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Everything posted by pantherairsoft

  1. [quote name='Joeyfivebags' timestamp='1421840767' post='2665524'] Not exactly unusual for ESP. [/quote] Prince could rock all of those guitars without anyone even finding it strange!
  2. [quote name='pantherairsoft' timestamp='1421354142' post='2660364'] Looks good, though theres some serious high end diffusion, and pretty much no bass trapping going off, so while the sound is very tight, I'd be very surprised if your listening experience is not a little inaccurate. Do you not get standing waves building up in the corners? Or is bass trapping part 2? [/quote] A room has more than 4 corners though - There are the lengths where the wall meets the floor, and the ceiling. Often standing waves are worse along the top and bottom of the rear wall than they are in the corners. Obviously, the room may be fine without them, but given it's shape, and top end treatment, I imagine it'd benefit.
  3. How on earth is this still available? Hardly like we see many Ritters around these parts!
  4. Looks good, though theres some serious high end diffusion, and pretty much no bass trapping going off, so while the sound is very tight, I'd be very surprised if your listening experience is not a little inaccurate. Do you not get standing waves building up in the corners? Or is bass trapping part 2?
  5. Sounds like a grounding problem. Ask a tech, or email Brian at SS/BS with some guy shots and I'm sure he'll diagnose it quickly for ya'.
  6. Great stuff. It's a wicked little synth!
  7. Thanks guys. Been receiving some amazing feedback from people and bits of press. It's really humbling to know people love it.
  8. [quote name='scojack' timestamp='1421160611' post='2657816'] Can't believe your selling this m8 Probably my all time fav bass i've seen on here. [/quote] As you can see by the bump regularity, I'm not in a rush... I sent it to Bass Direct to sell, but after 4 weeks of not having a bass around I missed it so got it back, but it's sat in a stand for 2 months other than the odd tinker.
  9. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1421061401' post='2656599'] YAY, WELL DONE SHEP! That's excellent news mate and well deserved. Nice tunes too. But then you already know I'm a fan [/quote] Cheers dude. Your support is always appreciated. Album was launched today, you can hear it on Spotify, grab it on iTunes, Amazon, or most other platforms you may every be interested in. If you are interested in checking it out, it can be streamed in full here : [url="https://wristsmusic.bandcamp.com/album/the-censorship-trap"]https://wristsmusic....censorship-trap[/url] Cheers all, Shep [IMG]http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h44/pantherairsoft/WRISTS/WRISTS_CityHall_Small_zps0b27b125.jpeg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h44/pantherairsoft/WRISTS/WRISTS_Cover_The_Censorship_Trap_Reduced_zps1b6f2e6f.jpg[/IMG]
  10. Bump on the Manger... Will consider trades on something I can use for the studio... Nice paid of headphones, interesting Mic, MIDI keyboard, or or pads etc etc.
  11. Another track we managed to sneak out before the albums official release on Monday... Some breakbeat/wobble/hiphop action. The lead line is all played on the bass using the Roland GR-55. WRISTS - Da' Speaker Blown - https://wristsmusic.bandcamp.com/track/da-speaker-blown Shep
  12. Not quite sure how my band name got changed from WRISTS (in capitals), to wriist... But I'm kinda wishing we'd gone with wriist now
  13. Cheers guys! The album is available to pre-order on Bandcamp, with immediate download of Pigs Still Porkin (Another Negro Summer) - [url="https://wristsmusic.bandcamp.com/album/the-censorship-trap"]https://wristsmusic....censorship-trap[/url] and on iTunes - [url="https://itunes.apple.com/gb/album/the-censorship-trap/id953560056"]https://itunes.apple...rap/id953560056[/url] Released officially on Jan 12th (a week today). Another video for you too (for the track you get with the pre-order)... [media]http://youtu.be/WEGo6i6Ys10[/media]
  14. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1418158679' post='2627580'] Great news Shep [/quote] Thanks dude, very exciting. Currently on the way to NYC for a hookup with TH!
  15. I felt sure this thread existed already... but can't find it... So maybe not. I'll listen through the bands above and like those I dig. Here is my latest noise project... http://www.facebook.com/wristsmusic Shep
  16. Following the interest that the single generated, and some discussion, I'm super mega excited that this happened... [IMG]http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h44/pantherairsoft/WRISTS/WRISTS_Atypeek_Contract_zps8f6fdac7.jpg[/IMG] The upcoming album will now be released on Atypeek Music (along with the re-release of the single).
