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Everything posted by SteveXFR

  1. I think it was when Emily Eavis took over booking the bands it went wrong. Booking Coldplay as headliners four times is ridiculous. Love or hate them, no band should headline 4 times in less than 15 years. It shows a lack of imagination.
  2. You forgot about stealing your own booze and puking in your sleeping bag. And don't forget about the £6 for a can of warm carlsberg because it's the only beer available or £8 for a warm pimms if you want to break the world record for least amount of alcohol per pound.
  3. It's enormous now compared to the 90s. It seems to be mainly aimed at middle class pretend hippies and students. Maybe the festival scene is over saturated now.
  4. I generally really enjoy Glastonbury. I've been quite a few times and have always found plenty of bands I like on the lineup. I generally avoid the pyramid stage anyway so don't really care who the big names are. This year though, the lineup is a big pile of bland. I thought it was just me being a miserable old bastard but everyone I've spoken to who is going or usually goes is pretty disappointed this year. For the first time ever, I'm glad I didn't get a ticket. https://www.glastonburyfestivals.co.uk/line-up/line-up-2022/
  5. Get you with your primate classification snobbery.
  6. Well I don't see what your monkey snobbery has to do with bass snobbery.
  7. je fais l'amour au jambon
  8. Le lapin ne rentre pas dans le grille-pain. Je vais essayer ce marteau
  9. In one of my previous jobs, we used to apply a £1500 a$$hole tax to certain clients just because we'd end up spending so many extra hours dealing with their a$$holery
  10. I'm a mechanical engineer. I do physics, not chemistry. I didn't do all that great in material science at uni.
  11. Bad Religion in Bristol on Wednesday night. Incredibly good live band who get better each time I see them. They're the tightest, most professional punk band and quite obviously love performing. The venue was Motion, really good place with better sound than the O2 Academy across town and much more reasonable drink prices and excellent security. Support was from UK Subs who were absolutely brilliant. High on Fire coming up in a couple weeks at The Fleece. Can't wait for that one.
  12. They must be just getting to that sweet warm tone. Just don't be a scumbag and use a pick on them.
  13. New strings? Jamerson never changed his strings.
  14. I quite like old GK amps they're pretty decent value now. I rarely turn up my Orange Terror 500w past 2 on the master volume so I'm thinking of changing it for an old GK.
  15. If your instrument cables aren't made from molecular aligned isotope 198 gold insulated with atomically pure silicone hand woven by virgins then you are a peasant.
  16. Surely just different set ups for different purposes. If you're music best suits a simple set up then why buy any more? It worked for Lemmy so who are we to argue with that? If you're in a doom band where a dual amp set up with a ton of effects is needed then why not? There's some great sounds to be had with a range of effects.
  17. The Cornford amps sound like Marshalls but cost twice as much. I really want an all valve head but can't justify it at the moment
  18. That sounds too much like my last band experience. They'll get that album released by the end of the century.
  19. Bloody should be better for 20 times the price. Somehow I doubt it's even twice as good let alone 20 times. It is 20 times uglier though.
  20. No, they wouldn't play anything as common as a Marshall, they had Cornford amps. Basically, they saw that most bassists who play arenas use Ampeg SVT heads with SVT 810 cabs so obviously that's the only acceptable thing for me to use. They asked which famous bassists use solid state Orange amps (that's what I use) but they'd never heard of Sergio Vega (Deftones), Troy Sanders (Mastadon) or Geddy Lee (you know).
  21. I've been booted from one band. I knew it was coming and was fine with it but the way they did it sucked. It followed an argument about the two guitarists insisting I needed to buy an Ampeg SVT classic, I said maybe after some gigs when I know how things are going but they insisted it had to be straight away. They then booted me a few hours later saying it was because they wanted to play 3 gigs a week and knew I couldn't do that. This was back in January this year. No one is getting 3 gigs a week at the moment let alone a new band. I'd rather they'd just been honest. As it goes, the drummer quit shortly after and they've not replaced either of us or played any gigs. I did get a text from one of them last month asking whether I'm in a band now, obviously I told them I am and playing four gigs a week.
  22. I've got both and have no preference either way. The only time I'm reminded that one of mine is neck through is when people comment that they're surprised to see a neck through Epiphone.
  23. There's definitely some great basses that cost bugger all used. Some of the old Peavey's like the Zephyr are superb and can be had for a couple hundred squids. I much preferred my old Zephyr to my Fender Jazz which cost 3 times as much.
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