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Everything posted by Sibob

  1. I'm giving a +1 to the way it looks now, sorry Beedster Looks like an awesome bass at an awesome price! maybe if its still about in a couple of months........ ^_^ But good luck with the sale! Si
  2. Sibob

    DarkStar P

    The bass looks awesome mate!! Is it a 70's Precision?, or a RI? or just transferred up? Si
  3. I have a few different tones in my head for the couple of different bands. My USA Jazz through my mini Ashdown rig (EVO 500, Mini 48) is fantastic, couldn't be happier! For covers that is. Originals wise, my Drop C 'ThingRay' through my full Ashdown rig (above + Mini 15) is also fantastic, and couldn't ask for more from a low tuned bass. But my Drop D tone is a bit lacking, but hopefully a pending deal will sort that all out, more details when it happens! Like i said, i love the tone of my Ashdowns, but the size of the drivers and cabs mean that they don't throw sound a great distance, would love to try some larger cabs in my various musical settings to see if i would get on with them. I'm also waiting on the tuners to finish my 'Early 80's P/J Encore Project' thing, with a DiMarzio in, should sound awesome. Si
  4. I usually use two fingers alternating for the majority of my playing. I utilise a 3 finger r-m-i-r-m-i etc technique for fast triplets, i find that playing the fingers in that order as opposed to i-m-r gives me a bit more bounce on the string for whatever reason. I've also begun working on it a lot harder to smooth it out so i can play fast 4ths with no accents. Often i also play 3 finger + thumb plucking technique, but that tends to be for more chilled out passages because you (I) don't get as much attack compared to standard finger style Si
  5. I'm playing with my band First Signs Of Frost at the Royal British Legion in Watford tonight if anyone is about. The flyer is below, also checkout www.myspace.com/firstsignsoffrost 2nd gig with the new singer Cheers Si
  6. Cool mate, and vice versa! Yeah i know what you mean, can't remember the last time i watched a band on a weekend! Si
  7. Ped will be along shortly Si
  8. What bass is the custom shop? Jazz? Precision? Just for clarity for everyone else Si
  9. First bassline i ever learned was 'Frank Sinatra' by Cake Si
  10. Anyone going? Me, my gf, a singer friend and 2 bass player friends are off to see him Si
  11. I dunno, i quite like the white!! Hate the gold hardware though lol I'm sure the Amber will look just as wicked though! Si
  12. [quote name='timefall' post='69494' date='Oct 4 2007, 01:22 PM']Well for that I thank you . I've been listening to some of your stuff on myspace dude - superb!!!. Are you off to Japan anytime soon? To be honest I'm no bass expert, but I write alot of dual keyboard parts that the bassist plays when we do them live and I guess it's easier played on two strings than one, but if a 5-string player can do that just as well I'm all up for that!!! Do you know of any in the Cambridge area? As I said dude - excellent stuff, loving the overall sound - where was it recorded? Jon[/quote] Cheers, thanks a lot! If you're referring to the First Signs Of Frost material, then the Drums were recorded at Ignition Studios (Islington) and everything else was Recorded and Mixed at the Guitarists home studio, using Logic 7 with the usual mics and outboard gubbins . We think it sounds alright, but we're definitely going to be stepping things up for the album we're writing! I play it all on a 4 string, albeit tuned down to C Standard ( C, F, Bb, Eb). Theres plenty of unison lines i play although i tend to keep them in the lower octaves generally because we have two guitarists, and that end of the sonic spectrum would just get cluttered if i kept going high, of course theres exceptions, but thats my general thinking. We've been talking with the label about going out to Japan in the new year, which is all very exciting, i love the culture and have always wanted to travel there, it will be a dream come true to actually play there! I don't know any bassists in the Cambridge area i'm afraid, but here is definitely the best place to ask Si
  13. Wasn't being sarcastic, just saying! Like i said, good luck! Si p.s. if anything, i'm keeping your post at the top lol
  14. Wow, you must have a lot of bass melodies that go the 5 notes past a High G Si
  15. I omitted my mention of chicken-neck for fear of deviation. I do get some odd movements going with me 'ol neck. Again mostly with my more chilled out gigs, with FSOF my neck generally just aches the morning after (EVEN MORE ROCK!!!!!!!! ) haha Si
  16. I don't tap my foot to keep time, its just something that happens if i'm in a fairly relaxed stance, which isn't usually the case with FSOF (ROCK!!), moreso with my covers band lol. Also, i'm a fidgeter, i'm pretty much always moving and tapping my feet and stuff. Sometimes when i'm practicing, i'll be playing one thing, and my leg will be bouncing in a completly different time simply because its sub-concious so it doesn't affect my playing....weird! Si
  17. If you're looking for a six-string player exclusively, i think you're narrowing your prospective field quite a lot! Good luck though! Si
  18. Still a bargain if it's all original and in alright nick! Si
  19. My phone wouldn't let me text the number Si
  20. Or an American Jazz Deluxe 4 string Si
  21. Hey all! Just thought I'd remind everyone of my originals band's gig tomorrow nite (Tuesday 2nd Oct 07) at Camden Underworld In London. Its our first gig with our new Singer and should be awesome because he's awesome ha! We're supporting Days In December, and theres a couple of other bands on the bill as well! Check the Flyer below!! If you're about, come say Hi! Cheers Si www.myspace.com/firstsignsoffrost
  22. Still got my Jazz Deluxe The Deluxe's a smaller body then the american standards remember :-D Si
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