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Everything posted by bh2

  1. Looks to have a HMV bridge, I quite like them. The necks look to be MiM, judging by the machines.
  2. Superb... too expensive pour moi though!
  3. Many thanks for your review Dave (?)... I tried out one of these at my lms (PMT Oxford), more out of curiosity. I was most impressed. Playing through an Ashdown rig I found the tone rich and sparkly, rolling off the tone supplied some nice fat lows. I really was taken by the tonal range. Neck was like butter... lovely vintage tint and I really like the gloss, very well built overall. Vol/tone knobs have a nice feel to them, not loose or sloppy, jack was nicely fitted and secure. Hardware overall was excellent, the machines were nice and tight. Overall it felt like a much more expensive bass. Gripes - didn't like the single ply scratchplate, it was poorly cut with some rough edges, easy enough to replace though - I'd go with w/b/w or white pearl. I'd also swap out the machines for more retro style open gear big backs, just my own personal preference. I was knocked out by it to be honest. Pine is one of the best tone woods available actually.
  4. Yes... there is a lot of opinion that the MiM standards are a pos. I bought one off the bay blind and it became my 'go to' bass over my Ray! 2002 model. It's well made, sounds and plays nice... £250, guess I was lucky. I've also tried a few of the classic series and they were great, nicely made, good feel and sound with that vintage fender vibe that I prefer to the newer MIA offerings. I have severe gas for a 57RI or a RoadWorn 50's Precision. Both Mexican I believe.
  5. Cripes! Who put those machines on? Cheapo MiM/Squier types. Where is the gloss on the back of the neck? What colour is that?! What are those pups? Where am I?
  6. Chris... did you try the rounds on the MIM?
  7. Try and get your hands on a RW... you wont want to put it down... I guarantee. Hopefully my next bass... GW... cracking P Bass mate.
  8. I've been looking for a 57 clone... my birth year. The RWs are fantastic... £980 ish here in Ox.
  9. I quite like it... it has that vintage vibe which I like. Haven't even looked at the price, probably way over the top.
  10. Hi Chris... yes, I use rounds on the fretless, always have (30 odd years). Never had to adjust any trussrods on any of my basses... I don't like to go there! I'd be interested in the string swap, I reckon the MiM will come alive with rounds on. Break a leg. Playing out at a festival tonight, top of the bill... excited. Bob.
  11. Chris... super! Why not try swapping the strings as an experiment. I reckon a second cab for the Ashdown is a good idea (MAG300?) I have one and have been toying with this. It's broken down again though. I'm borrowing an Ampeg combo, although nice, doesn't have the warm bottom end and the volume. I absolutely love my MiM Precision although it doesn't get much air time as I usually gig my fretless Jazz. Rounds of course.
  12. That's super, I love gigs like that! Which bass will you be using most, rounds or flats. I just can't get on with flats at all, I have tried.
  13. [quote name='bubinga5' post='1278825' date='Jun 22 2011, 06:10 PM']the Di Marzio Ultra jazz sound great although it does seem that they do have a more scooped mid sound.. wonder what the Model J's are like..[/quote] Take it from me, the model Js are super, great growly tone, not too toppy, warm mids and loads of bottom end. They sound great through the J-Retro, so probably great for active jazzers.
  14. [quote name='bh2' post='1276387' date='Jun 20 2011, 09:16 PM']I guess I'm invisible.[/quote] Who said that?
  15. [quote name='bh2' post='1275220' date='Jun 19 2011, 08:33 PM']I have DiMarzio model J's in mine... the ones with the cream covers. They sound superb, although I'm putting them through a J-Retro.[/quote] I guess I'm invisible.
  16. Heh... you have to try a few and buy the one that feels/plays/sounds the best to you. It's all subjective, a bit like Marmite I guess. I bought a super 2002 Mex Precision of the bay a while ago.. some light modding and it became my 'go to' fretted over my Singray! £250! I have real gas for the burst RoadWorn 57 Precision. I can get one here in Oxford for £950. They are cracking basses.
  17. I have DiMarzio model J's in mine... the ones with the cream covers. They sound superb, although I'm putting them through a J-Retro.
  18. I added some Wilko machines to my MiM P bass as the stock ones were a little loose, I will probably replace with some vintage reverse tuners but the wilkos are great for the money and are accurate copies of the fender 70s style. I've a J-Retro on my jazz and IMO it's an extremely well made piece of kit. Sounds great too!
  19. You must checkout John's stuff... [url="http://www.east-uk.com/"]http://www.east-uk.com/[/url]
  20. I was a bit nervous about pulling the trigger on mine as I'd heard on the forums they were shot... not so! I love mine and don't consider it any less of a fender... I've had my Jazz for thirty odd years, so I reckon I know a thing or two... hehe. I won't be selling anyways... only cost me £250!
  21. Don't forget the covers on these are a different shape from your regular precision.
  22. I was quite taken impressed by the build quality on mine...
  23. +2... I bought a 2002 MIM P bass of the bay 'blind' a few years ago as I needed a passive bass for some recording and festivals we were doing. Turned out to be a superb example. I thought I'd have to swap out the pups as I'd heard on the forums that they were rubbish... not true. Sounds great, typical p bass tone with no discernible noise or hum. I changed the machines for some wilkos as the stock ones were a tad loose and I like the traditional big back style and added some bling. I love it!
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