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Everything posted by NikNik

  1. Behringer gear is cac, imo. I bought a Beh V-Amp Pro, with the optional foot controller and it cut out on me three times on its very first gig. Straight to ebay!
  2. I bought a bass off him. When it arrived, the colour was nothing like the bass that was advertised; the hue/saturation was totally different. And, no, it wasn't any of my computer monitors. I later discovered a couple of tall frets. which weren't mentioned. There has also been an issue where I added a bass to my basket, only to be told it had been sold. The above are enough for me to pass in future,
  3. I have heard of this. But ABB isn't even giving you the option to reject cookies. Anyway, moan over.
  4. Deflated, and disappointed, is how I felt. Fkn annoyed me. He has something that I'd drop >£2K on, but with a policy like that he can FRO!
  5. At that Easington gig I mentioned above, we had some of that. 'Too loud' 'Play something we know! The heckling was constant, and I turned to the guys and said, 'F*** it, I've had enough!' and unplugged my bass. Then one of the officials came up to us and said if we didn't finish the set, then we wouldn't get paid. We played another half hour. losing interest as the baying crowd sensed defeat. We loaded out to cat-calls and boos.
  6. Same here. 1983, and I was in a 7-piece funk outfit. But, to finance recording, etc, The core of that unit used to play the workingmens' clubs from time to time. One place, we did 45 minutes of quick-steps. bossas, etc, then stopped, as the punters had a chicken in a basket followed by a bingo session. Then an hour of standards/oldies, and a DJ rounded off the night. The Miners' Welfare clubs were full of rabble and raucous behaviour. We used to slip in an original to test them out and sometimes beer mats with 'F*** Off!' scrawled in Biro came flying onto the stage. Fending off the advances of drunk women whose equally-drunk husbands smouldered in their seats was another joy. 'Gie's a kiss, sonny! Come an' sweep ma auld lum oot!' 😵 An agent got us a weekend of gigs in Easington, Durham and another place I can't remember. Absolutely grim. Unreceptive audiences, and on the Durham gig, the Convener disappeared and we never got paid. We got back to Edinburgh, finding that we had only made £100, after taking off fuel. I refused to do any more of these gigs after that Below is the most miserable place I have ever, ever played!
  7. At that price, I couldn't justify spending £xxx on a total refin (which, IMO, you'd have to do with that bass) plus source a set of wavy (waffleback) Grovers and a Ricky tailpiece, etc. I get it that some folk would go for that, but not I. Had that been all original and not so battle-scarred, I'd have snapped it up. I'm sure it'll sell.
  8. Initially spotted this on the Tree of Gum, but it's also on evilbay. On and off I get the urge to own a 4000 (pref neck through) but they're rarer than rocking horse shid! Spotted this one earlier on and got excited> Then looked at the pix and my heart sank a bit. Player grade, probably sounds great, but not for me, not at that price. 4001 conversion
  9. Looking again at that, one of the D strings isn't making contact with the back of the tailpiece, which may indicate that this bass isn't even tuned to pitch. In fact, I'm convinced that you can see the slack in the strings.
  10. Three courses, over the same saddle; that's PCG's modus operandum. I'd love to hear how that intonates across the 'board! 12-string bass
  11. Is that a non-export Aerodyne? No, can't be, as no jack socket on the top.
  12. You should always have a returns label printed off, x 3. One for the driver, one for you, and one for inside the box. The first two, the driver should sign, and don't let him away if he says 'no need'.
  13. Don't blame you. I only have it on my work's PC for jumping onto the Bouzouki and Lowden group. And Marketplace
  14. Yamaha/JD Bass Never seen anything like that before.
  15. He who shall never be named must be eyeing this with envy.
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