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Everything posted by lemmywinks

  1. The VM and CV Squiers are touted as the two better ranges, due to components and finishes i think. I have a Standard series Jazz and can't fault it construction wise, it feels much more expensive than it actually is and is exceptionally well put together. The finish is a little thick for my liking but it's a very nice looking bass. I was torn between the Antique Burst and the Walnut Satin, eventually choosing the latter. I don't like the Affinity series as they feel a bit cheaper but they still compete with similarly priced basses. Just not [i][/i]that[i][/i] much cheaper than the Standard. I was also told that the pickups are inferior (i never plugged it in because the Standard felt miles better!)
  2. lemmywinks


    Quick update on the Warwick angled jacks. Got them a few days ago and just fired them up now. I'd be lying if i said they were a revelation compared to my old ones but they sound very clear and seem very robust. The cable is a lot thicker than on cheap moulded leads and the jacks are bulky metal jobbies with a plastic section. The seller also sent me a quid back in the post so they were under £3 each delivered!
  3. [quote name='OldGit' post='369266' date='Jan 3 2009, 02:17 PM']That's in the States, Wayne... They have to pay more for European made stuff .. oh and and Ashdown are probably still trendy and exotic there [/quote] Superflys are chinese made. You could get em for $279 in the USA and a lot of those were faulty examples
  4. Ouch! The going rate for them is indeed about £100 Got mine new for £199 shipped (although it is from a dodgy batch)
  5. [quote name='Hamster' post='368704' date='Jan 2 2009, 06:46 PM']and some 36" scale basschat condoms [/quote]
  6. Got the similar Warwick one. Can't praise it enough, esp. as i got it for £20!
  7. Is the product called "rebelhead450"? If so then you naturally jump to the obvious conclusion. As for the whole iphone thing, i reckon (if it is ashdown and it is a head) it's something along the lines of the superfly, like an amp with a digital programmable front end? Just my uneducated guess! EDIT: There's also some schematic diagrams in there, saw "tuner out" so looks like a head or a pre...
  8. It has made me spend a fortune, but i've got a sliced of that back through selling my old gear! The gear i've got off here has made me sound MILES better though... Also got to try loads of effects for half the new price, some i've kept and some i've passed on at cost for someone else to enjoy My missus hate's it, after all it is the reason she didn't get a holiday in 2008 as promised!
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  10. I would agree that the TP cab might not handle enough power. I have tried the TP and XL 4x10s and the TP flakes out sooner.
  11. That V1004DX and the V1004SP look very nice. In fact, if i see one second hand around £250 i'm gonna bag it!
  12. Have these spare as i've just got a few better quality ones 4 cheapy moulded patch leads, all working (only bought them a month or so ago!) 2 angled jack patch leads with better quality cable, untested but were working Posted free to you after 5th January ALL GONE!
  13. I'll take the explorer one if it doesn't go, i'm in cleveleys so not too far away Ta Steve EDIT: May be a few days before i can get down though
  14. Yeah they were selling classical guitars for £15 a while back with neck faults. I sent them a cheeky message asking what else they had going cheap and the guy was really pleasant, basically said if i had anything in mind then to message him and he'd have a look! Think they've just got some seconds and damaged stock (some cosmetic, some structural), the more desirable stuff is cheap but not bargains He did offer me an all solid classical with cosmetic faults for around £70 though, which was an excellent price as a lot of arias better classicals are actually made in Spain
  15. Can't go wrong with a Little Mark II, i love mine There was on in the for sale section not so long ago for £400 which seems to be the going rate. They're usually well looked after, i got a mint one off here for £390!
  16. [quote name='krazy_olie' post='366740' date='Dec 30 2008, 11:44 PM']Thanks guys, I'm quite liking the look of the Kickback 12, whilst the A100 looks like better value but a bit less portable but I could happily buy it and be in no rush at all to sell my current stuff (though I would eventually have to get round to it). I think I'll be doing some research and taking a trip in to town to check them out. Eden Nemesis combos do look viable if I could get a decent deal.[/quote] There was an Eden combo on here not so long ago IIRC? Don't know if it sold.... One thing about the Hartkes is that they're made in China now and the baffle boards are prone to working loose on the cheaper stuff (well mine are anyways!). My VX cab did it and my A70 does it past 12 o'clock on the volume (it's retired now as it's my bedroom amp so doesn't get anywhere near that). Fixed the VX with a pack of screws (took about 40 mins) and will have to do the same on the combo. The VX was fine afterwards btw. If you were further up north you could have a look at my housemate's kickback 15 he's sellin (it's USA made). He's a lazy sh1t so i've pretty much given up selling his gear for him after he didn't reply to 2 contacts i gave him The A70 has a 12" speaker too, i used it with a 5 string and it was very clear and didn't flake out
  17. Not really a fan of relics, some look ok some don't. If people want them then what's wrong with Fender building them? The only thing which taints the idea is the price, which suggests the target audience for relics (Fender ones anyway) is the born-again middle-aged wannabe rockstar (apologies to all born-again middle-aged rockstars!). I've not seen a working musician playing one but know plenty who have bought the Standard series in the last few years The best bit about wear and tear on an instrument is the fact it's your playing doing it, my old Warwick feels like MY bass cos i've done countless gigs with it. You can't buy that If i wanted a relic bass i'd get a highway one and sell the case! Two months later, bob's your uncle!
  18. Eden do some very capable combos. I've done small gigs in the past with a Hartke A70, they also do an A100 and the 120w kickbacks, all go for small money
  19. [quote name='Delberthot' post='366354' date='Dec 30 2008, 04:13 PM']I'm not entirely sure that it will be loud enough for my pub band with no PA support so may look into getting another efficient cab like my Schroeder 1212L but with more drivers to push more air.[/quote] Do you use the stand when you don't go through the PA? I have the same stand (and a very similar rig) and i only use the stand when i play much bigger gigs when the amp is purely for backline. I lost volume and tone as soon as i lifted the Schroeder off the floor. However, standing it on it's side i've played gigs without going through the PA and it's been plenty loud enough. That's with the world's loudest drummer too!
  20. Looks strange, some parts look nearly finished (general shaping and routing). Then you look at the neck and it looks like he's been hacking at it with meat cleaver!
  21. All gone apart from the VX cab which is going out on loan to myth_ste for a while, pm if interested! Cheers Steve
  22. Ok, here's my Zoot Deluxe Custom bought earlier this year. Followed by my Warmoth Fretless Then my old faithful Warwick Corvette Ash Standard And finally my Squier Standard Jazz, which is yours for £130 inc. case!
  23. Not really up on USA Fender prices. Does this mean a jazz will be about £800? Can't you get a Shuker for under £700? Bet they'll still sell loads though. . . . .
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