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Everything posted by SteveXFR

  1. We've all said things we wish we hadn't for a bit of snoo snoo
  2. Ah yes. From the Heisenberg organic remedies stall?
  3. Those bloody things are a pain in the ring. If you get stuck behind one, it's impossible to overtake. The que of traffic behind them must far outweigh the pollution saving of the electric hipster mobile. We do have a crystal seller at the market every Saturday for all your crystal needs. Apparently there's such a thing as an essential crystal! The music shop is actually pretty good, it's the one shop I do use in town. The owner has had it since the 70's, nice old bloke.
  4. Still sounding pretty decent and looking surprisingly healthy
  5. I just use standard nail clippers. If I do it in the garden the neighbours cat eats the bits. Not sure whether they can be digested, I'll check the turds in my veg plot.
  6. I think Metallica and Tool tabs are already well covered on YouTube. There's not many Faith No More tabs, no idea why. Billy Gould is one of the great metal bassists. Rancid tabs are generally wrong, Matt Freeman is far from your average punk Bassist. Maxwell Murders and Journey To The End of East Bay are the obvious choices but also Sound System by Operation Ivy (same bassist) is a great bass line. A lot of punk tabs get simplified to just root notes and they miss out all the fills that make them interesting.
  7. Looks nicely done. Any plans to add some punk and metal tunes?
  8. It looks terrible, sounds like a cheap beginner bass, looks uncomfortable to play sitting down plus I think I'd feel cramped playing a bass that short. I don't really understand the purpose of it. It's a f**k no from me.
  9. If you're in Britain, just wait 5 minutes and it'll be overcast and drizzle again.
  10. Its like a lighthouse one the shore of an ocean of granny booze. At least Shepton hasn't suffered the invasion of hipsters and crystal healing, vintage wearing, junk shop frequenting, hippy rich London people we've got here in Frome. I went for a pint last night in the latest hipster craft beer place to see what it's all about, £6.20 for a pint of very weird tasting IPA. I seem to have wandered off in to a whole different rant here.
  11. That is true. It's also the home of babycham and terrible cider.
  12. You evil, greedy capitalist. Think of all the exposure you could get.
  13. Time to start an online petition to get this raised in Parliament I think.
  14. It all went wrong when they changed the name from Pilton Pop Festival to Glastonbury Festival of Contemporary Performing Arts. It's closer to Shepton Mallet than Glastonbury but I guess Shepton isn't as mystical.
  15. That seems about right to me. Maybe 25 -35. Who knows I have met someone there who was 93 and waiting for Idles to come on. He had been going since the very first festival. Didn't once say it was better in his day.
  16. Some old fart who was in a decent band but then wrote the frog chorus.
  17. They both sold a lot of records a long time ago and have since been forgotten. Supergrass only ever really had a couple big hits
  18. £90 now and only available for the Sunday. The bus home is at midnight so when we got the day passes, we just stayed all night then walked to Shepton Mallet in the morning and got a bus home.
  19. They're effectively paid by getting a free pass to see most of the festival (you're off more than working) plus three meals a day and nice camping. Most people who do it think it's a great deal.
  20. They Don get paid much if anything
  21. Lots of my friends work the festival (I'm about 15 miles away) and you get loads of time off to see bands and everyone always seems to see all the bands they really want to. You also get nicer camping facilities and showers with security and no one to take a dump in your sleeping bag. The car parking doesn't take hours to escape on Monday morning as well.
  22. I would see Skunk Anansie. Last time I saw them there they headlined the pyramid stage and were excellent.
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