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Everything posted by OutSpoon

  1. :-) The Ray is the one bass I would never sell.... I bought it for myself on my 21st birthday. :-)
  2. This is lovely! If someone buys my Overwater soon I'm right on it! :-)
  3. Hey there - yeah, it's totally adjustable. The strings are right in the middle of the saddles right now so I think it will easily go to at least 18mm. I'm only in Reading if you wanna take a look. :-)
  4. Hi there - it's a standard 34" scale - with 17mm string spacing. Currently strung E-C but I will happily restring B-G with some new strings if anyone would like :-) Also considering a trade for a Fender P bass, white, fiesta red or burst with Rosewood neck and tort guard :-)
  5. Well, it's Friday night so perhaps someone is coming home late from the pub thinking... I really need an Overwater - and whump; there it is. BTW - i'm open to offers! ;-)
  6. OOhh... I really like this.. can you tell me the origin of the body and neck? Are they new? I have a BO Thumb 4 that I would consider trading.... :-)
  7. [size=4]Up for sale is my Overwater Perception 5 string. Made in 2007 for the Legend that is Scott Devine. This isn't a signature model, it was actually made for Scott (I have emails from Scott and Chris May to confirm this).[/size] Awesome bass, really light, really low action. Lovely to play. Very versatile despite only 1 pickup in the bridge position. Simple controls, volume and tone - but that's all you need. Hipshot tuners and Overwater hardware. The fretted neck has a matched headstock to the body (front and rear) - the Fretless is a dark wood... not sure what! PLUS - you get a Fretless neck included... that's 2 basses for the price of 1. :-) PLUS - a ramp for the fretted neck. PLUS - a Hiscox hard case PLUS - all the mojo from this being owned and played by a Legend (not me.). Selling this in order to fund my current P-bass lust. Would consider trading for either a 70's Fender P or a new (ish) American P. Rosewood neck, white, red or burst... Happy to post in the UK or EU at the buyer's expense. I have lots of packing materials so no problems. You can also collect if you like - I am based just south of Reading. Here's a clip of Scott showing what can be done... [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FsPm39tW4L4[/media] - solo around 5 minutes in. Lots of photos here; [url="https://www.flickr.com/photos/103967645@N05/sets/72157649045045555/"]https://www.flickr.c...57649045045555/[/url]
  8. Damn - that is lovely. Okay, I need to sell 2x Warwicks and an Overwater and I'll be right back! ;-)
  9. I have exactly the same bass - well, nearly. Bought it off gumtree a few months ago - and with a set of Flats and some Fender CS 62 pickups it is awesome. Just as good as the £2k Fender CS Pino bass.
  10. Get a Squire VI - they are awesome and cost less than £300. :-) I bought one a couple of weeks back and love it.
  11. I have a '94 Ray in exactly the same spec that I bought for myself on my 21st birthday - lovely bass. Would never sell it. ;-)
  12. I bought the fretted version from Jim a few months ago - and have been doing a regular gig every Monday for 3 hours (without a break!) .... it's not as heavy as you would think, and the balance is awesome. Great sound. :-)
  13. Just bought tickets for London today. Awesome.
  14. Just refuse to play - seriously. You will have to play so quietly it is a joke. And bass is even worse for tripping out the levels than anything.
  15. This really is the worst possible gig. Had it happen 3-4 times and each time the gig was rubbish. We were even telling the crowd to 'shush' - which just isn't cool. Any venue with a sound limited shouldn't be booking live bands. Add this to the fact that a lot of equipment is sensitive to rapid power loss and you have a recipe for disaster.
  16. As the happy owner of a Thumb bo 5 broadneck - I say, buy a Thumb - they are awesome. Dolphins are funny lookin'. :-)
  17. Do not EVER use Yodel - they are terrible! Last few basses I have sent (one UK and one Spain) have been with UPS (via interparcel.com) - and had no problems at all. Seriously, if you want to see something - be willing to post it; it's not that hard. Unless you are selling a car. Or maybe a Mesa Boogie 8x8.
  18. Probably been said already... but... if it's your money - and making music is your hobby or job then you have to be honest with your partner and tell the truth. Actually, even if its not your money, tell the truth. Relationships don't work if they are built on a foundation of lies. My wife (14 year anniversary this year) and I have an understand that goes something along the lines of £50 purchase and under - just do it, no need to consult. £50-£100 purchase, still do it; but consider if it is really necessary and be prepared to justify. £100+ purchase - discussion and justification needed. For me, I have sold 7 basses and bought 4 in the past year with the intention that it is always 'cost neutral'. My wife supports my 'hobby' and trusts me to be sensible. Which I am. Mostly. If she found a load of vintage Fenders in my music room or random receipts that I couldn't justify then I would have a bigger trust problem that a 'too many basses' problem. Bottom line - be honest with your partner, its the only way.
  19. Cool! I recently found myself in a 'southern rock' trio after being approached by a guitarist looking for a Bass Player / Singer. I didn't realise they meant one person to do both... after a few months of rehearsals we have our 1st gig next week and I am v. excited. 20 years as a frustrated singer and my 1st gig is around the corner. My advise would be make a few recordings of your 'jams' and find how your sound is working with each other. A trio can be hard to get right, there is nowhere to hide!
  20. My 1st bass too! I have a picture of me with stone-washed jeans and a perm and a 1A. Priceless....
  21. Mark bought my Ashbory bass and was a pleasure to deal with. Quick payment and no hassles! Great guy. :-)
  22. I bought the matching fretted bass from Jim last week and it is a great guitar. Love the broadneck it really is a beautiful thing. Seriously considering selling my b/o 4 thumb and buying this!
  23. Any bank holiday interest? Maybe you are full of inspiration today but have no way to record it? Then you need this!
  24. Any interest at all in this lovely cab? Early xmas present for yourself maybe?
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