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Everything posted by admiralchew

  1. Another thumbs up for the Barbanera. It sounds great on every setting. It also has one of the best paint jobs I’ve seen on a pedal, if that type of thing floats your boat.
  2. I'm selling my Boss GE-7 Equalizer for £15 posted to the UK. It's a little weathered from use but works fine. It doesn't come boxed but I'll find it a suitable box and make sure it's well wrapped. If you'd like a replacement back-plate to make it more pedalboard-friendly (made by custompedalboards.co.uk), I'll throw one in for a couple of quid extra.
  3. I'm offering my Frederic Effects Green Russian Fuzz for £55 posted in the UK. The pedal is in great condition but does not come boxed (I'll find something suitable and pack it well). As per the Frederic Effects website: "Fredric Effects clone of the green box Russian Muff. This circuit differs from the later black box Russian and is identical to the Red Army Overdrive. The Green Russian circuit is perhaps the most sought-after of the transistor muffs." There is a good bass demo of the pedal on the Frederic Effects website for those curious as to what the pedal sounds like. I would also be happy to provide sound files on request. High quality dual lock velcro has been applied to the back, which I would be happy to remove at the buyer's request prior to posting.
  4. Thanks very much, that’s really useful! I’ll take a look and hopefully that can get me up and running with the new set-up.
  5. Does anyone have up-to-date recommendations for a Logic Pro X tutor that can work online or, ideally, do in person visits in London? (apologies to the mods if such questions aren’t permitted) Based on the advice in the first few pages of the thread I’d like to go the tutor route to get up and running. I’m having a bit of trouble even setting up my DAW, interface and a reamp box (designed for running a pedal loop) to A/B pedals without massive volume drop and I need a lifesaver to come and help me be a menace to myself and others in terms of pedal demoing. I’ve been churning what I can on the internet to solve my issues, including speaking with Radial, but I think a trained professional is required! Plus, I’d like to learn how to do a lot more than I currently can. Thanks in advance and thanks for the super helpful resources!
  6. I think that’s just a sign of how difficult it is for the boutique guys. It’s a similar thing to 3Leaf and Sushibox too. I don’t mind if it means they keep making pedals but I know it won’t suit everyone.
  7. Not exactly on topic but, if high-quality boutique north-western US pedals are your thing, Iron Ether is taking pre-orders for the Xerograph Deluxe. Apologies to the mods if this is not the appropriate place and contravenes a rule.
  8. That’s great; I somehow didn’t know about Bass Bros so thanks!
  9. And gone! I’m not surprised. I never see them. Especially not with all of the letters. Mine has the awkward “We come to your Doom” lettering now.
  10. For those interested, there’s a Doom 2 on Reverb. UK based. No affiliation.
  11. I love this fuzz. I have a few too and this one is fantastic. For those tempted by it but on the fence, Hondo Felder put together a good review on YouTube that will convince you!
  12. For the past four years my number one has been my Squier Vintage Modified Jazz. The sound and feel of a jazz bass seems just right to me. However, in an effort to wean myself from it I have now moved it to my girlfriend's place so I am forced to use something else at mine. That something else is now an EB MusicMan HH. The photo really doesn't do the blue justice. The string spacing and tone are wildly different from the jazz but I'm beginning to get used to it and like getting my full Tim Commerford on.
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  15. Yep, there are a couple of Zumas hiding under there. I needed a unit that could power 9 pedals a piece and they did an excellent job. It meant that I could run the Vulcan at 18V too. I've since picked up a fair few pedals, including a few with Tubes which a rather power hungry, so I may have to get a little creative. In particular, I recently received my Shift Line Olympic MKIIIS (after a small delay due to a stoppage of shipping from Russia) which requires 12V at 650ma.
  16. This was taken a while ago when I was trying to have a board that did basically everything, including acting as a headphone amp. Currently, everything is off my board as I’m planning to A/B the different type of pedals to find my preferred iteration. I’ll likely end up with a few boards. I’ll provide updates when they’re ready.
  17. My GAS impatience led to me taking a chunk of paint off of a Triungulo Barbanera when removing velcro this morning. Slightly frustrating given it has such a lovely paint job! It's a fantastic pedal for anyone GASing and considering GisserD's. My GAS is currently sated for the first time in a while, or at least a way from being as rampant as it was. That said, it may only take an unexpected drop from one of a handful of builders to see it come roaring back again. For what it's worth, I wouldn't mind trying the Fart Pedal. Or a Gojira Ants In My Eyes Johnson.
  18. Nice board! The Alpha Omicron was my first Darkglass pedal. It absolutely (and unsurprisingly) nails Jon Stockman's tone on Karnivool's Goliath. What tone do you try to get out of it and which compression mode do you run your Hyper Luminal on?
