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Everything posted by markdavid

  1. Ive heard of people doing this to bring strings back to life , what type of Alchohol is used to do this (i take it its not methylated spirits) and how do you do this?
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  3. BUMP , this is a great bass at a great price , these are very comfy to play due to the light weight and small body and due to the medium scale the neck on these are very fast , sound nice and punchy and they are loverly looking basses as well
  4. [quote name='jake_tenfloors' post='388816' date='Jan 22 2009, 05:45 PM'] [url="http://www.bas-extravaganza.nl/?page=bassen&BassenID=18"]http://www.bas-extravaganza.nl/?page=bassen&BassenID=18[/url][/quote] What a heap of sh*t
  5. Have seen one of these , are they any good? How do they sound? Seems the 3 pickups would give a good range of sound
  6. [quote name='Dmanlamius' post='376208' date='Jan 10 2009, 03:28 PM']Mark, we have a shop near where I live that has contacts all round the world. They have been established for years, and can get anything. Also, they get things at stupidly cheap prices somehow. They deliver as well. Do you want me to get their number so you can guve them a ring, or are you set?[/quote] Please , I would appreciate that very much
  7. [quote name='ezbass' post='376170' date='Jan 10 2009, 02:28 PM']Ah ha, your original post refers no doubt to the misnomer that is Rockbottom and Martin Phelps (they do have a rather nice Squier Vintage Vibe J Bass at the moment). Yes we are poorly served in the Croydon area, but as previous posters have said Andertons and GAK aren't so far away, in fact you could be in Brighton as quick as being in Denmark Street by train. Don't forget The Bass Gallery in Camden.[/quote] Yes , the most ironic thing about Rockbottom is the name (they once tried to charge me 40 quid for a set of chromes and 50 quid for a soft case) Thanks for the heads up with the Vintage vibe , I did not see that last time I visited , I will have to go back and have another look
  8. [quote name='bubinga5' post='376149' date='Jan 10 2009, 02:05 PM']MD..there is a great shop in Kent that not many people know..its called The American Guitar Centre, and strangely enough..BassWorld... They stock Epiphone, Fender, Squire, and even makes such as Lakland, Overwater, Alembic, Yamaha..And they are cheap.. They will prob have, or could get what you want.. Google it... Hope this helps.. [/quote] Thanks for the suggestion , I am currently googling it
  9. [quote name='misrule' post='376139' date='Jan 10 2009, 01:57 PM']Yup, take a day trip to Brighton. GAK's great. Cheers Mark[/quote] I live quite a distance from brighton (croydon area) , is there enough at GAK that it would be worth my taking a day trip
  10. What is it with trying to find a decent music shop? OK , here's the score , at the end of the month I will be buying a new bass , my short list is as follows 1. Fender Standard Precision 2. Fender Standard Jazz 3. Epiphone Thunderbird 4. Squier CV Jazz 5. Epiphone EB3 So basically you see im quite retro in my tastes. Anyway enough rambling I check out the music stores in my area , do they have any of the above , of course not , the first shop I enter has racks and racks of cheap westfield p bass copies and affinity squiers that look like they are going to fall apart at any moment and just to cut out any middle ground , they throw in a couple of high end warwicks. The next shop is a similar story , racks and racks of the cheapest of the cheap starter basses and not much else. Anyhow the bottom line is , im probably gonna end up having to pay a visit to the infamous denmark street stores (which are a proper pain in the ass to get to) Anyone else feel my pain?
  11. I had one of these basses , I strung it with ernie ball flatwounds , gauges 100-45 , sounded awesome , the shortscale really added to the thumpiness of the strings , would recommend these strings to anybody
  12. [quote name='Delberthot' post='365951' date='Dec 30 2008, 01:52 AM']Paul McCartney's a bass player?[/quote] ?????????
