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Everything posted by SteveXFR

  1. I think you misunderstand petrol heads, most love a basic, no frills hot hatch even if they do own a super car. I'm quite a fan of the Suzuki Swift Sport, wicked fun little car and dirt cheap. The Fiesta ST is fantastic fun as well. My car is one of those stupid fast cars and while you'll use a fraction of its speed on the road, what is fun is using the monster midrange grunt to fire it between bends on a twisty B road. There's also track days Nurburgring trips and V max top speed events. There's also the fact that a car with 500+ horsepower makes for an extremely relaxed motorway cruiser. There are some car snobs but I'd say they're less common than instrument snobs. I've experienced more reverse car snobbery with people ranting at me about fuel consumption and too much power etc, etc and telling me I should get a sensible car, I have one and it does 90% of my miles.
  2. People with inverted basses are peasants
  3. If I was looking for a combo, I'd probably go for an Ashdown MAG 300. They're pretty cheap, not too heavy, bombproof and sound decent.
  4. Maybe I'm guilty of a kind of snobbery. The reason I don't own a P bass is that they're so popular and I want something different. I'm starting to realise that a P bass would probably sound great for what I'm doing right now so maybe I will get one.
  5. Both his basses were stolen earlier this year so he's now just got the one Jazz bass. Sounded pretty good. The old dude can really play and looked like he was having a whale of a time .
  6. Gravedigger Song - Mark Lanegan Sorry for two in a row but I couldn't decide on one
  7. I did have the Crush 100 and found that wasn't loud enough but it depends on how loud the rest of your band are
  8. Never judge a player for having a cheap bass. Alice Coopers bassist uses an Epiphone Thunderbird Alvin from UK Subs uses a Squier Jazz as well as his Fender and he is fecking brilliant. Matt Freeman from Rancid has a Squier P bass as his backup and he's one of the best bassists in rock. Mike Kerr from Royal Blood still uses his budget Gretsch Electromatic even now thar Fender give him their top kit. Judge them by how they play, not what they play. Just because someone is skint doesn't mean they can't play and just because they've got the money for fancy kit doesn't mean they can shred.
  9. Foals, Skunk Anansie, Pigs x7 and The Damned are the only redeeming features I can see other than the lack of Coldplay.
  10. It's been awful every year since Emily Eavis took over booking acts.
  11. But European bands touring the UK only have to pass through one border while British bands touring Europe have to pass through several (rarely all 28, more like 5 or 6). I guess it now makes more sense to tour the US instead of Europe.
  12. Isn't brexit more an issue for British bands touring Europe than for European bands travelling to Britain?
  13. Bad Religion in Bristol tomorrow night. Tickets booked in 2019, completely forgot about it until a few days ago.
  14. I went to Peter Gabriel's studio last December and was chatting to an old bloke who had worked there for years. He told me it's quite common for all these old legends to meet up and jam or get little projects going that never release anything. He told me about a jam session a few weeks earlier with Jimmy Page, Nick Mason and Geoff Barrow (the bassist from Portishead). I wish I could have heard that session.
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