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Everything posted by tayste_2000

  1. [quote name='Hamster' post='13021' date='Jun 6 2007, 01:42 PM']Thanks for all comments - I'm going to look out for a DT-10 as it has the most thumbs up. Hamster[/quote] Get the DT-10BK cos it has cool blue led's
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  3. [quote name='bassbluestew' post='9215' date='May 30 2007, 02:13 PM']Both Easyjet and Ryanair have so far failed to destroy it, and when they do, SKB will replace it free of charge !![/quote] That is really saying something
  4. Option 3 seems like the best option. Option 2 means you have to turn 2 pedals on to get your fuzz sound. But I still want Option 1
  5. Ok, so I have schematic being drawn up and I have a manufacturer for it so I just want to do some market research. So here are the options for the pedal/s The smallest box available [url="http://farm1.static.flickr.com/230/511937211_66b19c596d.jpg"]here[/url] in this size with no led or footswitch, won't take a battery will have input, output, power in and a knob to control the impedance, it will be this small and won't have a switch or an led as it will always be on and be the sort of thing that takes up little or no board space or fits under a pedaltrain type board. Same box as above with an led and a footswitch so you can turn the impedance buffer off and make your fuzz sound gated and crap again again. Single TB type loop in the standard MXR sized Hammond enclosure with led, to show when the loop is activated, footswitch to turn the loop on and therefore the buffer and you just have your fuzz inside the buffered loop. this case would be able to take a battery. Personally I lean towards the first one, buffers don't really affect other effects so why not leave it on. But yeah so I want to know who would be interested in buying one and what model they would want. Else it will be another custom jobby for me and exactly what I want and no one else will be able to get one so please speak up if you are interested. Cheers
  6. I will have a schematic soon for a Variable Impedance Buffer. Just need to find someone to build it.
  7. [quote name='Waldo' post='12570' date='Jun 5 2007, 03:58 PM']Yeah that's what I meant, I know you have that fancy Barge Concepts thingy [/quote] Every one should just get one, you're probably gonna get a blender anyway. Doubles all your effects up.
  8. [quote name='Waldo' post='12491' date='Jun 5 2007, 01:55 PM']Well it would seem that there currently isn't a way to do what you're asking, short of making your bass passive which is a very silly idea if you ask me.[/quote] I have an impedance buffer You can get them, they are custom jobbies and they are expensive, but you can do exactly what he's saying but that's only because I told him about them. There just isn't any one that makes an impedance buffer as a standalone box........ yet but I'm working on that.
  9. [quote name='velvetkevorkian' post='12542' date='Jun 5 2007, 03:09 PM']Why do you tune differently live and in the studio?[/quote] Because the producer makes the singer sing everything as high as humanly possibly which live just isn't realistic night after night. Also makes it sound heavier live.
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  13. I've owned: Korg DT-10 Peterson Strobe O Stomp Boss TU-2 Boss TU-12 Planet Waves Pedal Tuner Korg DTR2000 (Rackmount) And various multi effects. I have been able to directly compare the Planet Waves, Boss, Korg and Strobe O Stomp. Firstly the worst of the bunch is the Planet Waves, whatever the specs say it is not as accurate as the Boss or Korg and the buffer in it causes some weird squeal when placed in an effects chain while muting and tuning. Next the boss, the industry standard, great pedal, easy to see, does it's job and built like a tank. It's a good pedal and if I was in a band that only used Boss tuners I would pick one up. The Korg DT-10 is a great tuner and more accurate than the Boss and the Planet waves, again built like a brick and looks fantastic in the new blue and black setup. I tuned with this and then the strobe o stomp and the differences were very very minimal, whereas the planet waves was way out . The Strobe O Stomp, the best, the most accurate and the most expensive. To me I feel it's worth the money as I also like the idea of having a DI as a backup. This pedal I A/B'ed against the Rackmount DTR2000 and it is more accurate than it, which is good because it's much cheaper in that respect. So yeah those are rough summaries, if there is anything specific you want to know just ask. Cheers
  14. Yeah the Tone Factor one is a very nice sounding tremelo, very vintage and organic. Currently due to not owning one I don't know how well it will work on bass as it's has a Jfet input buffer and the headroom isn't huge on it I'm told. I'm not saying it won't work but I'm also not saying it will
  15. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='12459' date='Jun 5 2007, 01:24 PM']Agreed. I ended up using one of the small Velcro pads stuck on my bass near the jack socket. No problems any more. I also use a small rubber band around the transmitter to stop the battery cover coming off.[/quote] I covered it up with electricians tape but I can't see the light now. In terms of velcro on the bass I just didn't want to stick it to all my basses that I might use. But they do sound great