  13. Anybody tried the Vintage ICON V4 bass (the P Bass they brought out that comes pre aged) , be interested to see how that bass compares to the Squier VM P Bass as there both around the same price
  14. [quote name='Matty' post='354445' date='Dec 14 2008, 06:48 PM']I suggested this in the Geddy Lee Isolated Thread, so I'm running with the idea... I'll list them in bands Alphabetically, and update this first post when more tracks appear. I think it'd be best to only have the basslines being played by the original artists, either live, or the studio versions. Anyway, here we go. Unadulterated Bass Filth. [b]Coldplay:[/b] [url="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=oNaYt8fnanI&feature=channel_page"]Shiver[/url] [b]The Eagles:[/b] [url="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=iCF9JySO848&feature=channel_page"]Hotel California[/url] [b]Marvin Gaye[/b] [url="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=KqtELR5GyfI""]What's Going On[/url] [b]Interpol:[/b] [url="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=SNmYb6LYcrM&feature=channel_page"]Obstacle 1[/url] [b]Michael Jackson:[/b] [url="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=S48u4UwaSTo&feature=channel_page"]Beat It[/url] [b]Korn:[/b] [url="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=W8okLnIbt8g&feature=channel_page"]Freak On a Leash[/url] [b]Linkin Park:[/b] [url="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=wxriYUkDhO0&feature=channel_page"]No More Sorrow[/url] [url="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=yDVEMD5pSUU&feature=channel_page"]One Step Closer[/url] [b]Metallica[/b] [url="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=nvx1M4-A6lE&feature=related"]...And Justice For All[/url] [url="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=aJJtkQjY1c8"]Battery[/url] [url="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=y6eri4-BcB4&feature=related"]Blackened[/url] [url="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=rA1QpYysLhc&feature=related"]Enter Sandman[/url] [url="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=H5KpwrAoZk4&feature=related"]Ride The Lightning[/url] [b]Muse:[/b] [url="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=TR-fMvrwxUQ&feature=channel_page"]Assassin[/url] [url="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=tIqVjJeNAPE&feature=channel_page"]Butterflies and Hurricanes[/url] [url="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=f_bk-9EghNQ&feature=channel_page"]Exo-Politics[/url] [url="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=E0fELeOpenE&feature=channel_page"]Hysteria[/url] [url="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=5kfJt_swImU&feature=channel"]Knights Of Cydonia[/url] [url="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=SdmXvhv2mTs&feature=channel_page"]Starlight (with Drums)[/url] [url="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=kH8pXOI_Vyk&feature=channel_page"]Stockholm Syndrome[/url] [url="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=8WF92otU8qk&feature=channel_page"]Supermassive Black Hole[/url] [b]Oasis:[/b] [url="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=yrxUGOU-Tf8&feature=channel_page"]Some Might Say[/url] [b]Radiohead[/b] [url="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=lXSPxhpaX9A&feature=channel"]Reckoner[/url] [b]Rush:[/b] [url="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=B5MYTcIEqtw&eurl=http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=34150&st=0&gopid=354448&"]Tom Sawyer[/url] [b]System Of A Down:[/b] [url="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=cO3iCGQC-as&feature=channel_page"]B.Y.O.B[/url] [b]Tool:[/b] [url="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=b7BzVXSqzT8&feature=channel_page"]Schism[/url] [b]The Who:[/b] [url="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=IfDE-ZvfOwU"]Won't Get Fooled Again[/url] [url="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=3Lf10U0yZrs&feature=PlayList&p=BE3BF33BD7298B17&playnext=1&index=16"]Baba O'Reilly[/url] Will add more soon. Matt[/quote] That System of a down isolated bass track is awesome, I didn't realise that guy had such an awesome tone , unfortunately my gas for a thunderbird has just doubled
  15. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='359529' date='Dec 20 2008, 12:59 PM']Anyway, rather than this being a slight on the current quality of Fender, isn't it the case that the current quality of Squiers should be celebrated instead? It seems to me that Squiers have just got far better in the last couple of years. It's a bit like telling Steely Dan to improve because Nearly Dan are doing such a good impression of them.[/quote] I agree 100% the quality of the new squiers should be celebrated. I think it is awesome that for under 300 you can pick up a quality bass that is solidly built and sounds good and that you could easily gig with
