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Beer of the Bass

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Everything posted by Beer of the Bass

  1. I wonder if it would be possible to introduce a system where users could sign up to receive email notifications when a thread with certain keywords in the title is posted in the For Sale section? If the forum software could allow for this, it would acheive more or less what the OP is talking about without anyone having to follow arbitrary rules.
  2. It seems weird, but pickups with a break in the coil (i.e reading infinite on the ohm-meter) can still produce a small amount of output sometimes, along with a lot of hum. I think it's due to the capacitance between the windings, where the broken coil behaves like a coil with a capacitor in series, giving an infinite DC resistance reading and a very low output. I have had this happen to a pickup before.
  3. I wonder if this idea might have come about due to the design quirks of guitar amps? On amps which use a Fender or Marshall type tone stack, the midrange control affects the attenuation across all frequencies, not just the midrange, so turning the mid knob up will indeed give you a few dB more gain overall. This might be why the idea that "more mids = more distortion" is specifically a guitarist thing.
  4. I've no BMW experience (my bass is worth several times more than the last car I owned!), but if it's a saloon it can be impossible to get the bass in from the back, though you can usually recline the front seat right back and put the bass upside-down in the passenger seat, with the scroll in the footwell and the heel resting on the seat. You may need to remove the headrest from the passenger seat to do this. If you're renting, almost any hatchback will work - I've had mine in a Ford Ka and a Nissan Micra among others. In some of the tiny cars, getting to the handbrake can be a little awkward if you have the neck between the front seats, but not impossible.
  5. Selmer T&B heads can sound good for bass if you like an old-school sound, so I'd go with that option. Guitar speakers (or even older "bass" speakers) for bass can be risky, especially in an open-backed cab, but if your G12H cab is sealed then you might get away with running bass through it at home volumes if you don't crank it to the point where the speakers start to complain. The safest option would be to get hold of a dedicated bass cabinet and run it with the Selmer, or even from the amp section of the Vox. It needn't be a big cab for home recording, either.
  6. I didn't catch the radio program, but I found a copy of Quirk Out on a record stall a couple of weeks ago, and I'm getting really into it. It's the combination of humour with the more out-there elements that does it for me. Mad stuff!
  7. I voted for the first option, but it should really be "I find that playing music helps me to be a better musician". I started playing guitar at about 8, with classical lessons, then got into electric and double bass in my teens. I've always played some guitar at home, but until recently have only played bass in bands, never guitar. Now that I have a "guitar" band on the go alongside my "bass" projects, I find I'm reasonably competent in various rhythm styles but struggle to come up with leads. This is not really a problem in my band, as we've got trumpet and fiddle players covering a lot of the melody lines, but it might be a by-product of thinking like a bassist. Playing guitar in a band still helps me to develop a feel for band arrangements, and it's interesting hearing what a different bassist does in a band context.
  8. I spotted this on Gumtree, don't have the cash myself but it could be a good deal for someone. I think these are pretty much a Bassman 100 with a different preamp, so would be an excellent bass amp (the speakers, less so). [url="http://www.gumtree.com/p/for-sale/old-fender-p100-pa-system--amplifier-and-two-speakers/108614227"]http://www.gumtree.com/p/for-sale/old-fender-p100-pa-system--amplifier-and-two-speakers/108614227[/url]
  9. [quote name='krispn' timestamp='1344558914' post='1766550'] BotB Did I spot you at the Scottish Indie Music Label Fair last week? I noticed one of your bands CD's for sale at the event. [/quote] That's odd, as we weren't there. I wonder how our CD got there?
  10. Just wondering, were the new ones the same nominal value as the old ones, and did you measure the value of the old ones?
  11. Full album now listenable on our bandcamp page; [url="http://jenthegents.bandcamp.com/"]http://jenthegents.bandcamp.com/[/url]
  12. [quote name='Reissueplayer' timestamp='1344017348' post='1758857'] I got an mb800 from the US quite early on. I managed to switch to the european voltage on my own. But there were no mids in it. I was hoping for some serious punch, but it just wasn't there. I like high power, fast response and clean sounds. The GK was a disppointment, soundwise, but a+ for portability. I just couldn't see me wanting to carry it to a gig. [/quote] I don't know if the voicing is the same across the MB series, but on the MB200 the EQ is closest to flat with the following settings: Contour = Off Treble = 10 o'clock Hi Mid = 2 o'clock Low Mid = 1 o'clock Bass = 10 o'clock I thought my mb200 was a bit mid-shy until I stumbled across this information on Talkbass and tried those settings as a starting point. I find I can get plenty of mids as long as the bass and treble controls are backed off a bit, though with the fixed EQ frequencies it's still possible that they may not be centred where you want them.
