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Everything posted by pantherairsoft

  1. Recently tried the TC Spark Booster. Wasn't really expecting much, but it was pretty damn excellent. Well priced too.
  2. NI Massive is a big win. Sonnox (Sony Oxford) Inflator is pretty incredible, as is their Limiter. Actually everything they make is frigging awesome, but not cheap! Waves RBass is an electronic producers bass-dream on a budget. EZ Drummer can't be argued with.
  3. Pretty cool thread dude. I hope you don't mind me adding to it... I recently got asked a question on another forum about mixing on headphones (which many many people do!) and thought the answer would be of interest here... Mixing on headphones... Should I do it? I've also recently put together a free guide to creation better mixes and mastering your own audio at home, with just your laptop and DAW, avoiding the need for expensive plugins or outboard gear. If anyone is interested you can grab that HERE, or by following the link on the SubMix Audio home page. If I write any other relevant blog posts soon I'll share them on here if that's cool. Makes sense to keep it all in one place on Basschat.
  4. Freqbox is SOLD! Just the Mangler left folks!!!
  5. [quote name='Kev' timestamp='1414926941' post='2594652'] This Moog is tempting me something awful, what possible use could I have for it?! But still.... [/quote] Lots of use. It's make an interesting blendable drive pedal with more sonic options than any fuzz. It's a perfect standalone synth pedal, mega awesome with octave and filter. It can be used for textural drone stuff. White noise-esque stuff... And can be used as an instrument on its own away from the pedalboard (by patching the oscillator oit to the input!). Mega interesting bit of kit!
  6. My Roscoe is 32" scale... and up for grabs... do it! 32"is the way though. The difference between 32 and 33 feels far more beneficial than the move from 34 to 33. I love 32" scale.
  7. Kind words dude. Each improvisation was done on a different day, so it captured the mood I was in at the time, based on what had happened that day. It was an interesting fortnight when I tracked that stuff! Shep.
  8. [quote name='FretNoMore' timestamp='1414506605' post='2589967'] Very cool! Clicked on Lost in the dark and almost feel off my chair from the opening note, had the volume turned up a bit too much. [/quote] Yeah... I may have pushed the mastering limiter a little too hard actually! Ha.
  9. I haven't had a board for a while now, and it's taken a while to get around to getting this up online, but if anyone is interested in the sounds that came from my last monster live pedalboard set up, here are a number of improvisations using it before I split it all up (and sold most of it!). Signal chain listings are on each tracks info... https://sheponbass.bandcamp.com/album/astronominal
  10. Hey folks, today saw the release of my solo bass/effects/noise album, Astronominal. [color=#141823][font=Helvetica, Arial,]The record is available to stream and download here -> [/font][/color][url="https://sheponbass.bandcamp.com/album/astronominal"]https://sheponbass.bandcamp.com/album/astronominal[/url] [url="https://sheponbass.bandcamp.com/album/astronominal"][IMG]http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h44/pantherairsoft/Astronominal3_zpsdaaaec6a.jpg[/IMG][/url] [color=#141823][font=Helvetica, Arial,]Each track is a live one-take improvisation using bass and effects, between 2 and 9 minutes in length. Drums, percussion and vocals/spoken word were added later to suit the vibe of the improvisation. The listing for each track contains the effects signal chain, so you don't have to ask if you're interested in such geekery. I'd like to mention two thank you's as well - firstly to my good friend, our own mcgraham for the album name (a typo in conversation), and secondly to the very talented Steuart Liebig for showing me that releasing crazy stuff on the bass is totally OK![/font][/color] [font="Helvetica, Arial, lucida grande, tahoma, verdana, arial, sans-serif"][color="#141823"]This record will certainly not be for everyone, and is, in the most part, highly unaccessible musically speaking, but I hope it does catch a few ears [/color][/font] [color=#141823][font=Helvetica, Arial,]Cheers,[/font][/color] [color=#141823][font=Helvetica, Arial,]Shep[/font][/color]
  11. NO LONGER FOR SALE, WITHDRAWN. Up for grabs is my GR-55. One of the most powerful synths and multi effect systems in the planet, and while it take some setting up and tweaking, it's possibilities are utterly endless. Want to sound like an Upright, or a Violin? Yup. Want to sound like a drum kit, or an entire Jazz Trio? Yup. Want some huge bass synths? YES! Want amp and can simulators, as well as bass modelling? Yup. Add into this one of the best pitch-to-MIDI systems I've ever tried. Basically it's a 1 stop shop bass hub. The GR-55 is boxed, with power supply and manual, and includes the 13pin MIDI cable required. The GK-3B pickup is less than 3 months old and has only been installed in one bass. I have all the packaging and manukau for this as well. I am asking £410 posted in the UK (collection is welcome from Derby) for the lot. Pics later today, but it's basically mint (and it's the blue version).
  12. Bump. Final price drops. They sell at this price, or they stay. Will consider trades with a Softstep, floor-based midi controller, or synth.
  13. COG Knightfall SOLD pending payment.
  14. [quote name='Kev' timestamp='1413395961' post='2577930'] It makes me sad that I can't be the next owner [/quote] That makes me sad as well dude. I'd love it to go to a Basschatter and stay part of our little community.
  15. Hope this is allowe (Mod's?).... http://basschat.co.uk/topic/237717-submix-mixing-mastering-services/ I've already done some work for some Basschatters too. Shep
  16. I really dig this bass. I've played a couple of Sandberg's, 2 of which were fretless, and both of which sounded fantastic. I'm not a huge fan of their fretted tone, but they seem to get the fretless stuff spot on. Plus, this looks gorgeous!!!
  17. As suggested above - Spend as much as you can and get the best (to your ears) your money will buy, then use them to death until you know every little nuance there is. Buy second hand if you can, so you can get more for your money, but if you have to buy new, the Presonus Eris range are (to my ear) the best of the budget bunch. I also quite like the old faithful Alesis M1. If you can pick up any old Events (TR5, TR8 etc) then they are killer. I've been an Event user for some time and swear by them (I'm now using 20/20 BAS V3), but we are dangerously close to changing the discussion to 'whats your favourite monitors', rather than important question of 'what is right for me?'. Also, like bass cabs, they all have their own flavour, and buying any without trying them out with music you know to see how they suit your ear is a big gamble.
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