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Everything posted by Buddster

  1. I'm not a great shopper in general. I find it difficult, after having the attention of the shop assistant, to not feel some guilt when saying "no it's not what I'm after thanks" and walk out. Hence I will tend to go to a shop only when I know what I want. I love online shopping though! So imagine the pressure of looking for a new bass. I know roughly what I'm after but would like to try loads of basses to feel the difference and find 'the one' (or at least 'the one manufacturer'). I'd love a Sandberg but I'm obviously not going to give over £2000 without trying one. Or perhaps the neck curve on a MM fits just right. Can I go to Bass Direct and say 'hi, can I spend a few hours trying your different bass? I might not buy one or I can get it cheaper 2nd hand or somewhere else, but you're the only place with loads of basses available to try, give us a go. Pleeeaaase'. So, How do you buy yours? Or how do you even try different bass? Are you guilt free and just walk in, ask to try and walk out with no intention of buying? Or do you buy one, try it and sell it on if you don't like it? Perhaps buy it with a returns policy (and hope you don't scratch it!)?
  2. He's not heavily, he's my brother. The Hollies
  3. B1tch. Meradith Brooks. (silly content advisor)
  4. Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! Some dudes from Sweden, can't place the name
  5. Ernie, the fastest milkman in the West. Our Bennie
  6. Things I'd like manufacturers to do.... Read this thread
  7. Sandberg. Please don't make me wait 12 months if i order a bass from you
  8. I fell in love with a female plumber from Harlesden NW10.. Spoldge
  9. 😂 That's a new one, I'll have to tease him about that next time
  10. It's an HK Audio active system and in this instance we were using 1 sub/2 tops per side which is more than enough for a venue up to 120 people. Slightly larger venue, we'd use 2 subs and 4 tops. It's the drummers kit and he and I have used it/hired it out at outdoor festivals with 4 subs/4 tops per side and they are bloody loud! And clear. They are brilliant. I've done a lot of live sound and they are easily the best system I've used. The drummer uses V drums and we run everything through FOH, having a fairly quiet stage (and I'm not hiden away behind a big top unit). They can more than handle this, and have used them with rock bands, reggae and even a Bangra beat band. Didnt even break sweat. They weren't cheap, all though in his over enthusiasm he bought too many units and we hardly ever have to use more than 2 subs /side. Definitely recommend inline pa systems, but would advise a pre purchase testing session with reference music you know.
  11. Two Minutes of Silence................................................................. (etc etc) jesters of destiny
  12. Friday night gig at Backwell Village Club, SW of Bristol. Their beer festival weekend. Not out target audience, and we were more the band in the background while people chatted, but there were a few swaying and singing along. One of those 'get it under your belt' type. The venue and organiser were very happy though.
  13. Gotta say, thanks so much for posting these. He was a huge influence on my playing as a 17 year old back when Japan were around. Nice to have a clear breakdown of the parts. Time to revisit these lines. (unfortunately Dalis Car is too far out there for me to enjoy! )
  14. Mick Karn. But I never had a fretless or the talent. But thought his lines on the Japan tracks were so different I had to try and play then.
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