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David Nimrod

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Everything posted by David Nimrod

  1. [quote name='BigRedX' post='95891' date='Nov 28 2007, 11:25 PM']Gosh! will be playing a 20 minute set as part of a 5-band showcase at Yates in Nottingham on Wednesday 5th December. Evening starts at 8.00pm Gosh! on at around 9.00pm. £2 on the door.[/quote] Yates? How could I resist ;-)
  2. [quote name='E_MaN' post='95885' date='Nov 28 2007, 11:13 PM']I'm thinking of looking at trying out an Ibanez SR900. For those of you that have one or have tried one out what do you think of it? What were the Pro's and con's for you? And if you do own one any problems down the line?[/quote] The necks are excellent (unless you need a fat precision feel). The p/ups and eq are pretty good, the bridges are average... The build quality is very good too, being Made in Korea ;-) Best thing really is the 5pc neck through design, feels great. If you can get the SR1000, the 4 string is £690 inc. hardcase. The SR900 is £540 with no 'case. Unless you can find one s/h. Anyway, basically it's a great instrument, IMHO of course!
  3. [quote name='Thunderthumbs' post='95932' date='Nov 29 2007, 01:46 AM']Some of Mark King's best work was the songs where he "underplayed".[/quote] And where he *didn't* slap... finger funk sounded so much more satisfying.
  4. [quote name='queenofthedepths' post='95815' date='Nov 28 2007, 09:28 PM']In short, if it doesn't groove, get rid of it[/quote] That's it!!! ;-)
  5. [quote name='lee4' post='95796' date='Nov 28 2007, 08:57 PM']I recently watched some Bass solo vid's on Youtube and I was suprised by how much they did NOT interest me.I feel like a traitor to bass players everywhere.I found I did'nt get off on extra fast shredding,or two hand taps.Slap by Wooten,sorry,not for me.I'm more impressed by a good groove or run in a song.I know that I will get some flak for this but I feel its time to come clean;to me bass is supportive.[/quote] I would broadly speaking agree... A lot of YouTube fodder is really dull... To me bass guitar is an ensemble instrument, barring the odd (short) solo. ERB's are a seperate issue, being a real solo instrument in certain contexts. But frantic tapping/slapping/shredding just doesn't sound interesting to me. Give me Norman Watt Roy over Mark King anyday ;-) (awaits flames...)
  6. [quote name='barneythedog' post='95290' date='Nov 27 2007, 08:28 PM']Glad you liked it David. I'm sure the 3-way switch was working when I gave it to my old man, although it DID have a flat battery - sorry about that. And I'm still gigging my fretted ATK 400. Fantastic. Ugly, heavy, but superb.[/quote] The more I play it, the more I like it... your dad was charming by the way! I think that with the groundwound strings the effect of the switch is a bit more subtle than I was expecting ;-) Btw, any idea of the date? I know it's more than 10 years old 'cos Headstock had no record of the serial no.
  7. [quote name='Telebass' post='94788' date='Nov 26 2007, 09:28 PM']VBA is great for old school rock, but little else IMHO, and weighs far too much to be bothered with.[/quote] I know you're right... but they still look *so* cool ;-) Back breakingly heavy though, for bands with roadies only!
  8. [quote name='slowbo' post='94784' date='Nov 26 2007, 09:21 PM']General Chat: I lived in Southwell, about 15-20 miles from you for about 20 years. I went to college in West Bridgeford, to get into UNI. I really miss Nottingham's live music scene. Here it's loadsa backing tracks!! [/quote] Hey, I'd swop Bridgford for Andalucia anyday ;-)
  9. [quote name='slowbo' post='94771' date='Nov 26 2007, 09:08 PM']Something in Em[/quote] Most of my own best basslines fall into that category ;-)
  10. It was my mums copy of 'Live at the Fillmore' by Cream. I couldn't believe Jack Bruce's intertwining basslines... Of course I still can't play them, but he's a brilliant guy. And a great example of rock 'improvisational' playing.
  11. [quote name='Mikey D' post='94579' date='Nov 26 2007, 03:06 PM']It's a common Db major pentatonic.[/quote] That makes perfect sense now - thanks!
