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Everything posted by woodster

  1. Thanks! What kinda soul were you thinking? As long as it's not an R. Soul, I might consider it
  2. Would you trust your bass in the hold on a plane? Yep, and I do.... About 10 times a year... Only taken my basses in the cabin once or twice, usually they go in the fragile items section of the hold. Only ever fly BA unless its REALLY not possible and BA have yet to damage any of the axes. If anyone from BA is reading this, that's NOT a challenge!!!
  3. He is using my SKB bass safe so they must've jumped on it!!! I've been all over the world with that with no problems....
  4. I've also got an SKB Bass Safe in Southampton you're welcome to use.
  5. I wonder if Dave from Aguilar maybe had a tough weekend? I had a long talk with him on saturday morning and he was warm, friendly and happy to go through their range in some detail..... Maybe the weekend slap-a-thon got on his t*its too?
  6. Went on the saturday and had a ball.... Plus points: The guy who shouted "bass w*nkers" Inbetweeners-style as we queued outside Olympia. Dave Swift - great bloke Stu Clayton - real friendly John East Dave on the Aguilar stand -I WILL be back for an AG500 and 2 SL112's!! TM Stevens Seeing my PJ on the Overwater stand Minus: Noise/slap- obviously Had a great day overall, hope to see the show grow and be an annual event from now on.
  7. [quote name='NJE' post='691316' date='Dec 22 2009, 10:19 AM']Are all the Overwate rowners too busy playing to put a picture up? [/quote] Yep....
  8. +1 to all of the above.... I've also got moulded ER15's but used the ER 20's for a few years when I was younger..... Eventually found the ER20's made my ears itch so took the plunge and had moulds taken. Best £160 I've ever spent.
  9. woodster

    Ska in Coventry

    Thanks mate, she's a beauty!!!
  10. woodster

    Ska in Coventry

    Thanks for the heads up, I finally found 2 clips...
  11. woodster

    Ska in Coventry

    Thanks for that, shame you couldn't make it.... Do you have the youtube like for the clip, I can't find it.
  12. [url="http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/Mono_STRAPPS.html"]http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_sp...no_STRAPPS.html[/url]
  13. woodster

    Ska in Coventry

    Thanks!! should be a good night.
  14. woodster

    Ska in Coventry

    The South's number 1 2-tone tribute, Orange Street, are playing at the home of 2-tone ska, 2 Tone Central in Coventry, this saturday 26th Feb at 8pm. Join us for a night of moonstomping tunes and maybe even a 'Special' guest..... www.2tonecentral.co.uk
  15. [quote name='Rich' post='1132151' date='Feb 18 2011, 01:06 PM']If memory serves me correctly, Goggle once formed a DnB duo with the rapper Titchie Tallent. I believe they went under the name 'Norfolk 'n' Tallent'..?[/quote] Later, in a bid to widen their appeal, they were joined by trombonist Tommy Still, but they were Still, Norfolk 'n' Tallent
  16. No worries buddy. Believe me, I've spent many hours behind the wheel, on stage in the middle of nowhere or sat on the floor of a studio struggling for inspiration thinking "why am I doing this?". But then I have an amazing gig or great session and I know why!!!
  17. [quote name='Gareth Hughes' post='1128757' date='Feb 15 2011, 07:19 PM']Few things I'd like to respond to - mainly because I'm reading a lot of negative comments here.[/quote] My post was not intended to be negative, I love my job. I was just trying to illustrate that it's not ALWAYS fun. [quote name='Gareth Hughes' post='1128757' date='Feb 15 2011, 07:19 PM']All of the above quotes can be said of ANY job.[/quote] Thats what I was saying, being a pro musician IS just like ANY job
  18. I also can't speak highly enough of John or his products. The P Retro in my Overwater developed a fault 2 days before Xmas so I rang John expecting to leave a message for after the Xmas period. John answered the phone and after discussing the issue and asking when my next gig was, invited me up to East Towers on the morning of my gig 29th Jan when he assured me he would repair or replace the P Retro while I waited. The fault turned out to be a loose wire but the welcome and service I got from John were above and beyond.... Both my Overwaters have got East Pre amps and it's only a matter of time before I'm shopping with John again. Take a bow Mr East!!
  19. Some really good, valid posts in this thread... From my own experience, [b]You CAN earn enough to pay the bills[/b] - but be prepared to put the hours in, including travelling, homework or lesson prep if you teach. [b]I spend many hours alone in my car[/b] - driving to sessions or gigs which may be miles away can be a lonely business. [b]Your family DO suffer[/b] - I've had to cancel many family events over the years. NOT 'coz i just HAD to do the gig/session but 'coz the money was too good, or too needed, to turn down. Also the early morning school run is not ideal if you only got home at 4am after a gig. [b]Money is ALWAYS an issue[/b] - unlike 9-5'ers, you can never be sure where the next paycheck is coming from. There have been good points made about letting down bandmates, or them letting YOU down. If your saturday night, £400, corporate gig gets cancelled coz your guitard's car broke down, there is a very good chance that money has gone and there's no way for you to get it back. Don't get me wrong, I love my job, but it's just like any other job.... Sometimes you have to go 'into the office' when you don't want to or work with people you don't get along with. Previous posts have mentioned the lack of sick pay, holiday pay and pension benefits, If I don't work, I don't earn, simple as that. Turning your hobby into something you HAVE to do is a big step so be sure before you leap.
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