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Everything posted by pal1972

  1. OK so took a gamble and bought one!!!! on first try out seems impressive (ive got it to replace my ashdown LG1000 which i feel is underpowered) Now my dilema is which cab to use it with??? Ive got a markbass 2x10 4ohm (210P) which i used with the LG1000, and ive also got a ashdown mAG15 (8ohm) cab. I bought this 15 as i felt the MB didnt give me enough low end, but didnt want to spend a lot on an experiment! I think i'll gig with the 15" but cant use both due to different ohms. Any thoughts??
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  3. Just looking at this nemesis combo as an option, but wondered if anyone has one and how they perform?
  4. spotted the head on soundslive really tempted but ideally would really only like one cab as opposed to two! have spotted the eminence 15" speaker though to replace the one in the cab and its rated at 4 ohm so might do that!?
  5. I currently use a markbass 102P (2x10 4ohm) cab with an ashdown LG1000 head, therefore 500w into the cab at 4ohm. However I have always felt that the head is quiet and i have both input and output gain up almost full!!! I used to have an ashdown MAG300 head and marshall 4x10 cab and the input/output gains set at just over half!!!! why is this??? anyway, ive sold my rig and i'm looking at replacements. I do have an ashdown MAG15 cab (8ohm) and cant afford to replace both head and cab so looking for a good LOUD head to use with the mag15. I really like the look of the GK MB2-500 but wonder if i'd have similar problems as i had with the LG100 in that it would seem quiet due to digital technologies!? I'm also looking at the ashdown MAG600 head as i liked my Mag300, but dont really want to run two cabs. Any advice on a good head to buy??? I have a budget of about £450 - £500 so what do you guys use/recommend? I really only play small/medium size venues BTW
  6. I'm considering this amp, but will be using it with an ashdown MAG15 cab so only getting the 350w at 8ohm rther than the full 500w. Ive just got rid of my ashdown LG1000 cos it felt like i just wasnt getting the volume out of it (and some research shows that could be due to it being a class D amp) wopuld the same problem arise with this GK one does anybody know?????
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  8. OK looks like ive sold my cab, so this head needs to go, will take £180 plus a tenner to cover postage if anyone tempted so far!!!!
  9. Yes still available! Has been gigged a fair bit. I do approx 3-4 gigs a month so its not been used that much, I play in a blues band so it hasnt been thrashed. I use another extension cab with it if i'm playing bigger venues so that takes any pressure off it anyway.
  10. some pics..... [attachment=32532:Image133.jpg] [attachment=32533:Image0014.jpg] [attachment=32534:Image0015.jpg]
  11. As i quite fancy the MB 15" combo currently going on here i would need to shift my MB210P cab. Its about 6 months old and mint condition, has been gigged but well looked after. It is the 4 ohm version. would be looking for £350 and i still have the original box it came in so courier could be arranged (at buyers expense and arrangement) or could be collected. Of course I would also have to sell my ashdown LG1000 head too (see other thread!!!)
  12. If i could sell my markbass 2x10 and ashdown LG1000 head i'd have this ina heartbeat!!!
  13. read a few mixed reviews about this one! I had a MAG 300 for years and it never gave me any grief, so thinking of getting one of the 600's anyone any experience of them?
  14. ok so just seen great deal on a MAG head so this is up, £200 plus postage (which will i guess be around £10-15.
  15. I'm up in the North east, i guess postage would be ok ive still got the box, but i'm still undecided as to what to di head wise!!
  16. Toying with reverting back to a traditional head! so pondering selling this. its immaculate condition gigged but looked after and protected in its own ashdown carry bag!!! £200 if i get enough interest i may well sell it!!
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