  13. For a cheap tele-ish sounding guitar, these are worth a look, typically for about £100; [url="http://www.axlguitars.com/guitars/badwater-eldorado"]http://www.axlguitars.com/guitars/badwater-eldorado[/url] They're either hideously ugly or sort of interesting looking, depending on your taste (or lack of), but they have nice chunky necks and decent sounding alnico pickups. I put a new nut on mine, but that was all it really needed to play well.
  14. I've shared a bill with this band (Kaiho) before - they're quite a fun and quirky band and it'll probably be an enjoyable night. I suspect they got a good deal on the venue as the Wee Red Bar is attached to the Art College and I think most of them are students.
  15. Thanks!. Our drummer does most of the recording and editing, so I'm not certain on the finer details, but the drums, bass, guitars and Jen's vocal were recorded live into Cubase using a Mackie desk/interface (not sure of the model), then we overdubbed the backing vocal and harmonica. The video was captured with a digital SLR on a tripod behind the drummer. The bass was recorded with an AKG C411 contact mic, as we were getting too much bleed with anything else, with everything being so close together. I don't know what software the drummer used for the video editing though - I'll have to ask him.
  16. They should be a decent quality string, but might or might not be to your taste as I think they're supposed to be a dark sounding string aimed at classical students. They'll probably bow easily but might be quite thumpy sounding pizzicato.
  17. Where is the next Sea Bass Kid gig, out of interest? The place that starts with W?
  18. Unless it's sold as being fitted with a particular brand of string, the strings on cheaper new basses are pretty much placeholders, and it's normal to fit some proper strings before you do any serious playing on it. The stock strings often have solid metal cores which are particularly prone to breakage on a double bass - quality steel core strings will have a braided core.
  19. If you do decide to go for it, there are a couple of ways to improve your chances; if you've got an adjustable bridge, drop it down low and play lightly - you'll lose acoustic projection but you'll be amplified anyway. Secondly, don't be afraid to put dots on the side of your fingerboard - use something removable. Neither of these will do you many favours in the long run, but they'll help you get through the gig.
  20. My band Jen and the Gents, recording in the kitchen. It's live except for the backing vocal and harmonica overdubs. We should really have put those dishes away before setting up the camera. Enjoy! [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7hNkobUxx3g&feature=youtu.be[/media] We also have a new album on the way, which will be on our Bandcamp page...
  21. Memphis precisiony thing in Fife. Cheap fixer-upper for somebody at £45. [url="http://www.gumtree.com/p/for-sale/memphis-bass-guitar/107825869#gallery-item-full-5"]http://www.gumtree.com/p/for-sale/memphis-bass-guitar/107825869#gallery-item-full-5[/url]
  22. Good call on the twisted wires - I'd already wired up the socket to the board with straight parallel wires but might go back and redo them. The power supply board actually has a second screw, hidden from view by the caps. On the smaller board I left myself too little space to get another screw in (I probably should've planned that better!), but it seems firm enough when assembled with locking washers and threadlock. Unfortunately I'm down at the inlaws in sunny Barnsley for most of next week, so I'll have to carry on with it when I get back...
  23. We had this problem last night at a pub gig. The singer booked the gig, then we found out last week that they wanted 3x 45minute sets. We have just enough material for maybe 2 sets. Fortunately, as it was a pub rather than a ticketed gig, there was enough turnover of punters that by the third set, the barman was the only person in the room who'd heard the first set. The landlord seemed happy enough and actually paid us slightly more that we'd agreed (always welcome!). We had a big group of Norwegian army lads (in town for the Tattoo) dancing to the second set, so he was probably pleased with the takings. We might start doing a select few covers to bulk out our pub gig set in future though.
  24. A little more progress in the past couple of days; the tag boards are populated and it's all test-fitted into the case, with the exception of the 3PDT bypass switch, which is in the post. It all seems to fit OK, but I've slipped up slightly as one of the jacks gets in the way when putting on or taking off the valve shield - not a major issue though. It's a tight layout, which may or may not cause problems, but the Real Mctube build from Nachbaur's article was similarly crowded and apparently worked OK. I'm going to used screened cable for most of the audio wiring to be on the safe side. Next will be the hard-wiring and testing...
  25. I really liked TI jazz flats on the last fretless I had. Obviously, they don't have the bright treble of roundwounds, but they're not traditional sounding flatwounds either as they're open sounding and lively in the mids and have good sustain. They felt and sounded sort of like a miniature version of the TI Spirocores I have on my double bass, which is a good thing IMO. They're fairly low tension, but I like that on fretless.
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