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Everything posted by soopercrip

  1. Why would anyone want three identical basses, and then decide to sell them all at once. Weird (very nice though, for a warwick )
  2. Er, I'm loving it from the back, but not overly keen on the hard edge finish on the front (each to their own I guess) find the figuring a bit 'two way' maybe the horizontal hold is faulty, ( some of you young 'us will wonder what I'm blathering about, but us oldies will remember ) Andy
  3. Also. dipping the end of your soldering iron (in and out quickly)into a pot of Bakers fluid cleans the end and makes life easier..
  4. Although I have not done mega amounts of soldering electrics i have done heaps of craft soldering and found that bakers soldering fluid to clean the area to be soldered, and then 'tinning' the point of contact with solder and the end of the wire, makes life so much easier. Then place wire at soldering point, add heat for a couple of seconds, and it's done. not holding solder reel with third hand then so you don't spill any beer... (you experts proably know this stuff ha!) Andy
  5. Snakewood supplier. [url="http://www.gilmerwood.com/boards_snakewood_unique.htm"]http://www.gilmerwood.com/boards_snakewood_unique.htm[/url] Check out some of their camphor burls and purpleheart for fingerboards Some stunning stuff :wacko: (wipes away drool)
  6. if you need new ones throughout try axes r us, they have most stuff and turn it round in 2 days usually andy
  7. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='474652' date='Apr 28 2009, 10:45 PM']Okay, so as I was saying earlier, the Status S2-Classics are just a feeler and that being said, I'm coming to my senses & withdrawing them. Pictures will disappear in a few moments...[/quote] Ahh common sense prevails! Cant sell a 'Mona Lisa' just coz the gable end needs pointing
  8. Man they look beautiful, all of them. Do you actually play these?? Look like brand spanking from the factory!!! Whatever you've been drinking, put it down and cancel this thread when you sober up mate, you can't part with these when i have no spare folding Andy
  9. Just an update, didn't skip it, calmed down after a few beers and a hangover. Had some reaction between the primer and the paint so had to strip back the body (and neck heel) and re-finish. Managed to get some glue into the neck crack and pilotted a fix through, and it's solid and clean. Pick up and pre- amp should arrive today (according to parcelforce) With customs and Vat saved around £30 buying in US, but will probably be available at similar rate here somewhere. Did loads of research, but couldn't match it so far, 3 week wait is a bit of an ar*e tho. going to spend some time studying the wiring diagrams and staring at the bits, until I feel comfortable and confident to solder them. Then I'll get my sparky mate to check it before I do it Better to do it right eh? Where's that bloody parcelforce van.... Andy
  10. er, dare I venture a Vox Teardrop in here...
  11. [quote name='JPJ' post='471685' date='Apr 24 2009, 04:42 PM']Welcome to Treasure Island, where everything costs more than anywhere else Mind you, it could be so expensive because its so bloody ugly.[/quote] So many beautiful basses out there, so much potential from a company that can afford a few cents on development and design and they do this??? maybe one of the ball family let their kindergarten offspring design it... (look what I did at school today grandad....)
  12. I've got some black nylon coated strings kicking around (very little use) Rotosound I think, 5 with low B. Pm me your address and I'll send you them. If you like them send me some beer tokens to cover postage etc Andy
  13. [quote name='marley' post='466257' date='Apr 18 2009, 05:23 PM']Well this is going to be the bass that im going to use forever(I hope!) so £2500, maybe a wee bit more if my parents love me enough! lol[/quote] Wow 2.5k for a birthday present, what's your parents views on adoption???? (well house trained, but a bit mature maybe )
  14. soopercrip

    Hey ho

    Thats a nice looking bass hope it plays as good as it looks Does sticking that laminate flooring to the back of it improve the bottom end? (old ones eh? still old) Andy
  15. soopercrip

    Hey ho

    [quote name='Lee Van Cleef' post='465265' date='Apr 17 2009, 05:27 PM']So, I've had a shave and I now own my very own Bass guitar, making most of the previous information about me in this thread false![/quote] Whadddayaget????? Pics!!!
  16. [quote name='OldGit' post='465141' date='Apr 17 2009, 03:31 PM'][url="http://www.aquarterof.co.uk/"]http://www.aquarterof.co.uk/[/url][/quote] OMG Mrs crip has seen it
  17. someone had too [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xe1a1wHxTyo"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xe1a1wHxTyo[/url]
  18. AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! (Coughs and clears throat) Body: So the j pick up hole was plugged with some sycamore scavenged from my bud Lea, filled two control holes with dowels and re drilled a third in line for symmetry, filled all the nooks crannies and crevices and sanded 240 then some more sanding 500 sprayed the body with primer and there was bloody dings everywhere! more sanding 120 more 240 more 500 3 coats primer and... we're ok ish (it is only practice) 4 coats paint wait 2 days light sand 1200, 4 coats lacquer next is to buff and polish Neck Sanded down to 1200 grit bit the bullet and fretted it (fret wire is a bugger to radius) went ok for first attempt although it does take courage to make the first cut, lol then base coat lacquer x2 6 top coats lacquer with v light sand with 1200 in between polishing compound and wax. finish looks bloody marvellous, although joint in neck is p ing me off headstock is good too with some figuring. Painted the heel to match in with the body. So why Argh? Well Mr bloody impatience decided to assemble things for an idea of how the end product is going to look... ...and split the bloody neck at the heel I think I'm going to put it down for a day or so before I chuck it in a skip. Pics ----- [attachment=23878:Picture_3511.JPG][attachment=23877:Picture_3501.JPG][attachment=23876:Picture_3491 .JPG] [attachment=23879:Picture_3521.JPG]<<dickhead!!! [attachment=23880:Picture_3531.JPG][attachment=23881:Picture_3541.JPG][attachment=23882:Picture_3551 .JPG][attachment=23883:Picture_3561.JPG][attachment=23884:Picture_3571.JPG][attachment=23886:Picture_ 3591.JPG] For electrics I decided on a nordstrand mm5.2 pickup and the aguilar pre amp I mentioned earlier. ordered them from a U.S. dealer I found on the web and ebay (bass specialties. feedback was 100%) prices were very good I thought. Still waiting for delivery though. Need beer Andy
  19. soopercrip


    Hi and welcome mate scary thing this bass lust (GAS) be warned ,you won't get out alive Hur hur hur (Christopher Lee voice)
  20. soopercrip

    Hey ho

    Hi David and welcome Stop buggering about. Buy you squier (and some bic razors) and lets get started!!!!!!!!!!
  21. No wonder his feedback rating is down the toilet on 2 sales
  22. [quote name='Spoombung' post='461041' date='Apr 13 2009, 10:03 AM']Well, it's a clapped-out Astra in my case but I shall soon be in receipt of the Aston Martin of custom basses, hopefully.[/quote] Been watching the build with great interest (and envy) learning a lot
  23. [quote name='Spoombung' post='461026' date='Apr 13 2009, 09:32 AM']I'm not sure the economic argument is that strong Andy, given that some Fenders can match the prices of the models you list - and how would you explain the common practise of commissioning a custom build and ending up with a slightly shinier replica Fender?[/quote] looks V sound I guess I agree fender's top end stuff is on a par with premium brands, but the more economical of us who don't have space on the credit card, still want a nice jazz bass made from ash maple neck and board seymour duncan quater pounders sd pre amp and it will sound as good as any premium brand. Even if the badge is Lada, you still want an Aston Martin, but drive a focus...
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