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Stub Mandrel

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Everything posted by Stub Mandrel

  1. Studio etiquette. I had no idea what to expect the first time I went into a proper studio. I had seen a handful of tv shots of the Beatles etc. In a studio. Nothing like you can see now on youtube. I do remember two things - first no option, go direct into the desk, no amp allowed. Second, both times the engineer said they wanted to record my Hohner B2 not my Fender Performer after doing an a/b test. One time I was asked to raise my action a tad to reduce fret buzz. Process was record a 'guide track' live. Then drums, bass, guitars and an absolute age on vocals. This was despite rehearsing in 'Rob's Caravan of Doom' - a tiny space where every visit would be recorded by the eponymous Rob as he used it to improve his own skills as a sound engineer. But there is still a dire shortage of even basic guides on what to expect, how to prepare and what to bring.
  2. The real victims are anyone who owns a Line 6 Spider.
  3. Back in the late '60s you couldn't count yourself a real guitarist if you didn't slip it into your solos.
  4. If it's hard to follow as one thread, is splitting it into threads for specific questions going to make it easier to follow in practice?
  5. Personally I find it interesting seeing the topic evolve. I'm unlikely to follow several threads addressing various sub-issues and the OP has been pretty good at posting updates with a summary of progress.
  6. You could banish Glenn Fricker to the underworld by facing him down with a Precision with 20-year-old flats fitted. I get the feeling that many (if not most) of the bands who record with him have barely gigged.
  7. A good band can make tempo changes part of tne song.
  8. The two times I've recorded in a proper studio we did four songs over two days.
  9. I think most people assume instruments left around in recording studios are there so the sound engineer can make you use them rather than your own instrument because they are too lazy to adjust the eq....
  10. So what bits of other songs do we transplant? Our guitarist switches to Third Stone from the Sun in his solo during Take Me To The River, so I've started playing the bass from Hey Joe over the chorus 😁
  11. Loved music as a kid. Had a cheap classical guitar, never got far but kept trying. Put steel strings on it and tried to play punk. It died. My mate got a cheap as chips Kay 'Strat-a-like' from a secondhand shop. I got the (even) less cool 'SG-a-like' (still got it!). Made lots of bad noises. Wet to uni. Played (badly) songs from 'The Beatles Complete' for sing alongs after the pub. Eventually got a decent used acoustic (1976, Epiphone, still got it). I could probably have been a rhythm/folk type guitarist if I had consistently tried and could have remembered more songs. My mate Steve let me noodle on his bass, and I enjoyed it far more. In the end, he lent it to me for a month on the condition I played 1FPF. Ended up with a Hohner copy of a Jazz. Did an audition. Learned a whole tape of songs badly. Two guys didn't actually want to play any of the songs on the tape... Did another audition... got into a band. In bands for next 9 years. Got much better. Got married. Over the years, I forgot how music had been the core of my life since I was about 11. Eventually started playing again as that fell apart twenty-plus years later. Got the hang again. Went through covid and got lots of practice and got much better. Divorce finally went through as covid restrictions started to ease a bit. Moved. Got into playing seriously. Joined two bands. One going strong, the other going nowhere, so left it and started a second band. Discovered jam nights and even depping. Met my amazing new partner when she came to see us play and decide if we were worth booking. Bass has helped me repair my life. If it wasn't for my wonderful daughter, most of the 22/23 years in the middle of my life would feel completely wasted.
  12. Hmm. I was noodling Roundabout last gig. Not sure prog would fit in our blues rock set...
  13. @dmccombe7's comment made me realise I spend more time worrying about choosing the right t-shirt for a gig than choosing which basses to take. 🤣 But I do have (even) more t-shirts than basses!
  14. Missed out due to RAAC in St David's Hall then all tickets cancelled a week before as the new venue was too small, and people could only repurchase two maximum (we were the other two in a group of four). All a bit crap really.
  15. Seen them a lot now, probably one of the most exciting rock bands out there, and still playing reasonably sized venues.
  16. "I'll keep it as something to help me remember!"
  17. Last night... first gig for a month and a bit. Somehow I managed to take a lump off my right thumb on friday and scratch my left palm (opening a paint can with an old chisel - tŵat). But I was ok if a bit sore. Then weird lead issues when setting up, possibly caused by a dent in a jack plug. Amp went very quiet just like @Woodinblack' issue! Reversingbthe lead solved it. But in the break I blew most of my cut and ordered two neutrik/sommer cables. Venue was a 400 year old pub, regulars love their music but odd layout. Band and dance area is a step lower than the bar. Very few people in the low section, but packed like sardines in the bar section. So notmuch applause as all holding drinks, instead shouts, whistles and appreciative comments. Feels odd. Did about 45/50 minutes first set, about 65 second set with an encore. Finished a few minutes before the curfew and a couple of punters came in and expressed their disappointment. So a weird atmosphere but a good gig. Our ott PA and lighting... used the AVII P and the Flea Jazz. Very different feel and sounds, jazz is more comfy and varied but the P has that oomph so gets the second set.
  18. A lot of USAnian bassists eat bananas at gigs. Their extended set times make them prone to cramp and bananas are touted as a cure because of their potassium content (yes I fell down the TB wormhole for a bit).
  19. 3m. A wide pillar section directly across half of the band area 😞
  20. My Fender performer is amazing to play. For some reason, I rarely play it these days.
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