  19. I think the Element may be my favourite Darkglass pedal. I use a couple of Elements, one on a small board (just that and a Line 6 HX Stomp) I keep for practice at my partner's place, and the other as my DI on a slightly bigger board on my desk at home. I generally use it without an IR but find being able to use the Bluetooth function to play along to Spotify an invaluable practice tool. Even when I use another other pedals with a DI out, like a preamp, I don't move the Element.
  20. I'm offering my Ashdown Funk Face, Stuart Zender's signature pedal, for £135 posted in the UK. The pedal is a tube drive pedal and a filter pedal all in one. *now with demos to give both an idea of what the pedal sounds like (and what my poor playing sounds like)* Demo 1 - Dry Bass (EBMM 18v 3 band EQ set flat, medium heavy gauge strings) Demo 2 - Drive set at 10 on the dial Demo 3 - Drive set at 12 on the dial Demo 4 - Drive set at 2 on the dial Demo 5 - Wah set at 9 on the dial Demo 6 - Wah set at 12 on the dial Demo 7 - Wah set at 3 on the dial The pedal is worth it for the drive channel alone, with a nice overdrive and grit coming from the 12AX7 tube. A separate footswitch turns the autowah on and off and a switch on the side of the unit configures the autowah to run either pre- or post-drive. I've not really been using the filter side in all honesty, although I do like the grinding filter that can be cranked out of it on occasion. I see this more as a tube drive with added Jamiroquai goodness. Piggybacking off of Ashdown's own sales blurb: "Hand made in the UK Custom Shop the Ashdown Stuart Zender Funk Face is a dedicated bass twin dynamic filter pedal that’s fully qualified on producing those distinctive choppy “Virtual Insanity” type bass grooves. The Funk Face’s simple 3-knob and 2-switch layout makes things simple for the bass player when those funky moments strike. The Funk Face’s ‘Sensitivity’ rotary control allows the player to shape the exact effects response, whilst the ‘Output’ knob allows you to decide just how much of it you want. Dependent on your playing style, attack and dynamics - by tweaking the Output and Sensitivity controls in unison - you can range from subtle filtering to a fully responsive “Funk Bass in your Face” Auto Wah." This pedal is in very good condition and good working order and comes in its original box (with the box looking a bit more used than the pedal). I have also added high quality dual lock velcro which I can remove on request of the buyer (I have a decent supply of Goo Gone...). The pedal is stated to run at 18V (on account of the tube) although the Ashdown website states that it is capable of running at 9v in limiting situations. Please let me know if you want any (better) demos. I've been recording various overdrive demos recently and this one stacks up very well against the others (including fellow tube pedals the Shift Line Olympic (which is what has kicked this off my board) and the Sushi Box SBVT). Ashdown - Dry Bass.mp3 Ashdown - Drive 10.mp3 Ashdown - Drive 12.mp3 Ashdown - Drive 2.mp3 Ashdown - Wah 9.mp3 Ashdown - Wah 12 1.mp3 Ashdown - Wah 3.mp3
  21. I'm offering my Ampeg Scrambler for £55 posted in the UK. The pedal is in great condition, good working order and comes in its original box. It's an excellent pedal but, as per my RevivalDRIVE sale page, I recently bought the Origin Effects Bassrig Super Vintage. It's priced to beat the best price on Reverb.
  22. I'm offering my Origin Effects RevivalDRIVE for £325 posted in the UK. It comes boxed with the original instructions and foam inlay, and I've really looked after it so it's in great shape (as can be seen in the photos). I have put high quality dual lock on the back but would be happy to remove that before postage if the buyer wishes. This is the full-sized unit, not the compact. It's built like a tank and I think it sounds great on bass. Piggy-backing off of Origin Effects' marketing department, here's what they have to say: "RevivalDRIVE recreates a valve amp-style signal path in all-analogue electronics to provide realistic tonal response, touch-sensitive drive characteristics, and elusive ghosting overtones. RevivalDRIVE’s two channels each deliver a wide range of British and American amp flavours, from clean to fully cranked. Intuitive controls let you go under the hood to tweak every aspect of the amplifier, from preamp shape to power amp breakup, even down to the sag and ripple of the HT supply. With amp-like playing feel and realistic harmonics this may be the last overdrive pedal you will ever need." It usually retails around the £450 mark and, like seemingly everything Origin Effects make, is just amazing quality. I'd be happy to provide clips and further photos on request.
  23. I’m sorry to hear about your ill health. I wish you a swift recovery. This is such a fantastic pedal! Easily my favourite delay. Someone is in for a treat!
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