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Everything posted by Dropzone

  1. My guess is that they don't mind you having a cheeky few in your time off but in the case of you turning up bladdered to play they can quite easily say you have breached contract and remove you without any room for come back. It's only two weeks, take the gig and find out for next time
  2. Am also hoping someone will do a session on Reaper, VSt/i & Midi.
  3. [sup]11. Dropzone Mike - I will be bringing a Korn K5 with tired Dr Neon Strings. Am keen to try a Portaflex Amp with a Barefaced Cab, perhaps a Super 12 ;-)[/sup]
  4. We used to have a local band called TBC, they thought it was funny but didn't get many people turning up to gigs ;-)
  5. Make sure you take a spare of everything. Long story and one of the most painful gigs in my music career, that after a few hours of massive pain and embarresment ended with the guitardist saying "oh one of those, I have one in the van"!!!!!!!
  6. Don't want to dissapoint you but it is not as good as it should be. I think you can get 2 for 1 on days out with rail ticket. Quite a bit of memorabilia there and some interactive stuff. It is aimed at tourists rather than musicians and so expect lots of tourists. Worth a look but do go in expecting to be blown away, which is what I did ;-) Good luck
  7. My tuppence. If you're not happy, you're not happy. This could eat at you till you quit. Address it as soon as you can. Give them a copy of what you have written down. They may have some genuine expenses that offset or equal this or as you have not raised it they may have assumed you are happy to pay for things. You may also find others have issues in this time of honesty. You can only state where you are, where you want to be and what you think needs to be done to get there. Bands are like a family, full of compromise and petty disputes. Sooner they are breached sooner they are resolved.
  8. Yes, I like the idea of doing our own composition. Good call, just needs to be simple and upbeat.
  9. Hi Gang I am involved in a modest amateur production of the Rocky Horror Show. We run off kareoke type tracks. Once the show finishes we want to introduct the thespians to the audience over a piece of music before we do the Time Warp as the encore (pretty original hus ;-) Doesn't have to be Rocky related but wondering if anyone had any suggestions I am thinking upbeat, clap along kind of music. All suggestions greatfully recieved and considered. Ta Mike
  10. Am recording 16 sound channels with MIDI on 17. Go to add new sounds channels expect MIDI to stay on 17 but the cheeky begger stays at the bottom of the list. Is this right???? Ta Mike
  11. My tuppence is, not many singers own a PA that can take a full micing of every instrument. If something blows on the PA who is paying for the repair? You should also state what type of music or songs and how much you realistically expect to get per gig and the distance you are willing to travel to get 100 gigs per year to allow people to decisde if it is for them. I think this is too much as most gigs are weekends and this would book up every weekend, which would make gigging a chore. I would recommend you break it down into essential requirements and preferred requirements to give you a chance of getting a decent amount to pick from rather than having only a small number apply. Another option could be to define what success looks like for you (which you have pretty well defined) and then say if your vision of success looks anything like this then contact you. I would use woolier terms like sensible, reasonable, practigable etc. From my experiance for pub gigs the back line does provide some of the volume that then allows for a smaller PA. There is also the dicussion between 50W valve and 50W transistor ;-) Good luck.
  12. I agree. Too short not worth it. Too long you look like lemons.
  13. Not sure I could put some of those in the "uplifting" category, but if they float your boat ;-) Still not sure what our opening tune will be. We normally match it to run over the ending of the entrance music so that will need to be decided first. We currently have a mish mash or Korn Slipknot and Drowning Pool text and spoken word that runs into Korns Shoots and Ladders.
  14. We are playing covers with a few well recieved originals in pubs. We get a good sized crowd and want to life ourselves (without being too pretentious) above the satndard pub cover band fare. I suppose uplifting and passionate is what we are looking for to get people ready for the onslaught. We do play modern metal so have to pick our pubs wisely but we seem to be doing well out of it ;-)
  15. We normally have entrance music. Have used Camen Burunda before and a few other bits. It is time for a change and wondered if anyone had any suggestions for some great uplifting or atmospheric music to start the gig off on the right foot. Please no suggestions of Lifted by the Lighthouse Family ;-) We are a metal band. Just wondering if anyone had anything they had heard and thought "that would be a great into for a band" Thanks in advance Mike
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  17. We play Pompey a lot. Might have to look into this.
  18. You must remember, the wedding owns you for the whole day unless you agree otherwise. Another question is are they friends of the band, I would say £600, if they are not but you like them or are trying to break into the scene £800 if you don't want the gig to badly then price yourselves at £1200. Still only £200 for a whole days work and a whole lotta nerves. Take one spare of everything!!!!
  19. I generally tune one flat on a 5 string. Will a Kog Poly tuner handle this or should I just go with the normal Korg that I know works? Thanks in advance. Mike
  20. The fact that you saved for it probably puts it out of my price range ;-) Just after a cheapie for affect and maybe strapping to one of my others fivers body. I don't see masses of miles in a Limp Bizkit tribute anyway so don't want to invest a fortune.
  21. The heavyest riff of all time surely must be Davidian by Machine Head. My compluter is going real slow today so can't post a link. Let Freedom reign with a shot gun blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssssssssssssst
  22. Hi Barney, those are nice and bright. If you are ever thinking of selling ;-) Thanks EBS, now to find a cheap fiver with LEDs? I need the LEDs to dazzle the punters as my playing surely wont ;-)
  23. Anyone tried fitting LEDs on a five string. Surely the fact you have an odd number of strings would mean the A string covers the LED making them a bit futile. Working on a tribute band where the bassist uses them but plays a four string, but I am now trained to 5???? Hmmmmm decision decisions.
  24. Howdy. Im Mike Live in Boxgrove, work in Chichester play in a metal band called Dropzone. We play at the fountain in Chichester. Come see us and say hi.
  25. You need to sing this to him: Don't go changing, to try and please me You never let me down before Don't imagine you're too familiar And I don't see you anymore I wouldn't leave you in times of trouble We never could have come this far I took the good times, I'll take the bad times I'll take you just the way you are - NOT IN THE BAND, NOW JOG ON Good luck and let me know how it goes ;-) Mike
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