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Everything posted by Buddster

  1. Club Tropicana. G Michael and another dude
  2. Very basically, the time delay used (and chorus) but this site puts it better than I could explain https://splice.com/blog/effects-101-phasers-chorus-flangers/
  3. Phycho killer. Talking Heads 👇 😂 i was even looking at it as I typed it, and still spelt it wrong!
  4. Stuck in the middle with you. Stealers Wheel
  5. Love the 303 filter effect.. How about Love Shack, B52s Only 2 bars I know and perhaps not recognisable as its so low in the mix!
  6. By the light of the slivery moon. Dorris Day
  7. Hi I've had my B1four for a while now and find it a great unit. Although most of the songs we play as a band require a fairly good clean sound, theres a couple that need a bit of drive. I have a nice saturated sound already, but aI'm trying to get a bit of edge on the higher notes (or higher frequencys) when moving up the fret board, but leave the lower end clean when moving down. Does that make sense? I can't seem to find anything that doesn't effect the whole board. It would need a control to select the split point. Not looking for a sharp change, but a gradual one. Has anyone any ideas? Thanks
  8. Have you got a light boy? Splodgenessabounds/The Brothers Four
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