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Everything posted by fatgoogle

  1. Looks like it would be handy bit of kit all around. Is it as simple as just taking a midi cable from the out of the alesis and putting it in the BEF. Also just after a quick look, would i be able to send a midi click to a synth or someones laptop? Im not great with these kind of things.
  2. Ok, whats the easiest way to send a midi clock signal into my BEF pro, in a way that can be used live and without a laptop, preferably cheap. Also one that would let me send a click to the drummer and to the maybe one other instrument.
  3. So many mics, i think ill get a sm57 for the moment and then see what happens. Both the rodes and the heil pr35 look nice. Ill see what the budget holds at the end of the year. Any place reliable for reviews of mics?
  4. Looks like its the sm57. What would be the mic for just vocals thats more detailed, if i could afford one or find someone to borrow one of.
  5. Im looking for a good all round mic as the title suggests, as im intending to record some of my own stuff this summer. Id be doing vocals, mic'ing a guitar amp(ill D.I the bass), horns - mainly trumpet, trombone and sax and some light percussion. Im pretty broke so thats why its just the one mic. So whats the top contender. If i can find the money, i could be open to two mic's - one for vocals and one for everything else. Budget is not huge btw. Cheers Sam H
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  7. I have one, ill get some pics up later. Mines going through some mods at the moment, clear pickguard, 62 wiring, d-tuner etc. Mine has been gigged a lot, its my my main bass and blew all the fender MIA standards out of the water, it has a slightly thinner neck aswell which i like.But it hasnt really got any wear apart from gigging wear. Theres just scratches and a few dings that have removed chips of paint.
  8. Sounds good . Anyone put a double bass through it? Hopefully by the end of march i shall have all the funds then.
  9. So i was thinking about getting one of these. Im still worried about the 250 watts thing. Im using hartke lh500 at the moment, which has always been great through a single 8 ohm 15" cab. Id be using it mostly in small venues(anyone in dublin think, sweeneys, mercantile, wheelans etc) playing with anything from a 3 piece to a 9-10 piece with a horn section, keys etc. Also it might be a clean signal or quite dubby with a good few pedals, depending on the act. I would like to get it with the two 1x12 ebs classic cabs, id prefer 2 2x10's but there so damn expensive it seems for anything good. Do you think it would work for me?
  10. My Fender HW1 jazz bass, by far one of the best jazz bass's ive played except a marcus miller(ive only played them) and my old fender jazz 24 which i sold. All three better then a Standard MIA in every way. Been meaning to get a precision with some flatrounds for a while.
  11. I want to mod my jazz bass. Not too sure on a few things though. First is i want to swap the control plate for a 3 hole one so i can have 60's wiring, Stacked volume and tone. Will a 3 hole control plate fill the same space as a 4 hole one? Also what kinds of pots will i need for this. Im having trouble Finding stacked pots. Second is i want to put a clear scratch plate on the bass, but there pretty damn expensive, so i was going to make one. Is there somewhere i can get a guide to cut one out as i lost my old one. I was just going to get a piece of acrylic and cut it. Would it be better to use a small router type device or just a stanley knife or similar. Thats it really, the only thing id like to do one day, is too block and bind the neck. Would that be a huge undertaking or manageable? Cheers Sam H.
  12. PAS - with the moog mp-201 can you send a click to it and the use it to control the cutoff to get really regulated wobs, speed them up slow them down etc, or is there something else needed before the mp-201 to send a click in. Thats pretty much the main use i want from a 201 so im a little worried about the price aand maybe oly using it for that single feature. I know it can control the other parameters, but im still struggling to understand what it can really achieve.
  13. Its the Bp-100 pickup i have on there but i reckon its pretty old now. Also im using a harkte lh500 through a 1x15 so maybe thats half the problem. Im going to be playing in a folky mellow style group and using pizz and bowing. AI gear is way to expensive, but would a preamp into my hartke into some kind of small amp possible do the job?
  14. Just wondering whats the easiest way to amplify a double bass in most situations. My DB came with a fishman pickup on it which is a bit raspy but would still do the job. So whats the cheapest and easiest way that youve found? There will most likely be monitors on the stages etc etc and the amps and pa's will be of varying quality, but one of the groups im in feels it would suit the whole vibe a lot better so im happy to go with it. Cheers Sam H
  15. So a moog mp-201 is the solution again it seems.
  16. Really liked the new EP. I prefer more to the last one really. Seems to be more power behind it IMO. Does anyone know if anything like this is already in the market. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whvNhkC4Skg"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whvNhkC4Skg[/url] This would be my ideal pedal for what i want. Especially if it could be sent a click from a metronome or something which could then be halved or doubled.
  17. Im going to check one out tomorrow. There 229 in a local shop which isnt to bad. Reviews would be great.
  18. When i have the money in the far future a single-cut is the only bass id want. Ive never played one but they look so damn good, Its what sells them for me. I dont see how you couldnt like them.
  19. Its a dream at the moment, i need all my cash for uni.
  20. But would i need to have 3 ls-2's then rather then having a single box with 3 loops. Id also want to have them effect each other at my choosing.
  21. [quote name='phil.i.stein' post='1354848' date='Aug 28 2011, 11:59 PM']not sure about this myself. the person to ask about specific builds would be Max at [sfx]sound. it's looking like i won't be in the position to bother enquiring 'til new year at the rate i'm spending what i haven't got.[/quote] Another thing i would want from it is to able to run multiple loops at the same time but they dont effect each other. So if im running loop one which has the moog in it and im modulating it, but have loop two just being effected by the original bass signal and running some extreme sub-bass underneath.
  22. Yep, I was even thinking of selling my record player to fund a source audio B.E.F pro. Could volume/gain pots be put on each loop along with a switch.
  23. Thought this was amazing. Especially the connection between all the players and the sound the bass player was getting. Was it an envelope filter at times? Any albums to recommend, never thought i would actually enjoy this style but it really blew me away.
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