  16. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='12450' date='Jun 5 2007, 01:16 PM']Ive been using a AKG GuitarBug for about a year now and it works great with my Lakland 55-01. Even low B sounds clear. There is a tone change from using a cable but its not noticeable at gigs and i have EQ to help if i need it. The lows are boosted a bit and also the top end but thats correctable with EQ. I can say that ive never had a drop out or interference with it in almost 50 gigs but i dont wander too far from the stage. I did notice recently when i had my ear close up to the tweeter in my cab that there is extra hiss but again, i have not heard it from a standing position. Also this was when i was trying out my GK head with the highs turned up a bit. The only downside i can see is that its only one channel and i have had to turn it off at two gigs otherwise it clashed with the DJ's mic. And all for £99[/quote] I to have 1 of these units and while the sound is excellent, if you are going to be running around stage like a nutter you might want to get something else, the amount of times the battery compartment has flown apart, or the bug it's self has decided to jump out of my guitar. They are good units for a very low cost price, but after a while the build quality really shows, especially when you put strain on the jack when you pull it out. I've had mine for near 2 years and it still functions perfectly well but it's in my backup bass off stage to make bass changes quicker and I don't do lots of crazy stuff with it. Cheers
  17. I can't believe people in Buxton are inbred, not with all them sheep around to distract them But yeah Buxton is very close to Manchester but the A6 is a horrible road to get into Manchester on The 192 inspires me to drive
  18. DGCF or ADGCF depending if I'm using a 4 or 5 string. In the studio though it's EADG and BEADG 3 of my 4 strings have drop tuners so I can drop to D or C depending on if they are down a tone or in standard Cheers
  19. [quote name='presoulnation' post='12382' date='Jun 5 2007, 10:58 AM']I have always been curious about Overwater stuff. A mate of mine was offered an endorsement with them a while back and I have always liked the look of the Progress. Just never had chance to play one![/quote] I live in Stockport mate so if you ever want to pop round and try my Evolution you're more than welcome to. And the Valenti's as well
  20. [quote name='dood' post='12009' date='Jun 4 2007, 07:21 PM']There's another reason why wireless systems *can* sound a bit rubbish, especially in the bargain basement types. (in comparison to a good cable). They use a technique called 'companding' to help get a good strong signal from the transmitter to the receiver. This means , that the signal is compressed by the transmitter (yup, like a normal compressor pedal for example) then the signal is shoved out the aerial. When the receiver picks up the signal, an 'expander' err 'uncompresses' the signal, in an effort to make it sound the same as the signal being fed into the transmitter. There are many reasons why this can be a bit hit and miss. Everything from quality of components, to just limitations in compreession/expansion can have an effect. There are good systems out there. There are also some pretty grim ones too. the choice seems to get lower if you use a B string.. and you may as well give up on em if you have an F# string lol lol!![/quote] FYI the new X2 doesn't have any companding in it so you might want to look into that mate especially with the 15hz freq response. I also added ya just now on myspace.
  21. [quote name='joegarcia' post='11882' date='Jun 4 2007, 03:26 PM']Would this help or make it worse? [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/New-MI-Audio-Boost-N-Buff-Treble-Booster-Buffer-Pedal_W0QQitemZ190119201977QQihZ009QQcategoryZ41416QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/New-MI-Audio-Boost-N...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url][/quote] Worse I've tried someone else about making one and they've said no. Everyone keep recommending Monkey Fx but I've approached him like 2-3 times in the past and never even gotten a response. I'll speak to another friend tonight and see if i can at least get schematic then maybe even Higgie can knock one up. On a similar note Toasted did you get the specs and information about what we've been discussing, I know it was in like technical code but I'm sure some one can decode it. Also 5k to 25k is ideal, allows you to get some gating if you want
  22. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='11756' date='Jun 4 2007, 11:55 AM']There are digital wireless systems now available such as [url="http://www.basscentral.com/2003/x2wireless.shtml"]this[/url] one that claim to be colourless.[/quote] Yeah thats the X2 I put in my list. They are getting rave reviews in America
  23. [quote name='Tinman' post='11761' date='Jun 4 2007, 12:05 PM']Thanks guys I think I bought this unit in ignorance really. Tayste: when you say the X2 can be imported, I take it that the frequencies used are legal in the UK. Failing that I'll look at AKG perhaps. Cheers Pete[/quote] Nope not legal, but who ever cared about that
  24. I sent you a PM about this but will also include my view here. The main problem with the Freeport is it has a frequency cut off of 100hz whereas the Low E on bass has a fundamental of 50hz. AKG do various systems and even their cheapest ones go down to 35hz which is ideal for bass. X-Wire do the X2 which you can import and that goes to 15hz and is fantastic sounding. The high end Shure units go to about 30hz but they are like £400+ Also check out Audio Technica and Sennheiser. But generally with exception of the X2 you'll always notice a difference in tone, but it should only be different not bad. Hope this helps
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