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Everything posted by SteveXFR

  1. He was responsible for stoner metal though so he's alright. Using the mafia to stop any rock concerts in Palm Springs forced them to have parties in the desert using generators and boom, stoner metal was born
  2. I know this is unpopular opinions but you've just crossed a line
  3. And another thing. I love rock music but I am so bored of unimaginative bands. It just puts me off when I see the very standard set up of Les Paul's through Marshalls and a Fender Precision. You just know you're going to hear the same old recycled Zeppelin & Sabbath riffs and solos made up of standard blues licks. You know the lead guitarist is going to make those faces every time he hits a high note. You know the bassist will remain completely static on stage and sound exactly the same through every song. It's just boring and it's been done a million times before and it's got to stop. There's so many options for guitars, basses and amps, don't try to be a bargain basement guns n roses because they already exist and we don't need a crappy version in the corner of the Lamb & Flag on a Saturday night.
  4. I'm definitely right about that being my opinion of big gigs. I'm not sure whether it's right right
  5. I've not heard good things about RHCP live and that's from big fans of them. Personally, I hate big gigs. I wouldn't see anyone in an arena or stadium. Even at Glastonbury, I hate going to the Pyramid stage. You're just so far from the band. I'd rather see a smaller band in a small venue so it at least feels like you're in the same room as the band.
  6. My daughter has asked to borrow my Thunderbird and my amp and my pedal board for her school prom. On top of that, she expects me to put off selling my Jag and polish it so her and her band mates can arrive in V8 thunder. I'll take her in my crappy Skoda and she can play her own bass and use the school amp.
  7. It's just simple, loud rock and roll but dammit Airborne can entertain a crowd. Excuse the dodgy photo, I'd had a few pints
  8. Airborne in Frome tonight. Their second night here to warm up for their tour with Iron Maiden. I've seen them before and they're excellent live. Week after next is Bad Religion in Bristol. I bought tickets two years and forgot about them until yesterday.
  9. We did invent heavy metal though and according to McLaren he invented punk in Britain (only a decade after MC5 and Stooges)
  10. Blur were the most overrated Britpop band. I saw them at Glastonbury on their big comeback show. They were just boring, especially after Nick Cave
  11. You're definitely getting a speeding ticket! That song is an abomination and proof there is no god
  12. I think commercial country music is a particular type of terrible with not a single acceptable song. Commercial rock has the odd good song and all pop is commercial by definition but theres the odd acceptable song.
  13. You could probably include Ruby by Kaiser Chiefs in that
  14. Would it be an unpopular opinion to say that commercial country music blows? Possibly not
  15. Definitely needs a couple 4x15 cabs.
  16. Here's a less negative unpopular opinion: Fat Mike from NOFX is a decent bassist. I don't get why he has a reputation for being a bit rubbish. And another thing. Matt Freeman from Rancid is one of the best bassists of all time.
  17. I think Radiohead are boring and mediocre at best. They had a couple good tunes but far too much self indulgent noodling. Second possibily unpopular opinion. Foo Fighters never made a great album, their records were 75% filler. In their career, they could have made one and a half truly great albums. Third unpopular opinion. Elvis sucks.
  18. Yes. We play original, loud and heavy stoner metal. We all love that style of music. Playing music I'm not really in to is unappealing. A party/wedding covers band would probably just end with me losing the love for playing
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