  16. [quote name='jezzaboy' post='347363' date='Dec 6 2008, 05:25 PM']Never mind the debate about badass versus standard lads and lassies! In my local dealer, Merchant city music, the price of a h1 p bass has gone from 499 to 599! Likewise, a standard p has gone from 339 to 499! And their prices are usually the best in Glasgow. Thre is no excuse for these kind of prices! Thank god I have bought enough gear the noo and at these sort of prices Mr Fender can stick them where the sun dont shine. Time to invest in another ibanez methinks![/quote] Funny you should say that , Ive been wanting to get a mim fender jazz for ages and have always liked fenders but just recently with the price increases the mim jazz bass seems a little overpriced (considering most people will want to upgrade the pickups) and ive found myself looking more at the ibanez basses which by contrast seem to be very good value for money
  17. Those classic vibe Squiers are looking ever more appealing , seems Fender are going the way of some other major manafacturers (who shall remain nameless) whose basses are getting further and further away from what most people can afford
  18. What is happening with Fenders prices? £200 price rise on MIM Jazz Bass , Ouch! [url="http://www.guitarampkeyboard.com/en/79178"]New [/url] vs [url="http://www.guitarampkeyboard.com/en/fender-standard-jazz/525"]Old[/url]
  19. [quote name='thebeat' post='332305' date='Nov 19 2008, 02:07 PM']only problem i had putting it together was having to move the bridge to get it to intonate bang on...this means that i can't use the thru body stringing, but to be honest i'm not sure it made any difference stringing it that way anyway. [/quote] I wouldn't sweat it too much about the bridge, tbh i really don't think through body stringing makes that much difference at all , nice bass btw
  20. [quote name='nick' post='299949' date='Oct 5 2008, 02:47 PM']Had a set of these Webstrings flats [url="http://webstrings.com/flatwound_bass_strings.html"]http://webstrings.com/flatwound_bass_strings.html[/url] on my Tokai P-Bass for a few weeks now. I have to say I'm impressed, especially considering their price. Was initially bit wary, after previous uninspiring experiences with budget strings..Hartke, Roberts (dead E-strings) etc. Used d'Addario & Ernie Ball, which I was quite happy with, but found .100 E-string of both 45-100 sets, too floppy. Going up to 50-105 Ernie Balls, and tension was all over the place & not comfortable (for me). Webstrings 50-110 I got have a great feel. Tone has settled down nicely fairly quickly too, unlike Chromes. Don't know who makes them, but have made in USA on packet. Anyone else tried them? Great flats - Recommended [/quote] Sounds awesome, may be just what im after , did you buy them from the webstrings website? did you have to pay any duty on them? Was delivery prompt ? Sorry for all the questions , im just curious
  21. [quote name='noelk27' post='334190' date='Nov 22 2008, 12:26 AM']These were nothing special. Aria Pro II were producing the Libra (LBB Series) at the same time as the CTB Series and PRB Series, making the LLB 88-89. All three of these lines went out of production late 89. There were three models in the LLB Series - Standard, Deluxe and Custom. I should have the printed catalogue somewhere, to remind myself as to specifications. To be honest - from memory - there were better APII models from the mid and late 80s. The LLB Series suffers a bit based on it's very 80s styling. (Personally I don't like the hair metal inspired headstock.) What’s a very good price?[/quote] Ive been offered one for £100 , its the Aria Libra LLB-DLX , I take it thats the deluxe model?
  22. Seen one for sale near me for what I think is quite a good price , has anybody played one? , are they any good? Looked on the net for more info but could not find any. This is the only picture I could find of one [url="http://www.adverts.ie/showfull.php?product=44902&bigimage=stand.jpg"]Aria Libra Picture[/url]
  23. I had an Epiphone EB0 (not the 2 pickup longscale EB3 which is , I believe aimed slightly higher in the market) and it was probably the most comfortable bass I have played , nice and light , short scale slim neck , played nicely and sounded good. The only problem with the bass was that the intonation on it was awful , unfortunately I ended up getting rid of it and now regret it , I probably should just have taken it to a repair shop to sort the intonation problem
  24. Hi, Ive got real bad gas at the moment for a Thunderbird, however theres no way that I can afford a grand for a Gibson Thunderbird , Ive been considering the Epiphone Thunderbird but am wondering whether I could do better with what I have available to spend ( £400 budget ) , is there any other Thunderbird clones/copies around as I haven't seen any btw it would be cool if it sounded kinda similar to a Thunderbird (Strong lows and low mids)
  25. a shop near me has a Canyon 1 for £215 , I could easily talk them down to £200 ,should I go for it , is this a good deal?
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