  17. It's really really hard. It's about a mitre of letting go of 'cool stuff', and really coming to terms with what you 'need' for the music you create. Makes sense to have a drive pedal of some sort if your amp does not have the capacity to do it. An octave pedals is a regular item to find on bass too. Ironically if I had to keep 2 pedals, it would be delay and chorus, as they were the first 2 pedals I ever owned, and were the motivation behind becoming creative with pedals. I'm a huge delay fan, so that makes sense to me... but from a general perspective, dirt and Octave makes more sense. I couldn't make that decision, and had other motives behind down-sizing, but my saviour has bee the Roland GR-55 that does the job of a multi effects that doesn't suck, whilst also doing 20 billion things i couldn't do with my 70 odd effects pedals. Took time to highlight what I needed, and to let go of that attachment to 'this is seriously awesome'... but it was the best move for me.
  18. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1417501938' post='2620969'] Lol....More than likely. Nice looking website (Submix), very easy to navigate around and plenty to keep one interested. Well presented...Good luck with it all. [/quote] Thanks bud, appreciate it. Not quite got the reach of LANDR unfortunately!
  19. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1417471836' post='2620825'] Sorry, posted from a mobile, no smiley or tongue in cheek. Just a joke.....lol... And of course what you said is right. [/quote] Ah! Ironically, I have seen stereo widening discussed in that way in a magazine... I thought you may have read it... And not burnt it!
  20. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1417468787' post='2620744'] A Stereo widening device is a waste of money and a gimmick. You can do it yourself. Just move your monitor speakers an extra foot apart, job done. [/quote] Not strictly true. Doing so will (kind of) widen the way you hear the mix (though it'll only really sound accurate if you move backwards the same amount you spread the monitors to maintain an equalateral triangle with the monitors) in your listening space, but not in the actual mix. Soon as it's not played on your monitors then that widening is gone! That's also not really stereo widening, as the centre/unpanned sounds will remain uneffected as long as you are positioned correctly. Stereo widening is however certainly not needed if you've made a finely balanced mix. In certain circumstances though it is needed in the mastering process to either slightly widen the panoramic image if the mix is too centre focused, or in rare places, to reduce the steep image where too many elements are panned and the centre of the mix lacks punch. I'd prefer to never use the process, assuming everyone can create great mixes, but unfortunately that doesn't always happen. As for LANDR. I tried it. Horrible. I am biased as I do master for a 'living', but the overall results seemed little more than a boost to the top end and some questionable brickwall limiting. Nothing you can't do very easily using almost any DAW. Having a machine finalise your audio is a pretty horrific concept in my opinion. May as well have the computer play your instruments for you too. The human element of mixing and mastering is what makes it so person and effective, IMO.
  21. Hey folks, this is something I've been working on for a while and am mega excited to share it, whilst I appreciate this will not be for everyone Out today (Nov 25th) is Mountain of Skulls, the first single from the upcoming WRISTS record, The Censorship Trap, due for release on January 12th 2015. It's not for those easily offended amongst you, certainly NSFW, and discusses subject matter which many might find hard to swallow (the death toll caused by rising drug addiction)... If you don't like naughty words. Don't listen. If you do like hard, edgy, and heavy as f**k electronica mixed with hiphop, then please hit play. I'm afraid to say that this single has no live bass guitar in it (though plenty of bass!), however the album has elements of live bass (+pedals) and MIDI bass. Single stream/download -> [url="https://wristsmusic.bandcamp.com/album/mountain-of-skulls-single"]https://wristsmusic.bandcamp.com/…/mountain-of-skulls-single[/url] [media]http://youtu.be/MK9LQXCFP20[/media] For those that got this far, WRISTS is myself and Turtle Handz (MC based out of NYC). Bass-heavy, nasty, noisy electro hiphop mayhem. WRISTS is loud, abrasive, political, and balls deep! WRISTS was born out of a track from a little known project in 2012 called Patient Zero between myself and Canadian producer, Waatu. Turtle Handz laid down the vocals on the opening tune and a friendship was sparked, fuelled by a mutual love of the noisier side of electronica. Discussions took place, beats were made, ideas were passed back and forth between the UK and US, and eventually WRISTS was born. www.wristsmusic.bandcamp.com www.soundcloud.com/wristswristswristswrists www.facebook.com/wristsmusic
  22. Single best stompbox ever made. A bold statement. But there's literally nothing it doesn't do well!
  23. Really like this stuff dude (first link won't work for me though). Really nice stuff. Get it mastered though... Way too quiet!! What's your signal chain look like for this stuff?
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