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Everything posted by Woodwind

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  2. I'm sorry that was your experience. That's just put the last nail in the coffin for me there then.
  3. As much as I loved my Hartke Stack in the late 90's and having been intrigued by the Hydrive 112 especially at discount prices, I can only see the Competition offering a better alternative these days. A fender rumble 500 would be comparable price to an HD500 (if you could find one) or a Markbass CMD12 would come in at a greater cost, but arguably deliver much much more
  4. hmmmm if this doesn't sell immediately I'm going to look into a daytrip to Manchester to come and try if I may. Potentially very interested - weight and balance are the main issues for me. Cheers Thomas
  5. Yeah I wasn't really dissing G&L specifically, I'd happily state Fender and Musicman basses are equally insanely priced 🤣
  6. Lovely as that "tone rolled off" sound is (despite a lot of it coming from the big block of foam under the strings) that price is absolutely insane
  7. Anyone had any luck replacing the footswitch in a digitech pedal? Mine had got erratic and has now stopped working when pressed. Waiting to hear back from their UK distributers. Cheers Thomas
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  10. you'll get a lot of folks recommending the stuff they use. I don't own one, but have played through one on a few occasions and couldn't believe how good it was. Exactly as Lozz suggests a Markbass CMD12! I think for your needs you'll be hard pushed to beat it without going into the endless cycle of cab/amp swapping & testing
  11. Brilliant, Thank you Al. I'm after something quite synthetic sounding rather (hence my OC2/3 interest) to contrast with the EHX pitchfork I use already.
  12. bumping this as I'm on a similar hunt. Anymore cheap, worthwhile OC2 or Oc3 clones to consider?
  13. I didn't realise the body is a lot deeper on these. I can see that has a wonderful effect on the sound, but i'm a bit worried about my own ergonomic issues (tendon problems from years ago). If I was nearer to you I'd love to try it, but you'll have sold this way before I can get to Manchester (Due to be up playing a show in summer).
  14. that's very generous, thank you Martin. I'll drop you a line today
  15. Any idea on the weight of this? I assume it's pretty light due to the hollow body
  16. Very interested in this, I need to see what I can sell first
  17. I wish I could use slightly heavier strings Everything would be a lot easier. I used to play elites Stadium roundwounds exclusively and adored them so wanted to stick with them as a company, but my injuries said otherwise sadly. I have thought about just going back to rounds, but that groundwound feel is addictive
  18. Cheers Jus-Lukin, I tried a set of these many years ago and found the tension too high - hence Why I went to the Status 40-100s If only Elites did a guage down I'd definitely try them.
  19. Apologies if this has been covered ad-infinitum, but The search isn't working on my phone. I absolutely love the status 40-100 groundwounds I have on my (fretless) bass. Articulate, nice low tension, very eq'able if necessary. My current set must be over 5 years old and are on their way out. Status don't make these anymore and I'm a bit stumped as to where to seek a replacement. Ti jazz flats have been on my radar for a good while, but I'd like to play some before dropping the cash. Has anyone played both Status grounds and TI flats to compare? I play with a very low action and light touch. Low tension is essential due to old tendon injuries. Any advice or pointers gratefully received.
  20. And in a second language! I'm always impressed by these videos
  21. I quite like the orange vinyl although I'd like it more If they'd painted over the go faster stripes in black or matching orange. It's most likely a 1518 like one of these - https://reverb.com/au/item/1465491-vintage-trace-elliot-1518-red-stripe-1x15-200w-8-ohm-electric-bass-guitar-speaker-cabinet
  22. Really like the look of their amps as well. Other than the tiniest one they have 9v out to power effects!
  23. https://www.ehx.com/products/b9 A huge amount of fun, but it doesn't track very well below C
  24. I only found out about the SL TT and TM5s from this thread. They seem like amazing basses! Now wondering about making a cedar body for my bass instead. Triggers broom springs to mind
  25. It's entirely possible, but on an 11lb beast I would imagine you have a fair bit of leeway The biggest cavity machined into a bass already (the control cavity) is ironically in the place that increasing the weight would guard against neck dive. On my own instrument I'll eventually be chambering from behind the upper horn and back towards the bridge and possibly a small area out from the lower horn.
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