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Baloney Balderdash

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Everything posted by Baloney Balderdash

  1. Well that turned out a bit more negative than intended. Not out to ruin your fun, or to discredit OP, really. However I still don't think it makes sense, now please let me be of that opinion. Just as it is okay for you to have fun with this poll and for OP having had fun making this video and poll, even if it doesn't really make much sense to me, it is however also perfectly alright for me, even if you think it makes perfectly sense, to think it doesn't really make much sense, so please let me keep that opinion, you are not going to change it anyway. Thank you!
  2. Then I chose Low or Coil, with the "music" represented in the OP being very long down on my list. Not something I plan including on my playlist. But even if it is completely pointless I can reveal that I marginally preferred how the P Bass sounded in this video, however I accidentally voted before reading OP properly and without watching the video linked to first, therefor choosing the Yamaha BB, which probably would actually had been my choice if I had played these basses my preferred way though my preferred gear. However as OP didn't allow people to change their vote on this poll my mistake is forever going to pull this already pointless poll in an even more pointless direction, making it even more inapplicable to actual reality.
  3. No, but as I have pointed out several times, in this context, with the premise presented by OP, it doesn't really make sense at all. What is the point? Best compared to what exactly?
  4. Yeah, well, I don't see the point. As said it makes as much sense to me as having posted a video of people respectively eating chocolate muffins and lamb chops and then asking me what I think tasted best based on that video.
  5. Well, the comparison with the Ray4 is useless since he doesn't pluck it in the same spot as the others, so naturally it is going to sound completely different. All in all way too many variable for this comparison video being of any use whatsoever, not to speak of of the tons of compression by default being added to YouTube videos when uploaded. You might as well have compared chocolate muffins and lamb chops in a video and asked what tasted best.
  6. How is the nut slots? Are they approximately as low as they ought to be, or are they cut too high? If the strings sit too high in the nut slots it will result in a higher overall action when strings are not fretted. Also a truss rod wrench essentially is the exact same as an appropriate sized allen key, just with a fancier shaft/handle. I know of no basses that actual comes with a truss rod wrench from factory, but usually does come with appropriate sized allen keys to adjust respectively the truss rod and the saddles.
  7. True... That ancient digital Lexicon rack reverb is still praised and sought after to this day, and plenty of digital units with many times the original's processing power fails to do as good a job. A digital effect is only as good as the programmer, and even then it will still also depend on how well that programmer actually knows how to effectively make optimal use of whatever specific processor it got, that is how experienced the programmer is with the specific system used. And yes, plenty of genuinely amazing all free VST effect plugins for DAWs around too, my all time favorite delay and distortion for one are both all free VSTs.
  8. And that bird, whatever the hell it is even doing there, suppose it is supposed to be a falcon of some kind, looks like it is seriously ill.
  9. No way! Why would I have Leo's last name printed on the headstock of my bass?
  10. What the hell is that bass supposed to be, looks like nothing I ever saw, and is smaller than a guitar. Definitely not a Fender. Horrible painter.
  11. Shameless self promotion: It Must Be To Do With Orange - Electro Jar
  12. Unless you are doing very traditional generic songs with very generic instrumentation I can only imagine that AI mixing would be useless. I know for certain it would for the music I make. Take the time and learn how to do so yourself. Unless your songs are indeed very traditional and generic it will almost with certainty give a better result, even if you are mostly clueless about mixing, as long as you have ears and use them and are not afraid of experimenting.
  13. If you plan to keep that neck attached to the body I would get a neckplate or some countersunk ferules for the screws, otherwise the neck won't be stable, as the screws otherwise will keep digging deeper into the body wood. But beside that, as well as definitely getting a new bridge, and then perhaps tidying it up cosmetically, I would personally be tempted to assemble the bass using the parts as they are.
  14. The Joyo JF-37 Analog Chorus (not Vintage Chorus, that one is an Ibanez clone) is a Boss CE-2 clone as well.
  15. Amazing full live concert with Dinosaur Jr., featuring Kim Deal on 3 songs:
  16. Sure, there is a difference from finger to finger of where on the individual finger the nail starts to grow over. However I do prefer am ever so slightly overhang of nail, just ever so slightly protruding above the edge of the finger, almost flush with it. The way I pluck the strings I more so stroke the strings with the outmost tip of my finger, then gliding over the outmost tip of my nail, rather than really plucking, pulling and striking the strings, this gives the most full range sound, with a bit of attack added from the nail as well. Also I combine this traditional regular 2, and sometimes 3 or just 1, finger plucking technique with classical acoustic style guitar finger picking technique and index and/or middle finger flamenco guitar style finger flicking technique, which do interchangeably pretty much all the time. This does require a quite specific nail length though, and as said varies slightly from finger to finger how much I need to cut to get the nail to just be ever so slightly above flush with the outmost tip of my fingers, to sound just right, neither too little, loosing attack, or too much, having the strings get caught on the nails. But I got it pretty good down and know exactly how to cut my right hand finger nails by now to get it right. Also the nails on my left hand fretting hand I always cut super short, as short as physically possible, that is basically all the way down.
  17. I just linked to that video in the "double sided acoustic guitar/bass" thread, not knowing about this thread. I for one actually appreciate the curiosity and urge to experiment, and fully understand why the guy in the video would go through with this. But yes, it is questionable if it has much practical use, even if adjusting ones playing technique to fit the instrument, as the guy in the video actually does also attempt to. I enjoyed the video.
  18. Short answer is "yes". And might I add, in some cases even substantially. But whether or not that'll equates to the relief of the neck changing to an extend where re-tweaking the truss rod will be necessary will depend on how stable the neck is, as in how sensitive is it to environmental as well as tension changes. For instance I just recently tunes up all the strings on my main, which has the most stable neck I ever had on any guitar or bass, 1 half step, which equals a change in tension of just about 2.5 lbs on an average per strings, or just about 10 lbs (~4.5kg) in total, but the relief practically didn't change.
  19. Also, this wasn't really made clear, and this might be obvious, but if you plan on using the body as well, that is just flipping the whole bass, then upper frets access might be an issue, and certainly basses featuring a single cut body would be a no go.
  20. This seems to be a better idea:
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