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Everything posted by diskwave

  1. Nice weight, strings look plum centre and nice wear....and I cannot justify another one. Darn it!
  2. Cool stuff tonite. TOTPS 79. Great mix of interesting ye olde pop tunes..Oh and Anita Ward..mmm haha. And over on the dark side, Nina Simone...Blimey, what an extraordinary woman...Super serious but a great old school performer...
  3. These old tunes are just great...The spacey engineering is where its at, so much separation makes everything today sound like its been recorded in treacle. Anyway takes me back to a club just off the beach bk in 79....
  4. Haha..dont worry I wont tell. Anyway cheers for that but Im foolishly looking for a minty one I sold in 82...which of course wont now be minty at all...still who knows, but I just love that 70's logo..
  5. If there's an original 70's V4B there let me know....my lounge needs a nostalgic center piece. However on the subject of tone...I now realise it's futile judging stage tone..If it sounds good at the bar Im happy. My BA110 thru any modest amateur PA sounds brilliant .. "on the floor, or at the bar".
  6. Dear oh dear, oh dear. Clearly this 'artist' hasn't performed at the Dog & Duck on a Friday night with all the house lights up and two old geezers and a dog sat right in front of you looking at you like you've just landed from Proxima 5. Until you've suffered that then you have no idea.
  7. Did each individual bass improve ur enjoyment of each individual tune?
  8. S'ok but its not what I associate him with. Wonder if she will ever sell the Wals. Iconic basses in his hands.
  9. Fraid not. Completely different player...Im sure out the window it looked like Brussels but I cant be sure.
  10. Squire CV 70's


  11. Hands down some pot bellied Euro guy in a dads cardigan 10-15yrs ago on YT. In a studio with a rack of 60's P's and laying it down like crazy..Minimal notes,, minimal movement but incredible feel and groove. Anyone remember? Least impressed with Scotts Bass Lessons...same ole pentatonic thing everytime. As I've always said if you can't play on the One, in four and make em dance then forget it.
  12. Nice story gents. Spent a lot of time in the West End bk in the early 80's making a lot of groovy noise, Empire Ballroom was always fun. Anyway. I'm on a compilation album and appeared on a TV arts show back in 84. Both long lost to obscurity...haha.
  13. Steelye Span in Basingstoke last yr. Just superb tho I was awfully distracted by bass player constantly fiddling with his jazz bass knobs!
  14. Having a bit of a clear out. Here we have three sets of rounds. two D'ads and a set of OEM Squires (centre) which came off my CV70's Squire P, not bad strings from what I remember. Oh and the CV is def not included...lovely bass. 🎸 I've always played flats and these have not left the house so barely played at all. Probably suggested by various band leaders with big ideas, though I suspect my 16 yr old dead as a door nail Chromes would have quietly closed that conversation down...haha Anyway not for me, but I'm sure someone can make good use of them. Cheers all
  15. Overdubbed or not u can bet ur nelliie he could play it and sing it live. May have overdubbed it to give it a bit more presence. Grt, tune takes me right back to that long hot summer of 76.
  16. Nope. My CV70 sounds grt, even in the shower🤣
  17. The clear silicone cones off ebay are very good indeed and can be cut to fit.. EA20? or something. U can get them anywhere.
  18. Interesting but its on the cusp at that price. Headstocks been shaved, decal obviously wrong. Orig paint?, cant be sure. Too many red flags for that money.
  19. Thick board gunk on a P with flats? Lucky you. Leave it on and you'll play like Jamerson who said the chicken fat helped create those super Motown grooves.
  20. Yes what a line up. It was good last nite. Gord Giltrap on 4 then later The Band docu with Robbie Robertson...fascinating
  21. I love Motown but from 60 thru 70 it didn't really change a huge amount. For me it's the 70's. From 70 thru 80 the linear changes in writing, playing, sound developement and especially in the studio were immense. It started with Bowie, Prog and The Carpenters who all set their very different templates for everything we have today.
  22. Did a few holiday seasons with a guy back in the 80's and he used a tweed`'15 watt' session combo. Beautiful tone and loud as heck. Whether the new ones are like those originals I've no idea but a solid make nevertheless.
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