  12. [quote name='bilbo230763' post='94622' date='Nov 26 2007, 04:38 PM']So we are all right!![/quote] Phew!!! ;-) Thanks to you all...
  13. Ok, I admit it, what I know about music theory could be written on the back of a stamp... My question is:- do these notes (in any order) constitute a scale, and if so, what is it? F, G#, C#, D#, A#, Many thanks ;-)
  14. [quote name='6stringbassist' post='94240' date='Nov 25 2007, 07:01 PM']"look I'm having a bass built by John Shuker"[/quote] Well I'm not ;-) I personally don't really care how many strings are on a Bass guitar... My preference is four - your mileage may vary - what's the argument? Don't dismiss the Forum, maybe this thread isn't a very good example. But BC is a great resource and full of knowledgeable players (not me btw!).
  15. [quote name='markytbass' post='94054' date='Nov 25 2007, 10:28 AM']I think the initial question was why were so many nearly new ones apearing on ebay.[/quote] Just done a search, there's one starting at £280 and 3 in 'shops' at about £330 to £350... and that's it ;-)
  16. [quote name='rockinbassman' post='93802' date='Nov 24 2007, 03:55 PM']Heres one to start with![/quote] Gorgeous!
  17. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='93775' date='Nov 24 2007, 02:57 PM'][/quote] Sounds like the annual 'Winter Vomiting Virus' to me
  18. A Badass bridge certainly helps, as to strings, well that's personal ;-) On my fretless MIM I have Status roundwounds, they sing beautifully. But a MIM will always be (like all Fenders) very variable in sound... You can get an exceptional one, or more likely a dull sounding one. I'd say it's only worth investing in expensive upgrades if you have to. Just enjoy it for what it is, maybe a backup bass or whatever...
  19. [quote name='Chopthebass' post='93735' date='Nov 24 2007, 12:34 PM']I'm having a similar problem. Can't find one to fit a MIM anywhere. The problem is that both the pickups on the MIM Jazzes are the same size, whereas on a American ones they are 91 & 94mm. So I'm going to make a template and do my own tortoishell plate![/quote] I'm starting to think that the only way to get a Fender scratchplate to fit right is to get it made 'from scratch' ;-) I haven't really got the money to do that for my MIM, as I may have to sell it early next year anyway... However, if you know of anyone who can make one for about £25 I'd be interested, the WD one was £33!
  20. [quote name='skywalker' post='93414' date='Nov 23 2007, 04:59 PM']Hi Dave The plan nearly worked, I was expecting the bass to have the white pickguard fitted and the torty as the spare, and it came the other way round, and it looks great, so sorry mate but I am going to leave it like that. You can have the white one, but that's probably not much good[/quote] Hi Steve, no problem ;-) And thanks for your helpful offer...
  21. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='93716' date='Nov 24 2007, 11:47 AM']I'm feeling very sorry for myself this morning. :-([/quote] You poor ol' b*st*rd! Hope you feel better soon ;-) Remember though, drink lots of water, tea, juice... Just keep the fluid going in all day... you'll need it! You're a true pro!
  22. [quote name='Machines' post='93146' date='Nov 23 2007, 07:25 AM']However if it were a real problem that reared it's head all the time - I doubt many people would use a 410 with a 115 at all..[/quote] +1
  23. [quote name='outsider70' post='92887' date='Nov 22 2007, 05:28 PM']Scientifically proven to be the best way to achieve the 'trouser flapping effect' [/quote] Lol! I'd have the 15" on the floor if I could, but of course I can't ;-)
  24. You can see what I use ;-) The 1 x 15" combo was livened up no end by the addition of a 4 x 10" You *will* get the full 575w out of the combo, it *will* be louder too! So the the combination of 15" and 10" drivers covers all the bases ;-)
  25. [quote name='MacDaddy' post='92606' date='Nov 22 2007, 11:14 AM']I've been looking for a headless bass that is passive. Can't seem to find one, apart from various custom jobs. Anyone know of any?[/quote] Hi Daddy-O, My Hohner B2AV is active, with treble and bass controls, but if you take the battery out it becomes a passive bass with no tone controls at all! How cool is that?
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