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Everything posted by Bassassin

  1. It's not a "set neck" - it's a neck with a variable set. Interesting bit of engineering, I suppose, but I fail to see a pronounced advantage over shimming a conventional detachable neck. Jon.
  2. For this sort of thing you absolutely [i]have[/i] to use alternating strokes - you'd have to be superhuman to play this just with downstrokes. Don't grip the pick too hard - first stop is hand cramps if you do, and to make this easier use a pick with a textured gripping area - I swear by Dunlop black nylon 1mm, the slight flexibility of the material gives you much more feel & control than a rigid plastic. Playing position makes a big difference too - experiment with having your bass at different heights until you find the one that gives you the best freedom of hand movement. Most of the motion should be coming from your wrist - but I'm not sure I understand how you're using a pick so you're getting friction burns, though! Never actually tried playing this song myself - I'll have to give it a shot! Jon.
  3. Hi Guido, I don't have a Laser Classic but there are quite a lot of APII owners on here, hopefully someone will be able to help. If you have no luck here, try on the Aria Pro II board at [url="http://www.matsumoku.org/ggboard/index.php"]http://www.matsumoku.org/ggboard/index.php[/url] There might not be a wiring diagram available, but somebody with the same bass might be able to take a photo of their electronics for you to use as a guide. Jon.
  4. [quote name='phil_the_bassist' post='276313' date='Sep 3 2008, 03:13 PM']I speaketh his name, and he shalt appear! [/quote] And lo, he did talk rubbish, and then didst disappear in a puff of GAS. J.
  5. The 80s original designs from Tokai (apart from the Talbo) have really stayed pretty obscure - all the interest seems to be in the copies, all those Love Rocks & Monkey Punchers or whatever they're called. However, all the real Tokai enthusiasts live here: [url="http://www.tokaiforum.com/"]http://www.tokaiforum.com/[/url] And likely somebody on there will be able to give you a bit more info. Jon.
  6. [quote name='finnbass' post='275802' date='Sep 2 2008, 09:29 PM']Pulled already..[/quote] ...And straight back on again. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=270271778794"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=270271778794[/url] Shill 'Em All! :ph34r: J.
  7. Not a trick question - it is indeed an Ibby Rick copy - but honestly - I was hoping for exact model number & approximate year of manufacture! Do keep up, ladies! And no - it's not mine, honest! J.
  8. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='275446' date='Sep 2 2008, 02:25 PM']Watch yourself Jon - apparently a condition of playing there is that you have to wear calf-length shorts. Have you the legs for that? I suppose you might get away with a kilt ...[/quote] Been there, done that - and there I am soundchecking at Club Roxy in Prague a couple of years back: [attachment=12854:twat.jpg] And as you can see I have studied the dress code regulations for performing musicians. Since then I've - err... had a haircut. A gold star to anyone who can identify the interesting bass (not mine) in the background... Dunno about kilts - I have it on what I consider to be good authority that I have "a good leg for a kilt" but hailing, as I do, from Kent, more specifically the Medway Tahns, (Gillin'am, innit, mush) I have made a point of avoiding any opportunity of finding out. J.
  9. Hang around on the [url="http://www.rickresource.com/forum/"]RickResource board[/url] - it's the epicentre for all things Rick, very friendly & knowledgeable lot over there, and if Rickenbackers are scarce, it's because they've got 'em all! If there's a Blackstar going anywhere - it'll be flagged up there first. I'd suggest making it known you're looking for one - the guys on there buy & sell & swap their (huge) collections all the time, so you might get a chance. Proper Blackstars are rare as pope's condoms so you might have a bit of a wait, though... Jon.
  10. In anticipation of the successful sale of the first ever bass wot I have punted through these hallowed pages. Or alternatively just for people to take the piss out of me when they're bored. :ph34r: J.
  11. [quote name='noirpunk' post='275189' date='Sep 2 2008, 08:59 AM']I still curse myself for that, should've gone with the gut instinct and bought it. I could've lowered that action with some perseverance dagnabbit! Lovely punchy sound to it aswell [/quote] Like I said, I'd have given you a ton for it! Looking at the one on the 'Bay, it looks like some bridge modding/replacing, or a bit of minor body routing would be in order to get the action down. I'll have to get some more gigs organised in the Czech Republic for my band - and make it a bit of a Jolana buying trip while I'm there. Get your orders in! J.
  12. And they just keep coming! I wouldn't ordinarily bother to flag up modern guff like this Cockinbutter (no point when you can buy 'em in your local music shop) but this one's worth it for a giggle at the shill-tastic bidding: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Rickenbacker-Style-Bass-Guitar-Hard-Case-never-used_W0QQitemZ270271288761"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Rickenbacker-Style-B...emZ270271288761[/url] J.
