D


    I'll take any set of the electrics with high c, not to fussed which. Or if anybody doesn't want the c in their set, I'll take them! Good luck with the exams, I'm going through the same at the moment...grrr
  16. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='189132' date='Apr 30 2008, 07:14 PM']It would be interesting to let you have a go on my [url="http://www.freewebs.com/crazykiwi_bass/pedullapentabuzz.htm"]Pentabuzz[/url] sometime and see if you still hold that opinion , however even a used PB is a little out of the quoted budget. Still excellent value if you can snag one for less than £800. I would agree with BigRedx, the construction and I would add that design of a fretless is even more critical because a good fretless sound relies that much more heavily on sustain and good, rigid construction.[/quote] I would love to, that bass (but in an ocean blue i think) was the bass I wanted most when I first started learning. To this day I still haven't played one.
  17. Before I got my PJB suitcase, I used to use one of these: Works fine.
  18. It is more of a guitar hybrid. They tend to be tuned E A D for bass and a d g b e for the guitar strings. I used to own a [url="http://www.wlguitars.com"]Wes Lambe[/url] until early this year when I had to unfortunately sell it to fund myself through university. But i would recommend his work over novax as the build quality is excellent and at a much cheaper price. I know as soon as I get some money again, I will be ordering another one. I made a couple of videos in the short space of time I had mine (a bit ropey, but that's what you get when you don't practice much) [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WSA2_ZCY9-g"]Chank - John Scofield[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kvcfvSKP7Vg"]Giant Steps[/url] This is the thread about the guy on jools holland: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=18511&hl=lambe"]Ken Pendergast[/url] If you want to see someone who has a bit more chops on it, check out charlie hunter on youtube or his website.
  19. [quote name='crez5150' post='192307' date='May 5 2008, 04:42 PM']I was a member..... sometimes it works... generally it sucks..... same as UK Music Jobs..... that sucks too[/quote] Yeah I was a member on that for a month or 2. My mate got quite a nice teaching contract out of it that I showed him...nothing for me though!
  20. [quote name='6stringbassist' post='192306' date='May 5 2008, 04:39 PM']If you like I could pass your details on to whoever placed the ad, save you joining.[/quote] Oooh, very tempting. cheers.
  21. If so: Have you got much work out of it? Joined a great band because of it? If it is worth it I may sign up, but there is only one advert I am interested in.
  22. [quote name='P-T-P' post='191029' date='May 3 2008, 03:08 AM']The point wasn't to say that I would practise swing to that beat at all and I don't believe I said that anywhere! Perhaps I didn't express myself very well. All I said was that I could play it that way. My actual point though was more that a rhythm that is simple, straight (using that term in it's loosest sense) and little more than metronomic only serves as the foundation for what you hear/feel/play. For a very simple example. I could take that beat and play the bass part from Spirit in the Sky and still get the bouncy feel of the original. My drummer friend didn't accept that you can achieve that feel without having all the other rhythmic parts in place. I accept that you aren't going to duplicate the overall feel precisely without duplicating all the contributing parts precisely, but his contention was more that, without them, it's just a beat and someone playing one note per beat on top of it. Have to say Mikey, your response was borderline close to the kind of response that my drummer friend would come up with. Looking a bit to much at the technicalities of it and missing the actual, far more conceptual, point.[/quote] Must be a misunderstanding then, because going by the title and the post "What caused it all was that I said I can listen to a click track playing four beats to the bar or even a simple drum part - eg kick on 1&3, snare 2&4, ride bell on each beat - and play along, quarter notes, and hear/feel the groove swing." etc I thought you were talking swing. Had you said something along the lines of your 2nd and 3rd sentence in this post, I don't think there would have been any argument/misunderstanding from me.
  23. [quote name='jakesbass' post='190765' date='May 2 2008, 06:09 PM']If I put a metronome on a back beat and play walking bass with it, it sounds like it's (the metronome) swinging, so I know exactly what you're talking about. No you are not mad.[/quote] Exactly, but i think the point is having what is seen as basically a simple rock groove in 4 on the drum machine, while walking along. I know any of my tutors would have words of advice for me if that is how I practiced.
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