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Everything posted by NikNik

  1. I started doing this a while back, but for sales, after reading a horror story where a buyer claimed a guitar was badly damaged, the the box showed no damage.
  2. Pretty sure I had these in a Nash Jazz a few years back. I remember the bridge being tight and poky. Lacked a bit bottom end but were super quiet.
  3. I wonder how old those flats are.....
  4. Sorry, I missed the 'elsewhere'........
  5. It went for £1640.71. A zero-feeback seller, selling a CT at a low auction start should be enough to raise the red flags. Japan Holic is selling another CT at £12, 660; another shop - with high feedback numbers - is selling the same model for the same price. This is one reason I refuse to buy from Japan over ebay, for I seriously doubt that some of these shops even have the guitar/bass they're advertising.
  6. Why not sand the heel?
  7. Yeh, it is a bit heavy.
  8. No point in selling it. In fact, it's become my go-to fretless in the house. It sounds great acoustically, with plenty of growl. I ended up re-radiusing the board to 9.5, sanding out the roughage up near first position, and giving it a few light passes of diluted shellac.
  9. Right, this confirms he just buys this stinky poo in and posts the for stinky poos 'n' giggles.
  10. I totally get that. Initially, I thought it had been overdubbed. Now, I'm not so sure.
  11. Aside from it being very upfront in the mix,I thought his playing appeared out of sync at times, and some notes didn't look like they were 'played' I watched it a few more times and now I have my doubts that the bass was overdubbed.
  12. Found myself listening to this earlier on. I think the bass is overdubbed. Thoughts? SLS
  13. Like the guy I caught selling a Steinway baby grand from a completed ebay auction, complete with same photos.
  14. These were usually sold with the accompanying 8 x 10" cab. I played through one a few times and they're freaking loud but really prone to interference due to the gain stages, I'd guess.
  15. Moved two Warwick Thumbs (1991) - a fretted and a UF - to buy a Wawirck Dolphin Pro-1. It was nowhere near as good as the two I'd shifted. Worst and most regrettable bass decision ever!
  16. Fender Japan has, or had, non-export models. I picked this CAR Jazz up in Belfast a few years ago; the seller had bought it from a guy in UK who managed to get it shipped over. Matching headstock and factory fitted reverse gear tuners. I swapped the 'plate out for a minty and added a tug-bar and a '62 circuit. I've kept the original circuit and the original while 'plate.
  17. That top E on the electric looks like it has its witness point on the back of the bridge; the E itself appears to be floating in the saddle groove.
  18. My fav was the 12 to 6 acoustic guitar conversion, with the jack socked moved to the lower bout. I thought I had a copy of it but I can't find it. Either that or his 'Big Hands' 7 to 6 conversion where he butchered the saddles with a Dremel. Found them!!
  19. I have that unit. It's excellent.
  20. Absolutely not; I love them. Esp the baseplate/comp saddles I have on one of my Teles. Why pay more for the Gotoh?
  21. They had an off-shoot called Gargleblud
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