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Everything posted by markdavid

  1. I used to (many moons ago) have a headphone amp by JHS , it was maybe a couple of inches squared and had just a power switch and a volume control and a headphone output , i lost it a while ago, have been looking for something similar ever since
  2. Whatever happened to Dearmond? They used to do some nice basses but I haven't seen there basses anywhere recently, whats the story with them? anyone?
  3. I'll be buying a new bass soon , im looking to spend around 450-500 , not sure what to go for in that price range. Im after a really deep fat bass sound with not much top end (think Jack Bruce from Cream , Jared Followill from Kings of Leon, Paul Mccartney - Beatles) must be passive and I will be stringing the bass with flats , the logical choice within that price range would be a Squier VM Tele or a Epiphone Thunderbird , however I cant help feeling that although those basses would do the job , I might be able to get something a little better within the price range as ive heard that the hardwear on these two basses is a little on the cheap side and im a little dubios about the quality of the pickups on the Epiphone, what do you think?
  4. Tonewood , Myth? , this person certainly seems to think so , what do you think? [url="http://www.guitarnation.com/articles/calkin.htm"]http://www.guitarnation.com/articles/calkin.htm[/url]
  5. I am looking into swapping out the pickups on a jazz bass as the pickups on the bass lack balls. Im considering Seymour Duncan Hot for Jazz pickups (among others) , however my bass has a 2 band eq , will it be ok to use these pickups with my bass? Im a little worried about the combo of hot output pickups and the 2 band eq , will it be ok to use these pickups?
  6. hopes this answers your question [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gm1hTiyJFwc"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gm1hTiyJFwc[/url]
  7. [quote name='The Burpster' post='215687' date='Jun 9 2008, 08:31 PM']Well I'm using GHS Nylons (45-100) but I'm sorry I dont know where they are availlable here, I get mine sent over from the US of A Much much prefer them to the Rotos.[/quote] How do they compare to the Rotos sound wise , i like the Rotos sound as they are dark and thumpy , however I can live without the funky intonation
  8. [quote name='The Burpster' post='216451' date='Jun 10 2008, 09:46 PM']Mark, is tis a new set of strings by chance? I had a set of Rotos do that to me and after a few weeks they settled down and I had to re set the intonation. Have you got any of the cotton binding between the string and the saddle?[/quote] no the string itself is resting on the saddle (have attached picture) , strings are about 2 weeks old
  9. [quote name='The Burpster' post='216421' date='Jun 10 2008, 08:37 PM']So what happens with the 12th fret harmonic and the open string tuning? Did you have to move the saddles at all to get teh 12th correct?[/quote] Well the E is ok on the open string , the 12th fret harmonic is ok (?) but the E string fretted at 12th fret is sharp. I have tried a lighter attack and its still sharp so I dont think I am bending it sharp , at the 24th fret the intonation is a semitone out (oh well at least I get an extra fret). The strange thing is the intonation on the other strings is near enough perfect but saddle on E string is maxed out and is still sharp
  10. [quote name='The Burpster' post='216255' date='Jun 10 2008, 03:40 PM']Shuoldnt be, I have had no issues with nylons and tuning posts. It is easy enough to srtip off some of the nylon tape if you need to but, OOI what intonation issues are you having? [/quote] well , my e string is slightly sharp from the 3rd fret down.
  11. Anyone used one of these pickups , am hearing mixed opinions on them , some say they are nothing special , other people say they are very nice pickups. I am currently trying to decide between these pickups, the wizard 64's , the Fender original 62 and the Fender custom shop 60's
  12. Am having some problems with the intonation on these strings (on the E string) , the string goes slightly sharp from the 3rd fret down . The E string seems to be a bit too long , even though I got the right scale length for my bass (32" medium scale) , I wonder whether having part of the actual string wrapped around the tuning post might be causing the intonation issue? I have used rounds and flats and never had this issue before , any help appreciated
  13. Just had a thought , The E string seems to be too long , even though I got the right scale length for my bass , I wonder whether having part of the actual string wrapped around the tuning post might be causing the intonation issue? I know that this is not usually an issue with rounds and flats but perhaps tapewounds are different
  14. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='215689' date='Jun 9 2008, 08:35 PM']What do you mean by tapewounds? Flats are often called tape wounds cos thats what they are, flat tape wrapped round a core instead of round wire. Or do you specifically mean nylon tapewounds like the trubass and the GHS nylons?[/quote] I mean Nylon Tapewounds like the trubass strings
  15. Hi , was hoping someone can help me here , ive currently got a medium scale bass thats strung with Rotosound Trubass tapewounds , however the intonation on the E string is a bit ropey , can anyone recommend a set of tapewounds. They must be fairly dark sounding like the Rotos and must be available from a uk source (in order to avoid import duty) Any suggestions ?
