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Cat Burrito

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Everything posted by Cat Burrito

  1. NME fads aside, this is actually reading like a fairly well informed list. We can make smart alec comments (incidentally mine is "I always remember Carol Kaye wanting to play as well as Krist Novoselic") but actually I've seen a LOT worse. I suspect this has got better as the thread has continued.
  2. In all fairness, I think it depends on the genre. Blues, Country & Jazz acts tend to have all ages from teens to 70s but pop tends to discriminate more. Personally I feel the best acts don't tend to worry about things like age.
  3. [quote name='wizbat' post='559254' date='Aug 3 2009, 02:43 PM']Try a MXR micro amp.[/quote] +1
  4. I saw that & bizarrely I've sold to that seller on EBay in the past - small world! I can't recall now though whether it was pickups or effects pedals that he bought.
  5. I used to own one, they are awesome. I love the black ones
  6. I think everyone else has this about covered. I also leave any amp with tubes on from soundcheck so it's nicely warmed up.
  7. Adding to what YouMa said, the 70s Precision basses had thinner necks so the Squiers VM series often have slim necks on the P-bass models. Mine feels like my old 75RI Jazz that I sold a few years ago. I'm plus one on a Jazz too btw
  8. I'm intrigued by Les Claypool's Bassjo. I must have spent an hour on google trying to find one. I also like the Resonator bass. Both ideas are really quite silly but appeal to my tastes. I also thought Pete Turner (from Elbow / cover star) appears to have both my dress sense and taste in basses!
  9. [quote name='jakesbass' post='558184' date='Aug 2 2009, 12:24 AM']Is age discrimination a workable ethic in this scenario, if I as a 41 yr old bass playing pro applied do you think that the law should afford me equal opportunity despite the fact that the act would almost certainly miss many promo opportunities because of a person my age in the band? (assuming that my application was upheld in law) Jake[/quote] If the ad said a 17yr old [b]and[/b] a 24yr old - the 41yr old could presumably do a 2 for 1 deal? In which case, I'm too young!?! I wish!
  10. This thread inspried me to talk with my roadcrew about lugging gear... hell, who am I kidding? I think life is about compromise to an extent. I remember when I was at one of my bass playing busiest periods during the late 1990s and I lived in a top floor flat with no lift. I'd regularly cart all my Peavey gear up 6 flights of stairs. Now it's about portability. I have a couple of combo amps that sound perfectly serviceable. The Ampeg is for small to medium gigs and I have a Roland DB700 for the big shows. The reality is though if I played with a roadcrew and big venues I'd have some massive Ampeg SVT setup. That's not the reality though, so I don't.
  11. I took a break once & it was very healthy. Best of luck with it
  12. I've tried other brands but I'm always most comfortable with a Fender Precision bass. I went through an Epiphone phase and have owned a few other brands but I stripped it right back & now use Fender P-basses almost exclusively. I have a Squier too which is about as much variety as you'll get from me right now!
  13. We did a stripped down acoustic show where I played my USA P-bass strung with Rotosound Trubass strings. I was really pleased that the bassist from one of the other bands assumed I was normally a double bass player (this was the sound I was trying to achieve - and an irony not lost on the fact that had he heard me on my double bass I'm sure he'd ask if I was normally a bass guitarist!). Still we played well with just acoustic, mandolin, twin harmonies and banjo on one tune. Great fun.
  14. Ideal world a band is like a gang, you play in one band and you are loyal to the cause. The reality is that we get older & wives, jobs, kids etc get in the way. I currently play in 3 bands (a situation I would never have imagined a few years ago) and bands gig in various different states. I don't tend to miss gigs but an old band once gigged without me (& without asking). I was a bit upset but it's life and I chose to just get on with it. It's not nice but it's a downside to gigging in a band of slightly older people where the show must go on.
  15. [quote name='silddx' post='556112' date='Jul 30 2009, 01:06 PM']The cost to ebay for storing such items would far exceed their value.[/quote] Agreed. A lot of big companies write off smaller expenses that are actually quite big for the individual
  16. [quote name='machinehead' post='556100' date='Jul 30 2009, 12:55 PM']Is it possible that the seller got his money as well, and ebay are swallowing all the costs? I have no ebay experience so.......... Frank[/quote] Yep, that's exactly what has happened
  17. [quote name='Rich' post='556080' date='Jul 30 2009, 12:39 PM']Glad you've got your dosh back and a favourable result. BUT. I feel uneasy about the whole idea of eBay telling you to keep the bass. You're getting a full refund, and yes he should be paying all postage costs and so on, there's no way you should be out of pocket, but for eBay to deprive the guy of his property? Surely only a court should be able to do that? I don't like the idea at all. [i]*dons flameproof underpants, awaits flood of "bollox, the bastid's getting what he deserves" replies*[/i][/quote] The guy has been paid so it is EBay's property to give. She didn't lose out. I did take Police advice on this (although my own law knowledge is good) and this is predominately a civil transaction. The seller never made any criminal admissions. Should the EBay fraud team gain any additional info such investigations are passed to Police but what we don't want is an already over stretched Police force running around investigating complex internet scams that are very hard to prove in a criminal court. By taking ownership & footing the bill EBay are also committing themselves to make the site a safer one. I for one would be more than happy to assist any investigation, be it civil or criminal. Despite all this I would much rather have had a the original genuine article & none of this rubbish!
  18. The guitar one has dropped price wise so I'll be waiting a fair while before even thinking about this one.
  19. OK - Although it felt longer this has been resolved relatively quickly. EBay have footed the bill as a company & I have received a full refund. The seller is blocked (although I've since seen some over priced Squiers advertised slightly more honestly from a different seller - Hmmn!) with their fraud team looking at them and the refund comes from EBay so there is no comeback on me. Sweet! Oh & the fake bass is officially mine for me to keep or dispose of as I see fit. Pretty good customer service from EBay I'm sure you'd agree? They did mis-quote the refund date twice but the main thing is I've not lost out. I won't be selling the Frauder Precision (get it?) and I'm much happier with the situation. A shame though that in 700 safe transactions there is always one idiot who can potentially ruin what is otherwise a safe place to shop. Cheers for all the interest and support BB
  20. They do look great. A bit above my price range for what it is though
  21. I remember the Westone Thunder 1A bass from school and it was a really solid bit of kit. Great tone, good price and decent. I'd pay £199 for a good one
  22. I had an Epiphone Flying V a few years ago that was rubbish on many levels so I flogged it on. I prefer the look of that one but that says very little. Had anyone heard of Noz apart from his immediate family?
  23. I'm very set in my ways & like traditional looks in all musical equipment. Each to their own though
  24. I try not to regret any sales. There was a nice Jazz that went once & my old Vox amp but I'd moved on so no regrets. If it ain't getting played, it goes!
  25. I support my local shop a lot (ask the wife!) but I'm not afraid to buy online IF you know what you are looking for! My local shop sets up instruments & I don't think Dawsons always do. Some online retailers are better than others so do your homework & it's fine
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