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Everything posted by Burns-bass

  1. Lollipop tuners that late is interesting! Looks like a beautiful bass.
  2. On the other hand I had a seller message me and explain why I should only send a bass in a cardboard box which was then covered in bubble wrap and placed inside another, larger box. While the principle is great, the practicalities weren’t. I sent it in a case (to someone else) and it arrived unscathed. Guess 20 years of online sale ma have taught me two things.
  3. I love Richer Sounds. Hands down the best service I’ve ever received in a chain retailer.
  4. It’s a neck through. You can see it in some of the promo images. Personally I really like it, but it’s overpriced for what it is. Anyone stop brave enough to have a crack and build something different deserves our support!
  5. I’m glad to have played a role in this and see that incredible DB stay within the community! (My wife was also thrilled to see it go, but the Bryant remains!) Lovely collection you have there.
  6. There's always something worth seeing there...
  7. I've got a Thomann softcase that I can throw in with this and I can also package it up and send it.
  8. I have several hobbies (cycling, playing music, camping and walking) and the one thing that unifies snobs in everything is that they’re joyless. People who genuinely love what they do will be happy you’re enjoying it too.
  9. Agreed, I like a hard case. The modern US Fender bass cases are fantastic.
  10. Master craftspeople are highly protective of their products and their legacy, and rightly so. I was going to commission a guitar from Kinkade in Bristol. The waiting list is 7 years, and given the age of the maker there's no guarantee it will ever be completed. That's because every build is 100% bespoke and created for the person and the player. I've had Wals and they were OK. They're quirky things that do what they do very well. I can't understand the premium, but I can understand why they're so protective of their IP and legacy. Good luck to them.
  11. I had two Hiwatt DR103s and matching 4x12 cabs (Entwistle phase). Was incredible… but so so so so so so so so so so heavy.
  12. No need to apologise, you got the bass you wanted - all good! I love the look of those, they’re amazing.
  13. The industry standard! Lovely to meet you yesterday. Buy with confidence guys.
  14. People take it personally. I remember being ghosted after going to an audition once. Was pretty horrid experience.
  15. I reckon if I had to choose one single bass do do rock, funk, R&B and pop it would be a Stingray. Thankfully I don’t have to choose and so I don’t currently have one, but do I want one? Yes!!!
  16. Lovely story. I might moan a bit but I have a 66 Jazz that I bought for £2500 after 4 years of saving. Recently valued at £8.5, and won’t ever leave my side. I’ve told my wife I’ll leave details of where to sell it when I die so she doesn’t just donate it to the charity shop and my kids miss out.
  17. Now on EBay, but prefer to sell on BC. I need the space…!!!
  18. They’ve done wonderful things with the money. Apparently Claptons Blackie Strat was borderline unplayable to anyone but him. Does Gilmour sound like himself on a modern Strat? Yep. It’s all in the head.
  19. They weren’t vintage then, just basses. Funny how rock gods like Clapton and Gimlour don’t care too much for their old ones.
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