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Everything posted by SteveXFR

  1. You handsome bastard. My face looks like a melted wax work of Gordon Brown's uglier brother. Then there's the smell....
  2. I already had an Orange Terror 500w with 4x10 which has uprated Eminence speakers. I was running a Two Notes Le Bass preamp in the effects return to bypass the Orange preamp. I thought it sounded great.
  3. I can't decide whether to do pink torpedo all, f**k all, bugger all or just stay I and do nothing. The last two years were nothing to celebrate and I doubt this one will be any better
  4. Does the battery box make any difference to anything?
  5. Apparently we were going to be signed within two months of sending out demos then two to three gigs a week! I'm not quite sure of the best method but it's definitely with the power on.
  6. I agreed to buy a 2kw active sub. They also expected me to buy an SVT head and 8x10 to suit their big stage dual amp dreams and have it all within a few weeks for rehearsal. Now they still need all that gear plus a bassist!
  7. Bullet with butterfly wings - Smashing Pumpkins
  8. I'm not really sure whether it counts as getting the boot. A difference of opinion on what I should spend my money on.
  9. Well that's unusual for Internet opinions. Everyone is saying the same and no one has been called a commie or nazi. It seems like I have to get out and try one. Does anyone know of a shop in the Bristol area that's likely to stock them?
  10. I've been thinking recently about trading in my two Sterling Stingrays to buy a full fat US made EBMM. I've got a Ray34 and a Ray35 which are both excellent, I think the 35 is an exceptionally good example. Unfortunately, I'm not getting much use from the 5 string since my expulsion from the band I was in. Is the EBMM Stingray good enough of a step up to be worth replacing both my current Ray's? I would go to a shop and try one but I think I'd end up with a late 80s or 90's model which is different to the current version. I know opinions are rare on the Internet but let's have a few.
  11. Some High On Fire is up around 140bpm. Then at the other extreme, SunnO))) have been playing since 1998 and haven't yet got to their first beat.
  12. The exception would be Idles who are absolutely brilliant and constantly denying being punk in interviews. They definitely are punk though.
  13. I'd be very happy if I heard that when I was braced for meatloaf.
  14. Not a fan of negative Wizard metal then? Surely you must like a bit of nintendocore???
  15. Like anything it varies between bloody awful and absolutely brilliant.
  16. Basically stoner metal is ripped off Black Sabbath riffs tuned down to C or lower with a heap of dirt on bass and guitars and lyrics about either weed, demons or witches/wizards. Songs usually turn in to a jam towards the end. Check out Kyuss for an example. For doom, tune lower and add more dirt, maybe slow down to 120bpm and add the word bong/wizard/funeral to the band name. Beards are almost essential as is black clothing. Everywhere you go there should be a fog of cannabis smoke. Check out Electric Wizard for an example. For sludge metal tunings can be higher, up to drop D. Basically just play early thrash slowed right down with vocals kind of slurred/growled. Check out Eyehategod for an example. Then you've got yer sub genres, funeral doom, blackened doom, drone doom, death doom etc, etc
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