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Everything posted by pal1972

  1. ive got a fender frontman 15b if intrested in a swap?? - headphone socket, line in etc!
  2. shame youre not open to trades got no cash at mo!
  3. VERY nice, god i wish i was that talented!!
  4. Had a session yesterday, recorded these pretty much in one takes, then overdubbed vocals and a few sax bits! used my warwick fortress into my ashdown MAG600 head (eq off) DI'd straight into the desk - no eq added by engineer!!!! very happy with the result. The gutarist isnt overly happy with his miserlou part but heh! thats guitarists for you!! My favourite is the first track - Be my Guest, nice and lively!! [attachment=36016:Be_My_Guest.mp3] [attachment=36017:boom_boom.mp3] [attachment=36018:hoochie_coochie.mp3] [attachment=36019:just_a_little_bit.mp3] [attachment=36020:what_I__d_say.mp3]
  5. well it arrived safely tis afternoon, and i have to say i'm pleasantly impressed! There are a couple of very minor scuffs to the bass of the tolex covering, but plugged a bass in and it sounds great! not the loudest amp in the world but it should be well loud enough for a rehersal in the house!! The first time ive bought something without seeing any pics of it but very pleased with the outcome!! and for £175 too!!!
  6. Ive been after a decent quality practice combo for a while, and now after selling off some gear had a bit of 'spare' cash in paypal, anyway, spotted one of these PJB's on ebay for £179 used! Anyway i ve took the plunge!! (worryingly a bit as he didnt put any pics up!) just wondered peoples views/reviews on these?? Its not going to be gigged, used purely as practoce around the house or for low level 'jams' at a mates house!
  7. I've only ever gigged with flats! I love the sound of them I too HATE zingy strings, and with flats you dont get that even fresh out of the packet, My warwick has flats on and has had the same set on for the last 7yrs+ theyre really growly now and i'm loathed to change them!!! FLATS ARE BEST!!!!!!!
  8. I've got the ashdown MAG600 head and i run it through a schroeder 1212L cab, the sound is awesome!!! I used to run an old MAG300 head through a Marshall 4x10 and that sounded great too. Ive read a few reviews on the MAG 600 head and they were mixed! Ive ran ashdown stuff most if my gigging life 7yrs+ and NEVER had any problems with their sound or reliability.
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  10. drowning in a sea of moths as i check my wallet!!
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  12. I had a mahogany '51 a coupke of years ago, for the money it was OK, never got round to modding it so sold it!!! I did, however like the look/feel of it but sound wise it wasn't great.
  13. First proper gig with this tonight and OMG!!!! i had to turn my amp down!!! this thing outs out amazing volume and very clear! the guitarist complained that he was maxed out on his amp and struggled to hear!!!!! VERY IMPRESSED with this much nicer sounding than my MB 2x10 cab.
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  15. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  16. how much for the lackie and the jazz?? are you looking at straight sales or trades??
  17. will do - dimensions of the cab are: H x W x D (mm) 468 x 604 x 420 so i guess theyre really the internals for the cover too!!
  18. got rid of the cab, and forgot to give the guy the cover so if anyone wants it its free - lets just say a fiver to cover postage???
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  20. whers £330 when you need it!!! if only my jazz had sold!!!
  21. re-strung it with black nylon wound flat strings, and had a go and seemed fine. havent had it professionally checked so dont know 100% thats the problem is titally cured! I can adjust the price accordingly if interested?? to say £200??
  22. how much you after for it all???? interested in trades???
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