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Stub Mandrel

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Everything posted by Stub Mandrel

  1. For my birthday my brother got me a set of six excellent enamel badges in the shape of basses. All executed accurately: Ricken*****r Precision Jazz Yamaha BB Musicman Thunderbird The individual boxes are little flight cases! "Geepins"
  2. Itxs when two hard surfaces are exactly a wavelength apart. There's one pub we play where it's impossible to tame A.
  3. That's the fun of a project like this, the problem solving.
  4. Not long ago saw Arthur Brown supporting Hawkwind in the Albert Hall. Last night saw him and his band in my favourite venue, the Earl Haig. Sold out but we managed to get the table right at the front. He was awesome musically and visually.
  5. Knowing which word the sweary filter on basschat replaces with 'womble', I'd be a bit worried about that...
  6. Why is it that so many event organisers can't understand that (a) you need time to switch acts (b) if an act overruns this pushes all subsequent acts back (c) it's their job to tell bands when to stop.
  7. Fairly. Several examples of 3D printed bodies in the discussion, with and without timber reinforcement.
  8. Saw this on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=10228351445764478&set=gm.3235462746747599&idorvanity=1700252256935330
  9. The Fortunate Sons featuring Basschat's Andy ' @Gottastopbuyinggear'😁 Got the Ex's jumpin!
  10. I do a lot of 3D printing (FFD and resin). It's not the ideal material. But... it's possible. I think frets wouldn't be hard wearing enough. A large machine would be needed, and it's likely a truss rod would be required. Resin printing might be the best way. I like the ingenuity shown in this design. Very different from how I would have done it, but that doesn't mean my approach would be better! Think I would have gone for a more radical shape. Also I often use machine screws direct into the print - which works OK if they are not repeatedly removed, strength is enough that the print destroys itself before the screws pull out. The biggest issue is that most FFD prints will creep under constant tension/compression, being thermoplastics.
  11. I'v had a gig free few weeks 😞 but managed to sit in with several people on jam nights... from rockabilly to comforably numb in 20 minutes! Must admit it can get hairy when people use a capo, you don't know the song and you're tryiny to read a chord sheet over the guitarist's shoulder. Still three gigs over the next three weeks, including the front bar of the Earl Haig - we normally play the big stage there bug the atmosphere in the front bar is intense so really looking forward to it. Plus the great three tuns in Chepstow and our first time at Taff's Wells exies 🤪
  12. Soft soldering very different skill set to brazing, although they both work similarly. Filler metal relies on a flux to creat the oxide free environment where filler metal can flow by capillary atteaction and form an intermetallic bond. Lead vs lead free is mostly just a higher temp needed in terms of making the joint. A drop of leaded can help melt big, stubborn lead free joints by improving how iron contacts the joint and slightly dropping the melting point.
  13. So the next band is now the Fortunate Sons featuring @Gottastopbuyinggear of this parish.
  14. No Robert Plant... put back a week and moved to another venue due to RAAC at St David's hall. A week before the performance they suddenly realise more tickets than seats. Cancel all tickets (to be refunded in 15 days) and limit people to rebooking no more than two tickets. We were two in a party of four booked by someone else. In the end none of us could be bothered to try and get tickets.
  15. Bass 6 (since giving two away) Guitar 5, but two of these are Blacksrar Flies.
  16. Afraid I'm in Wales, but perhaps someone here is closer?
  17. I have a microtilt neck on my Fender Performer. Never had the need to make use of it. Irony is that a three-point approach is an excellent engineering solution if the mating faces are not great. But wood has enough compliance to compensate for inaccuracies.
  18. 100 budget? Buy the bass and amp. Are the strings flats (smooth) or rounds. If the former, they last ages. If roundwound, spend your change on a set of decent strings, strap, a cheap stand and a good quality lead. Where are you? Someone from basschat will probably be happy to help you do a bcasic setup.
  19. Look up 'capacitor plague' on Wikipedia.
  20. Rude Not to for 50! But do try some well set up entry level basses at a (good) music shop near you.
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