  13. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='275105' date='Sep 2 2008, 12:04 AM']Now THAT I'd buy without hesitation! What a show-stopper. :wub:[/quote] Probably be easier to find its body donor: [url="http://www.gibsonbass.com/RDartist.php"]http://www.gibsonbass.com/RDartist.php[/url] Though god knows what one of them would cost. J.
  14. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='275091' date='Sep 1 2008, 11:52 PM']Wunderbar! Those crazy Czechs again - the Jolana Disco Bass,[/quote] Dunno why he's calling it that, the Jolana Disco bass exists, but it ain't a Rick copy: Oh - and yes, I would! J.
  15. That's a Jolana D - made in Czechoslovakia in the mid 80s. They do come up from time to time - in fact Noirpunk on here got offered one for £40 - and refused! Admittedly he was playing out in Hungary & getting it back would probably have been a pain. I do have a bit of GAS for one of these - hopefully I'll find one nearer to £40 than the £360 BIN the guy's after for this one. And looking at the action, I can't help thinking it would be more of a wall-hanger than a player... :ph34r: J.
  16. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='274249' date='Sep 1 2008, 09:23 AM']Just how crooked is that bridge? It slants at about 5 degrees to the left - I wonder what that does for intonation. [/quote] Very observant, Mr Jack! But considering how, err - [i]limited[/i] - the original Rickenbacker bridge design is, it's probably an improvement! Easy enough to fill & re-drill the holes & straighten it up - but that really is a bit dodgy. J.
  17. A through-neck Fireglo no-brand, courtesy of the reliable Mr Ashdigits: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=140262912886"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=140262912886[/url] And I'll even forgive him his spurious & gratuitous use of The "I" Word because he says: [quote name='Ashdigits']I was told this was an Ibanez bass but I believe it is a Shaftesbury version[/quote] And when he later says he's tried not to upset anyone with his description - I can't help wondering if he's [i]not[/i] just talking abour RIC / Ebay! Anyhow, since Ash seems to be quite flexible with his best offers, I'd say his BIN of £315 is not unreasonable - he's probably let it go for £270 or so. J.
  18. We might have to change the title of the thread to TallyCrap Spotting: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=260280891144"]Another Melody P copy[/url] Is the light attracting them or what? J.
  19. Thinking about it, McCartoony's bass is one of the 60s Rose-Morris imports, and these pre-date the skunk stripe, so the Fernandes is just being accurate. J.
  20. I'm in a slightly similar situation here - drummer from my band also plays in a traditional celtic/folky band. Quite an interesting setup - guitarist/vocalist, a multi-instrumentalist who plays mandolin, banjo, bouzouki, bodhran & whistle (not at the same time!) and our drummist Mark on his electronic kit. I recorded a demo for them in the spring & ended up putting bass on a few of the songs where it was appropriate - and now they've asked if I'll "stand in" for Mark, while he's away on honeymoon in September & October! How the hell does a bassist stand in for a very versatile drummer playing an electronic kit? Add this to the 56-song set list they've handed me, and panic is just a breath away... Seriously, I honestly don't know what bass will add to their music with no drums - but it will be interesting, I hope. And if not, I'll be getting paid anyway... Jon.
  21. My band plays proggy hard rock - I write all the instrumental aspect of the music so obviously I write bass parts I like to play - but playing bass alone I do like to try & play jazzy stuff, funky stuff & improvise a bit. None of this features in my band's actual compositions, but it's always what comes out when we have a muckabout jam - "Jazz Odyssey" has become a standing in-joke, and one day we [i]will[/i] play an entire gig consisting of just that. Or so we keep saying... My listening habits - or lack of - are making me a bit sad - I really have got to the point where I'm really not listening to recorded music [i]at all[/i], apart from my own stuff while I'm working on it. Bands & artists I love bring out albums & if they're lucky they get a cursory once-through, then put aside until I "have time" to listen properly - which of course I never seem to do. On the other hand, I love live music of all types & genres, as long as it's played with passion or skill - preferably both. Jon.
  22. The only cure for GAS is [i]having them all[/i]. Jon.
  23. [quote name='nick' post='271959' date='Aug 28 2008, 06:58 PM']Nice looking Fernandes 4001S 'Faker',very similar to my Maya with exception of neck pickup & control knobs....but alas in Japan. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Fernandes-Paul-McCartony-model-80-s-Copy-NT_W0QQitemZ300253430578QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item300253430578&_trkparms=72%3A12%7C39%3A1%7C66%3A2%7C65%3A12%7C240%3A1318&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Fernandes-Paul-McCar...id=p3286.c0.m14[/url][/quote] Nice, that. Does yours have the one-piece neck like this one, or skunk stripe? More/better pics on the Japanese dealer's own site: [url="http://www.aquamusic.jp/product/49"]http://www.aquamusic.jp/product/49[/url] No-one seems to know exactly who made Fernandes in the 70s/80s - a cause of some debate in JapCrap circles, some of their original designs are identical to certain importer brands that people have been quibbling over the origin of for ages. Might possibly be Kawai, according to some people. J.
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