  16. [quote name='acidbass' post='212713' date='Jun 4 2008, 07:44 PM']Hello all, I've just joined a Beatles tribute band which means that I'll finally be able to put my lovely Beatbass to good use! Can anyone recommend a good set of short scale strings for it? The ones on it at the moment have been there since I bought it, and before I start gigging I feel they need a change. I've never bought strings for anything other than 34" scale length basses, and this one is 30", so I'm a little nervous about buying some that'll fit properly. Flatwounds would also be a bonus (if they're not a complete impossibility that is!) Thanks in advance for any advice guys! Danny[/quote] Labella do a set of flats for hofner style basses they are the Deep talking flats 760FHB for Hofner Beatle Bass set, you can get them from stringbusters.com. Please bare in mind when you buy strings for hofner style basses , you will need medium scale (32") strings , I cant remember why but I think its to do with the bridge design
  17. Haven't bought one, but they look the cats pyjamas. I love the fact that they,ve upgraded/updated the bridge and have made it more substantial and the new machineheads they've used looked very heavy duty, reviews have been very good as well.
  18. [quote name='neepheid' post='207121' date='May 27 2008, 11:22 AM']All it needs now is a body refinish - some of the original silver was lifted clean off by the previous owner removing a sticker and there's numerous dings and bumps in it. I'm thinking about going for something hideous like Surf Green - so bad it's good.[/quote] You mean something like this [url="http://www.deanguitars.com/summer06/zone_bass_lg.htm"]Link to hideous bright green bass guitar[/url]
  19. [quote name='aceuggy' post='205703' date='May 24 2008, 09:16 PM']I'm new to the bass and didn't spend too much cash on gear, just in case it wasn't for me. I have to say now though that I love it and will no doubt want to upgrade to better equipment in the future. I would like your opinion. Do get what you pay for? Would a Fender P bass, for example, be worth the extra cash than my Squier P bass, will it sound, play better do you think? Any feedback will be welcome. Thanks.[/quote] Its more about what bass actually feels and sounds best to you. I have owned a couple of Squier P's and I have always found that (IMO) the build quality is good enough that after changing the pots and pickups , the Squiers make for very solid basses. I have a modded Squier P that feels and sounds much better than its modest price tag suggests it should
  20. [quote name='johnnylager' post='200367' date='May 16 2008, 12:45 PM']Or get a series / parallel (or S-1 type) switch - gives you true J & pseudo-P. Andy at Wizard's always a good bet though...[/quote] I think i'll try Andy at Wizard's as ive already got a 2 band eq on my bass and am thinking of adding a passive/active switch so i think an s1 switch as well might be overkill
  21. Got a MIM Fender with Jazz Bass Pickups , However I am craving a little of that P Bass Thump , Does anybody know of a Jazz Bass pickup that has a split coil inside a Jazz Bass pickup ? Im thinking maybe I might have to speak to Wizard pickups and see if I can get one custom made but if there is already one available then that would be good. I've heard that the Dimarzio Model J is a split coil inside a Jazz Bas pickup , is this true ?
  22. Thanks for the replies , looks like it barts then , I noticed they seem to in the past had sets of pickups in "Deep" and "Bright" models is this still the case or have these been phased out?
  23. Hi , I am looking for some jazz bass passive pickups , and am after a smooth , dark tone , any suggestions ?
  24. Hi , I have a jazz that I may be swapping the pickups on and was looking at vintage jazz bass pickups (Fender Original 62 , Seymour Duncan SJB-1) , I know what a vintage Precision bass sounds like but tbh I have no idea what a Vintage Jazz Bass sounds like , can someone help me out with this , what kind of tone can I expect ? How does it differ from a more modern Jazz Bass tone ?
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